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Vxr7000 programming



Can anyone help with some info on how to get vxr7000 programmed , dont know what im missing in software but i get data error when writing to unit , i see alot of old info on web but nothing so far 

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2 hours ago, WQBU369 said:

Can anyone help with some info on how to get vxr7000 programmed , dont know what im missing in software but i get data error when writing to unit , i see alot of old info on web but nothing so far 

Are you able to read data from the radio? (rule out something like the wrong com port or bad com port drivers) If so, a few things to keep in mind on the VXR-7000

1st) If you can read the radio and it shows Rx Freq in the 150-170MHz range, you have the VHF version and not the UHF version of the repeater and won't work on GMRS.

2nd) Modify the program startup for dealer mode by adding a -d to the end of the program to enable dealer mode (ie "C:\Vertex Standard\CE27 for Windows\CE27Win.exe" -d"). This will allow you to change the CW-ID of the repeater if you are going to use it.

3rd) Most GMRS repeaters run in wide band. Due to FCC narrow band mandates after 2003 the software forces you into narrowband (you will get a warning when starting the software). Change the clock on the PC to 2002 (make sure to disable clock auto set) and you can enable wideband.

Below is a screen shot of one I picked up awhile back and donated. I setup the first 14 channels for every option I though he might need (Channel 1 CTCSS 77, Wideband, Hi Power - Channel 2 same but low power, Channel 3 narrow band, etc). Channel 15 and 16 are on the next channel up and down for testing. Then printed out the config and taped it to the top of the repeater.



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Im able to use -d” option and change from vhf to uhf , the repeater is vxr7000u. When i can send frequencies and everything to radio and then read it back to computer, my issue is when i check the repeater the only thing being displayed and changed is the channel numbers so in other words uf i send 16 channels to repeater all 16 will go in and i can use the up and down button on repeater to scroll through them but nothing displayed on screen as in alpha and even when i grab an ht and key up nothing is heard on repeater so im not sure what im missing , thanks for the help

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41 minutes ago, WQBU369 said:

Im able to use -d” option and change from vhf to uhf , the repeater is vxr7000u. When i can send frequencies and everything to radio and then read it back to computer, my issue is when i check the repeater the only thing being displayed and changed is the channel numbers so in other words uf i send 16 channels to repeater all 16 will go in and i can use the up and down button on repeater to scroll through them but nothing displayed on screen as in alpha and even when i grab an ht and key up nothing is heard on repeater so im not sure what im missing , thanks for the help

The VXR-7000 alpha display just displays the ANI of a radio, if you don't have a radio setup for ANI it's not going to do/display anything except repeater error codes. If you are trying to test it, when trying to key the repeater just look to see if the TX led is lit showing it's transmitting.

When I tested mine without a duplexer I hooked an antenna up to the TX antenna port (didn't want to run the radio TX without an antenna or dummy load) and no antenna on the HT at low power used to test it with and nothing connected to the RX antenna since I was sitting right next to the repeater. I got a killer deal on it ($100) but didn't have tower height or will to run my own repeater so I donated it to a local guy who wanted it that had and existing repeater that needed to be replaced. 

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Yea tried that and no rx red light but very odd that when i write to radio and then read it it shows my frequencies are in it but its just not keying up, did yours show CL ON when you plug in the cable ?

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1 hour ago, WQBU369 said:

Yea tried that and no rx red light but very odd that when i write to radio and then read it it shows my frequencies are in it but its just not keying up, did yours show CL ON when you plug in the cable ?

It showed something, just don't remember what. In doing a quick search on the web, folks say one of the two things fix it.

First, make sure you are using the proper com port. In Windows, bring up device manager with the radio and cable unplugged, expand the "Ports (COM&LPT)" field, plug in the radio and cable and see what com port the cable is using. It should pop up in device manager in real time if installed correctly. You can change the com port in the VXR-7000 software by clicking "File" on the top left of the screen and then configure to match the correct com port.

Second, it's been reported that folks using older versions of the Vertex software have this issue and issues went away with the latest (last) version. In the Vertex software, click on "Help" on the top of the screen and then "About CE-27". Make sure you are using version 1.08. If you not, drop me a note and I'll send you over a copy.

I do believe I had to unplug the programming cable from the repeater after programming for it to work otherwise the radio stayed in programming mode. You might try that as well.

I still have the software and saved config files on my computer from when I set it up last year and going by memory, but good luck!


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Ok appreciate that , im not home now so in the morning ill give it a try but it says v1.08 and comport working , i actually see it upload and down load on pc so i know there’s connection but i dont know if the repeater is supposed to say CLN ON when cable is plugged in , I assume that means cloning on but ill look in morning thanks man 

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This is what i see , like i said it looks like its connected to repeater cause the blue line goes across and says download or upload complete but repeater doesn’t seem to have my frequencies in in it just a channel number 









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Yes , it displays the cln on while the cable is plugged in , i can read and write the channel numbers and when i unplug the cable and restart repeater i then can scroll through channels with the channel buttons on repeater but when i key up ht to test if frequencies went in the repeater doesn’t rx or tx so im not sure if frequencies actually are in it 

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Yes , im also being told that when its plugged in the repeater should display prg on , my repeater says cln on when cable is plugged in then when im done reading or writing repeater it displays channel numbers as it should so i cant get a clear answer on the cln on or prg on thing 

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I didnt have this much problems with my ericsson drc200 repeater, been up and running for the last 20 years with only 1 power supply change , i was hoping this vxr7000 was gonna be an upgrade but it’s probably something im missing , i have faith   That we will get this with all the input from you guys , thanks everyone 

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OK. I see not issue with your picture. Waht are you missing that you think is wrong ? I guess I'm a bot confused. If you key up on a portable on 467.xxx your busy light should go on (If PL is correct.). When you have RPT button on TX light should light. These are really basic. 



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After looking at the picture of your current configuration, I would suggest you blow everything out of the program and start over. Set up your repeater on channel #1 only and leave everything else blank. This way you won't have any conflicts and you will eliminate the variables. This should get it working for you. Once you get it working you can slowly add the other channels. Keep it simple.

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Yea i just added all those channels to show you guys that i can add channels but the actual frequency doesnt seem to be going in but when i read repeater it will say its in there 

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8 hours ago, WQBU369 said:

Yea i just added all those channels to show you guys that i can add channels but the actual frequency doesnt seem to be going in but when i read repeater it will say its in there 

If you are reading those frequencies from the radio - they are in the radio. The LCD panel DOES NOT show the frequency the repeater is on (just the channel number) and without the software there really is no way to know what frequency the channel number is programmed for.

The software appears to be working fine by looking at your screenshot. If it wasn't communicating with the radio, the "Band", "Serial No" and "FW Version" would not be populated correctly but yours are. The repeater has 16 channels - however once programmed the channel buttons on the repeater will only allow you to choose a channel that has been programmed. If you have 3 channels programmed and enabled, you will only have 3 channels on the radio, not 16.

My guess is that the repeater itself isn't working correctly. The last guy I helped with a VXR-7000 in this forum could program the repeater fine but it didn't appear to transmit. When he sent me a screen shot of the back of the radio I saw the problem instantly. Somebody tried jamming a SO-239 connector into the Type-N connector on the radio and the center pin of the connector on the radio was destroyed. 

One other thing that just came to mind - does your repeater have the built in duplexer option? If it does and it's not tuned correctly for GMRS, it isn't going to receive anything. Try pulling the duplexer and see if it receives then.

Don't go by the software option to see if the duplexer is installed as it means nothing to the repeater - It's basically a optional note field for a tech. You can usually check if it has the internal duplexer by looking for it through the vent holes, remove the cover, if you only have one antenna connection on the back of the radio or if one of the antenna connections is capped off.

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Yes tried with and without duplexer , programmed only one channel , like you pointed out it seems to rake the software programming but it just doesn’t rx , i have no mic for it as i cant see what it tx is actually on , i think that would also help me to see if frequencies are actually going in but it may be time to wrap this unit up and look for another, i will keep you guys posted on any progress here thanks all and keep the ideas coming if possible, thanks 

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Ok so heres the latest , I recently got a mic for the unit just to key up and see if frequencies actually went into repeater, apparently they did so software end of it works so it must be a setting or the repeater is just shot , but it does key up and tx , getting 30 or so into dummy load ,is there setting i should be changing in the common section under hardware or maybe rx adjustment or tx adjustments, thanks guys for the help 

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1 hour ago, WQBU369 said:

Ok so heres the latest , I recently got a mic for the unit just to key up and see if frequencies actually went into repeater, apparently they did so software end of it works so it must be a setting or the repeater is just shot , but it does key up and tx , getting 30 or so into dummy load ,is there setting i should be changing in the common section under hardware or maybe rx adjustment or tx adjustments, thanks guys for the help 

Drop me a PM with your email and I can send you a saved config file of one I did to see if it helps - just make sure you save your existing config first.

You could also have a bad receive board in the repeater itself. You can download the service manual for it from repeater builder. Take a look at page 30 and see if you have proper voltage on the VCV check point on the RX unit. It's there is no voltage, the receive board is dead.

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Ok update , i got software working , got all my frequencies programmed in but now it seems like maybe something wrong with receiver, it puts out around 30 plus watts , maybe my duplexer is shot or bad receiver, anyone know a reliable shop that works on these units ?

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