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2 minutes ago, Lscott said:





Part of the Mi8 linked system.

We're past "Line A", so 2 of the 8 repeater pairs are not available. With 3 being used by high power wide area linked repeaters doesn't leave much left for the little guy.

the question where we live is irrelevant.   These linking people don't have the mindset to follow the rules.    I guess they think, 'there is no traffic in my area so i can break the rules'  Then is turns into a huge chain reaction of which we are into today..  

1 minute ago, WRUE951 said:

These linking people don't have the mindset to follow the rules.    I guess they think, 'there is no traffic in my area so i can break the rules'  Then is turns into a huge chain reaction of which we are into today..  

They should all be in prison!!!!1

1 hour ago, Lscott said:





Part of the Mi8 linked system.

We're past "Line A", so 2 of the 8 repeater pairs are not available. With 3 being used by high power wide area linked repeaters doesn't leave much left for the little guy.

I don't see a lot of overlap here. The "little guy" still has 4 channels or more.




1 hour ago, WRUE951 said:

the question where we live is irrelevant.   These linking people don't have the mindset to follow the rules.    I guess they think, 'there is no traffic in my area so i can break the rules'  Then is turns into a huge chain reaction of which we are into today..  

So you are apparently not a victim. You are just vocal about linking because it offends your "technological sensibilities". The co-channel issue can be mitigated by simple CSQ activity timer on repeater RX and transmitter lock timer out added to the linked repeater. This is a proven technology and done in Part 90.

1 minute ago, OffRoaderX said:

No, i think it offends his autistic OCD anytime someone does not follow all the rules.

Very true. Some cannot tell a white lie to save themselves.

"Everyone in this room is ON THE SPECTRUM and don't kid yourself. .. Paraphrasing Frank Zappa.....

1 hour ago, WRUE951 said:

if you dont think complaints have not been lodged with the FCC in regards to the ongoing illegal repeater linking in the GMRS band,, you are very numb and asleep...  The 'afoot' movement you speak of is defiantly part of the complaint process currently in progress..   I proudly admit, i'm one of those individuals.   The FCC has already allocated space in the frequency spectrum for repeater linking.  I advise you folks to move your operations over to the side of the fence where the practice is legal and also managed by experts and has rules already established.  It's that simple and very easy to 'be happy'  

Oh, I'm wide awake and completely get that it's potentially illegal.  I'm suggesting that perhaps it shouldn't be illegal.

1 hour ago, OffRoaderX said:

No, i think it offends his autistic OCD anytime someone does not follow every.. single..rule..ever..written..anywhere...

Guess what,,  your right..  LMAO.   

1 hour ago, GreggInFL said:

Oh, I'm wide awake and completely get that it's potentially illegal.  I'm suggesting that perhaps it shouldn't be illegal.

Oh, well it's not potentially illegal.  It is!....   Now guess what..  your opinion is like an a-hole.  everyone has one..   Have fun with that     😅

55 minutes ago, AdmiralCochrane said:

Without some kind of repeater coordination like ham does, uncontrolled, unrestricted GMRS repeater linking will eventually become a problem.  The only saving grace is the practical fars.  But once every repeater channel has a linked repeater on a 199 1/2 ft tower ...

Be careful what you wish for.

in some parts of the country, it 'was' already a problem and the problem was spiraling out of control.      

57 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

Can you name those parts of the country, and specify who decided it "was" a problem and spiraling out of control?

lets start with eastern states and a couple mid west states.   Specifically in those parts where you find massive repeaters under a single license.  I'm sure if you looks at the network maps you getter a clear picture.   But know you will find many are dropping of the map recently, meaning problem is disappearing.  Most likely because a 'stern' message obviousley by the FCC was deployed   😅  

39 minutes ago, marcspaz said:

The real answer is no, but I'm sure he'll make some BS up, or tell you to do your own research. Sadly, I will never know his answer, as he is on my ignore list 

Common Moe' don't do that to yourself..   🤣

6 minutes ago, Lscott said:

This raging debate reminds me of the one over the FCC dropping the CW testing requirements for Ham licenses.


The thing I hear the most is "you're not a real Ham if you don't know CW." And my favorite is the guy on the repeater saying "I only operate on CW.", but 10 minutes before that he was (on the repeater) bragging about making 3,000 contacts on FT8 last night. LoL

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