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Linking GMRS Repeaters

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1 hour ago, WRUQ758 said:

Found this:

§ 90.461 - Direct and remote control of transmitters.

(a) In general. Radio transmitters may be operated and controlled directly (as when the operating position for the transmitter and the transmitter being operated are at the same location), or remotely (as when the transmitter being operated and the position from which it is being operated are at different locations).

(b) Control of transmitters at remote locations. Radio transmitters at remote locations may be operated and controlled through the use of wire line or radio links; or through dial-up circuits, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. Such control links or circuits may be either those of the licensee or they may be provided by common carriers authorized by law to furnish such service.

(c) Dial-up circuits. Dial-up circuits may be provided by wire line telephone companies under appropriate tariffs, and they may be used by licensees for purposes of transmitter control, provided:

(1) The dial-up circuits serve only to link licensed transmitter control points and the transmitters being controlled.

(2) The dial-up circuits are so designed that the transmitters being controlled cannot be operated from any fixed position other than the licensed control points for those transmitters.

(3) Equipment used to provide the transmitter/dial-up-circuit interface is designed to preclude associated mobile units of the licensee from reaching any point(s) served by the wire line telephone facilities other than the control point(s) of the station(s) controlled.

(4) Any direct electrical connection to the telephone network shall comply with applicable tariffs and with part 68 of the Commission's Rules (See § 90.5(j)).

(5) Interconnection, within the meaning of §§ 90.7 and 90.477 through 90.483, may not take place at a control point which connects to its associated transmitter(s) through dial-up circuits; nor may such dial-up transmitter control circuits be used in conjunction with (or shared by) interconnection equipment.

This is for Part 90. GMRS is Part 95. The rules and definitions of terms from one to the next vary, since Part 90 regulates things like public safety and business radio while Part 95 regulates personal radio services.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here in North Georgia we have a 25 linked repeater business. And yes, it has turned into a lucrative business charging almost 100 bucks a year for access for 1 user. On their face book page they have stated that they are operating within the regulations and they are not going to unlink the repeaters until they are forced to.....Interesting that gmrs repeater owners are allowed to use the service for profit.

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6 minutes ago, Herebyproxy said:

Interesting that gmrs repeater owners are allowed to use the service for profit.

My understanding of the regulations leads me to believe that profiting is not allowed. Recuperating costs is though. The cost of establishing and supporting 25 linked repeaters seems like it would be pretty high though. Are you sure they’re taking a profit?  They might just be pouring money back into their network and accumulating some for unforeseen future use. If they’re organized as a non-profit that’s probably what they’re doing. 

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1 hour ago, Herebyproxy said:

Here in North Georgia we have a 25 linked repeater business. And yes, it has turned into a lucrative business charging almost 100 bucks a year for access for 1 user. On their face book page they have stated that they are operating within the regulations and they are not going to unlink the repeaters until they are forced to.....Interesting that gmrs repeater owners are allowed to use the service for profit.

So my question about this system. What could they do if you talk on the North Georgia system if you're not a member. 

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