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Well, after 3 years without a CB radio, I bought a new unit. It's a Cobra 75 All Road.


I haven't been following CB, but i do know the FCC rule changes about a year ago now allow FM use. I have been curious about it, especially knowing how well FM works on 29 MHz. I had a customer tell me they were interested in this radio, asked if I had an opinion about it and asked if I would install it for them. So, I bought one to check it out.


I have to say, it's a little weird running a "stock" CB... but so far, I like it. It's just AM/FM with weather channels, but the transceiver is remote and the controls are in the mic (a familiar setup). BUT, the mic and all the controls are done wirelessly. The mic plugs into any USB port you have, or comes with a power outlet adapter. The mic works over Bluetooth so well, that I had the transceiver in my Jeep, but tested the mic range in my son's Jeep. It works about 30 feet away, which was awesome. 


I haven't chatted with anyone yet, but I was listening to AM Skip from all over the country. The receiver sensitivity seems real good so far.  I am going to ask a friend of mine with an FM CB to help me do some range testing. I'll follow up soon and share the results. 






I got to do a range test today and I am very impressed. In an area I typically get about 5 miles of simplex range with a 50w VHF or UHF radio (Ham and GMRS) I was able to have a conversation at 14 miles apart, while moving. 


One of my friends who also has a good AM/FM CB and a good antenna setup were able to run a test while driving in Norther Virginia. I have to say, 14 miles for both AM and FM is fantastic around hear.


The furthest I have ever talked on a CB on the local level was 26 miles, using a 104" (1/4 wave) steel whip antenna and 12.5w peak. 


This 14 mile contact was using 3.5w and a 86" Diamond HF10CL antenna, which isn't as good of a performer as a 1/4 wave would be... but it's pretty darn good. Much better than if I tried a 3 foot or 4 foot Firestik, I'm sure.


This radio seems like a win for a compact FM CB. 

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  On 8/14/2023 at 9:26 PM, marcspaz said:


I put this radio on a watt meter and dummy load today.  I was surprised to see it actually has 3.5w of output.  Most CB radios I have tested over the years have been 2.5w or less.


With my K40 on my Pickup I think I am seeing between 3.4 and 3.7 with my Cobra 29 LTD Nightwatch depending on the selected channel, and my Firestik II antenna on my Jeep with my Cobra 19 DX III is seeing about 2.8 to 3.1 depending on the selected channel.  The power levels were checked with the engine running. 

I'm still waiting to come across someone with a FM CB Radio so I can see how FM 29 LTD performs.


I just installed a Cobra 75 All Road in my SUV. I like it! I bought the BlueParrott B450-XT headset to go with it. I set the BlueParrott button to be the PTT for the Cobra and it works great. Audio from the Cobra using the BlueParrott mic sounds almost exactly the same as using the Cobra mic. Now I can use the Cobra without having to pick up the mic, and a big bonus is that there is no need for an external speaker. It works great. 

  • 1 month later...

After reading all these post, Im starting to miss my Cobra 29 radio. I even had fun with the PA function on it. I need to get a cb radio. I will get one that has the PA function on it for sure. Its easier for other drivers to hear you telling what the did wrong and how stupid it was with the PA then just me yelling😁

  On 5/7/2024 at 7:11 PM, n2877 said:

 Its easier for other drivers to hear you telling what the did wrong and how stupid it was with the PA then just me yelling😁


Always fun to yell out the old "Mr. Microphone" tagline - "Hey good lookin', we'll be back to pick up up later!" or the Elwood Blues line "You, on the motorcycle"


I recently replaced my aging 1977 Montgomery Ward 702 base station with a Radioddity CB-500. Let me tell you... for a compact little $89 radio it's an excellent bang for the buck! AM/FM, 10 and 11 meter capable (by moving a jumper), NRC, echo, talkback, ctcss/dcs, weather channels, hi/low power, 7 color display, etc etc. It's basically a rebranded  AnyTone AT-500M II. I don't think you'll find better radios for the size and price honestly.


Waffled between this radio and the Radioddity CS47.  Ended up with the Radioddity to save money.  It is...ok.  Hindsight would have preferred the Cobra.

That said, I've taken my CB out of the car anyway.  Some of these illegal overpowered radio guys left channel 6 that they normally populate, and have taken over channel 19.  There's almost zero local chatter anymore because few people have the ability to break in over those guys.


Yeah I have a small CB in my Ranger, all I get its the illegal overpowered crap Its all over the band.. In in central TX and hear Florida, Detroit, somebody up in New England, a couple in Colorado all come in like they are next door.   That's kinda why I went to GMRS


That's part of the fun. When the band is open a lot of us enjoy "shooting skip". It really has nothing to do with overpowered stations. I mean they do exist, but due to atmospheric conditions you'll even hear people on stock radios as well from all over the country and/or world that sound like they are next door. Luckily (or sadly depending on how you look at it) it doesn't last forever. Generally 11 year cycles, then the CB will be mostly dead silent again until the next solar cycle.

  On 5/29/2024 at 2:29 PM, warthog74 said:

That's part of the fun. When the band is open a lot of us enjoy "shooting skip". It really has nothing to do with overpowered stations. I mean they do exist, but due to atmospheric conditions you'll even hear people on stock radios as well from all over the country and/or world that sound like they are next door. Luckily (or sadly depending on how you look at it) it doesn't last forever. Generally 11 year cycles, then the CB will be mostly dead silent again until the next solar cycle.


I wouldn't have an issue with it if they would have stayed on specific channels like 6 where that normally is done.  But they're taking over all the frequencies now, and the most annoying one is 19 where local chatter should be done.  Plus a lot of these guys bleed onto neighboring frequencies on top of it.  Reading through difference forums or websites a lot of people feel the same to the point they don't even use their CB much anymore.  Who wants to listen to Mud Duck for an entire road trip?

  On 5/30/2024 at 6:25 PM, AmanGMRS said:

Who wants to listen to Mud Duck for an entire road trip?



So much truth.  While I have a CB it is performs very well, I only hook it up if I need to use it with the occasional person I'm wheeling with who doesn't have FRS or GMRS.

  On 5/30/2024 at 8:18 PM, marcspaz said:


So much truth.  While I have a CB it is performs very well, I only hook it up if I need to use it with the occasional person I'm wheeling with who doesn't have FRS or GMRS.


I just dole out one of my LXT600 F/GMRS HT's and tell them stay on Channel 8 FRS, I'll relay if you need something from farther up or down the trail...  I still have the ancient Travel CB I got years back, and an older, tweaked Cobra 29, but that has sat so long, no idea if it'd even fire up, much less transmit.

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