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25 minutes ago, BoxCar said:

What radio? It would help everyone if you told us the radio, model, and if you have the programming cable needed.

Sorry. So I  have a Boafeng GM 15-pro. As far as the cable, I don’t have it. I’m new to the GMRS radios. I have no experience. 


2 hours ago, alejandro30348 said:

Can someone help me programming my GMrS radio on a repeater. I’m having trouble. 

First, make sure you select a repeater channel. They already have the correct frequencies programmed in. 
Then set the transmit tone to whatever the repeater expects to receive. 
At first leave the receive tone out (or set it to TONE, rather than T-SQL. 

Then push the PTT button and identify yourself and ask if anyone can hear you. 
Welcome to the forum Alejandro. 


I have put a request in to use some repeaters in Southwest PA. 2 I have had approval. The third I have not and of course it is the one that I could use locally. I also have not had a denial. The repeater is WN2XFO. If this is a private repeater and the one being discussed, then I expect I may not get an answer on my request. Does anyone know if this is the repeater being discussed?

34 minutes ago, SONOGUY said:

Is it permissible to use the repeater with pending approval since it is an open repeater?

Open usually means "open to use", so it should be fine to use.  If it's not, the worst that will happen is the owner or someone that thinks they are in charge will ask/tell you to stop using it.


Welcome Alejandro.

I have the same radio and use this cable to program with a computer: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V4D6F5F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1.  The software is the one used for the Radioddity GM-30.  You can find it on this page: https://www.radioddity.com/pages/radioddity-download.

You can program manually off the screen, but I've found the computer to make life much easier.


You can do this manually on the GM-15 Pro for that PA repeater.  Not sure what repeater Alejandro is working with, so the values will probably differ.

WN2XFO should be repeater channel #8 on your radio.  It will specifically show as "RPT-8" in memory location 030.  Go there, hit the menu button, find the "Rx CTCSS" and "Tx CTCSS" values in locations 10 and 12 respectively.  Set them both to 107.2.

Get out of the menu and back to channel RPT-8.  Hit the PTT button, put out your call sign and ask for a radio check.  If you're set up correctly and someone is listening you might get a response.  If you're set up correctly but no one is responding, you will hear a hiss from the repeater after you release the PTT button.  This means you've connected to the repeater and all is well.  The repeater may also also transmit an ID, sometimes in Morse code.

This all assumes you are close enough to "hit" the repeater.

40 minutes ago, SONOGUY said:

I am trying to hit the repeater WN2XfO and have used the settings listed but do not get a hiss after releasing PTT. Can this mean I am connected but no one is responding or I am too far from the repeater also?

Without more details it’s hard to know. 
Is the radio you’re using capable of transmitting on a ham radio frequency?  WN2FXO is not a GMRS call sign, so it might be a ham radio repeater. 
What radio are you using?

What frequency is the repeater?

Are you on a repeater channel or do you have automatic frequency offsets enabled?

Are you able to receive the repeater?  I always recommend leaving the receive tone out so you hear all traffic. 


I got the repeater from MYGMRS.com under the repeaters tab.

Open System
462.725 MHz
107.2 Hz
Input Tone
107.2 Hz
Output Tone
35 Miles
Range (Estimate)months ago
So I assume it's a GMRS repeater,  but I don't know how I would know the diff. Newbie here, so what I don't know is so much more than what I do.
53 minutes ago, SONOGUY said:

I got the repeater from MYGMRS.com under the repeaters tab.

Open System
462.725 MHz
107.2 Hz
Input Tone
107.2 Hz
Output Tone
35 Miles
Range (Estimate)months ago
So I assume it's a GMRS repeater,  but I don't know how I would know the diff. Newbie here, so what I don't know is so much more than what I do.

Yup, that’s a GMRS repeater, but the call sign isn’t. 
First, make sure you are using a repeater channel on your radio. The repeater channels automatically incorporate the 5 MHz offset. Because the repeater transmits on 462.725 MHz, you must transmit to it on 467.725 MHz. Selecting the repeater channel will do that automatically. 
Next, just put the tone in for transmitting, not receiving. That way you’ll hear everything on 462.725 MHz. 
Get closer to the repeater if necessary. 
Also, don’t count on hearing something after you transmit. That’s optional and not all repeater owners turn it on. 

48 minutes ago, SONOGUY said:

Does the offset need to be put in. I don't see one listed. But I was told it is 5mhz. Would that be 000.500 with the shift d + ?


No.  000.500 is1/2MHz = 500KHz.   You need 005.000 (5 before decimal)

45 minutes ago, WRXB215 said:

GMRS repeater offset is always +5MHz.

Yes, but look again at what he wrote.

16 hours ago, SONOGUY said:

I am trying to hit the repeater WN2XfO and have used the settings listed but do not get a hiss after releasing PTT. Can this mean I am connected but no one is responding or I am too far from the repeater also?

That repeater is about 10 miles from me and I have never been able to hit it (he is the same guy running the DMR gmrs repeater, that I also have never been able to hit). BTW, mine is the Observatory Hill repeater just west of that WN2XFO repeater


I think I am on the fringe of distance. I tried the Observatory Hill repeater too, but no luck. Will keep trying. I have another antenna to try also. Maybe that will help. Southwest PA Is a bit hilly. I live at the top of a hill , so maybe I will get lucky. Nice to have Ma pool of knowledge from which to draw here. Much obliged.

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