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Ok, understood.  Out!


BTW,, I see you are a  Ham operator.  Been trying to get my Tech license cant seem to find a local class to help with the math.  Almost impossible to find one.  I see you are in South Florida and do not expect you to know the NYC/LI area.  BUT, maybe there is a directory you know of.  Thanks in advance.


hamexam.org is helpful, there is also other online study guides, you could also test a small electrical circuit with a DMM to follow the math in real world. The test is easy all the way to General, study for both and take both if you pass the tech exam, don't stop till you have the ticket you want.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/11/2016 at 8:07 PM, bud said:

Ok, understood.  Out!


BTW,, I see you are a  Ham operator.  Been trying to get my Tech license cant seem to find a local class to help with the math.  Almost impossible to find one.  I see you are in South Florida and do not expect you to know the NYC/LI area.  BUT, maybe there is a directory you know of.  Thanks in advance.


Bud, i just took the Technician test last week and there were only two impedance calculations on my version of the test.  Very, very basic math.  And if that still gives you fits, you might be better off memorizing the answers for the handful of math questions from the 400 questions in the current bank of test questions.

  On 1/11/2016 at 8:07 PM, bud said:

Ok, understood.  Out!


BTW,, I see you are a  Ham operator.  Been trying to get my Tech license cant seem to find a local class to help with the math.  Almost impossible to find one.  I see you are in South Florida and do not expect you to know the NYC/LI area.  BUT, maybe there is a directory you know of.  Thanks in advance.

Bud here's a site that my help - it's a 6 an a half hour youtube instruction course for Tech Lic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPyidvTGJ9Y.


The review for the GMRS-V1 has since then been pulled off of the site and all traces of its existence have disappeared. But I think the cat is out of the bag that there will be a part95 certified uv-82.

  • 1 month later...
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:51 PM, bud said:

How does one sign up for the Tech Exam?  I am in the NYC / Long Island area

Most amateur radio clubs can steer you to classes and testing. Many offer either or both as part of their club programs. My club up here in Fulton County has a testing session every month prior to our regular meeting.


Most clubs have a web presence so you should be able to easily find one or more near you with a simple google or yahoo search.

  On 3/23/2016 at 4:30 PM, SteveC7010 said:

Most amateur radio clubs can steer you to classes and testing. Many offer either or both as part of their club programs. My club up here in Fulton County has a testing session every month prior to our regular meeting.


Most clubs have a web presence so you should be able to easily find one or more near you with a simple google or yahoo search.

Anyone know of any ham clubs in alaska or where to get tech License


Google can be your best friend. Go here to find information on your local ham club and license testing: http://www.kl7kc.com/

The next AARC club meeting will be Friday April 1, 2016. The next license test session will be Saturday April 2, 2016.


  • 1 month later...

The Baofeng radios are considered ham radios.  The UV-82C is a Part 90 certified radio.  The certification is for commercial use on frequencies that require that certification (won't cause interference).  True GMRS radios fall under Part 95 certification.  From what I've heard, the FCC will not be granting Part 95 certifications on any multi-purpose radios, i.e., can be programmed for non-Part 95 use. 

Anytone tried to come out with one that was Part 90, and Part 95 certified on both GMRS and MURS.  It's certifications were called into question and it was yanked from Amazon and is not currently available for sale from anytonetech.com (same people behind baofengtech.com) pending clarification of the certification.


It is unlikely that Baofeng will release a Part 95 certified radio unless the FCC lightens up on its requirements.


Anyone who says any Baofeng, even the UV-82C can legally transmit on GMRS is wrong.


Back to the OP. I own 4 Baofeng radios and they are for the most part junk and unreliable. You will read reviews on Amazon by ham radio operators that love the Baofeng with the always present caveat of "For the price..." Each BF radio I own has a quality control issue. If they were able to consistently provide excellent quality control these would be solid radios. If you are looking to buy one just to play around these are fine. If you are looking for a serious radio that is dependable stay away from Baofeng completely. If your life were to depend on radio communications you do not want to depend on a Baofeng! Spend the money and buy a quality radio.


I have 5 and i have no issues with the quality of my UV5R's. 


This brings me to something that i have noticed over the many many years.  I have NEVER heard of anyone talk about its "application",  or reasoning for wanting to get what they are looking at?  What in the world do you the end user want to do and what do you NEED to do? how far do you need to be talking? this means "you" and in the general sense pertaining to anyone looking to buy these.


I could very easily spend well over $1,000 bucks on a ham multi band base unit in the 15, 10, 6 meter bands if i were "INTERESTED" in talking all over the friggin world.  I'm not the least bit interested so dont rightly care and therefor having a radio that costs a total of 65 bucks for HT and Antenna is perfect when i can meet my needs talking 25 miles. Yet we as people tend to have our own biases and prejudices about things we like and dont like and tend to force these upon others whether we realize it or not.


I dont view mine as JUNK but see it as a "application specific" unit.  in this sense its not junk at all but a highly useful tool that says "why spend $250 to $400" bucks on a major leading brand radios to do the same thing you can get out of that 40 dollar unit?  And if i destroy it, drive over it, drop in inside a water tank, burn it up in a wildland fire or what have you i'm not out $250 -$1200 bucks (like a bendix king).  The cheaper radio's have their place and i personally feel its best left to the end user/purchaser to best decide that aspect.  I feel we can be better help people by simply asking them what it is they would like to do...first, before we start recommending or giving opinions. Most come here seeking advice or information because they simply dont want to spend more money on something than they have to, or they want to know something they are interested in for "their application" will work.


So from me, i don't consider them junk. To me, now,  a 4 watt CB is the most worthless JUNK on the planet and an absolute waste of money and time to even consider purchasing.... so its all subjective and relative to one and only one constant that will NEVER EVER CHANGE....US individuals and OUR Personal Desire and interest!


I also own a Uv5r and it is 4yrs old, it has been submerged in water dropped and run over by a truck, has had antennas broken off and left in the sun for hours. Still works perfectly. I have a friend who also has one, his was flooded by water running down the feedline, still works like new. Output power matches original test no splatter on adjacent channels. just a few days ago, it was dropped at a shell station, we went back and found the 50 dollar BF radio, If it was gone, I have a drawer full of replacements. I can not be trusted with a 400 or 500 dollar HT, some of my friends are even worse. I see no quality issues with BF, just the lack of certification.

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