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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should4 points
Approved for Ham & GMRS radios
back4more70 and 2 others reacted to OffRoaderX for a topic
Pure..Gold.... I cant thank you all enough.3 points -
I was kind of on your side but this is headed down the wrong path.3 points
Wow! Hahaha... I have never seen someone publish wrong information, about such a well-known event, so proudly before! This is elementary school level stuff that you got completely wrong. Well, maybe not completely... there was a woman named Rosa Parks and there was a bus evolved. The similarities end there. Then there's the whole point that fighting oppression and hate has NOTHING to do with following the polite rules of society. You are not oppressed because to play nice with everyone on a specific group of frequencies, you have to use a radio you don't want to, even when it's physically identical to the radio you want to use, but with different firmware. Just not making the connection.3 points
People get distracted yacking on their mobile radio too. Sometimes that doesn't end well either.3 points
Approved for Ham & GMRS radios
gortex2 and 2 others reacted to SteveShannon for a topic
Oh please… Such suffering you are enduring. Arguing the use of a “properly configured ham radio” for a service where certification is required doesn’t make technical sense. Being allowed to use a type 95E certified radio as a ham radio makes more sense (and is allowed, but not simultaneously), but still has nothing to do with civil rights and racism.3 points -
151.6250 aka RED DOT
WRUU653 and 2 others reacted to back4more70 for a topic
Agree, but that was 100% on the engineer. He chose to respond.3 points -
Skydiving with GMRS
Over2U and 2 others reacted to back4more70 for a topic
Could it have been FRS channel 10 instead? Hard to say, since both services limit 0.5 watts on that channel.3 points -
Nope, nope, nope, nope I enjoy my QSO's on GMRS, I'm good with those I actually have no interest in conversing with train engineers, boaters, cops, firefighters, etc Maybe in person, not on the radio I'd rather spend my $$$ on radio equipment, not FCC &/or civil fines thank you very much3 points
Skydiving with GMRS
Bisquit4407 and one other reacted to WRUU653 for a topic
Yesterday I picked up and listened to several jumps from a five person skydiving group on GMRS channel 10. They were about 26 miles away give or take a few thousand feet (height is might). My wife and I were able to deduce where they were by the landmarks they were calling out and confirming a skydiving business located near there. One person transmitting and directing the group in turns and formations, calling out altitude. “Jumper 4 you can close in on 3 but don’t pass him” “everyone turn left on my mark 3-2-1” that sort of thing. Some wind noise seeping in to the coms. I was a little surprised I guess something like this was on such an open frequency and not the AM air or a business band. I would guess they had ctcss set to keep outside interference out but I didn’t think to check and I sure wasn’t going to break in for a chat while they’re falling out of the sky. I’ll say it was a bit more entertaining than the kids on the street with their FRS radios. I’d be interested in what others have heard that surprised them.2 points -
GMRS is in the middle of business band, so the technical requirements are identical to Part 90. For example, stability must be 2.5ppm for 25KHz channels and 1.5ppm for 12.5KHz channels. Ham gear does not have such strict requirements. It is only recently (few years) when new ham HTs and mobiles started to satisfy that spec. Majority of older ham gear is drifty. This thread shows quite well, that when "I know what I'm doing" is uttered, it is a very strong signal that person has no clue. :rolleyes2 points
Internet Troll A mythological internet being that lives under an internet bridge. Loves to hunt for innocent netizens. Common tactics: antagonizing other netizens by posting racist or offensive comments, or just plain rants. Weakness: being outwitted or unable to antagonize others The amusing thing is wondering what this pc fella's going to say next. I mean, obviously, we went well beyond a normal thread into the septic tank of the internet on about page three, and here we are on page five with no end in sight. We could all just ignore him, but my God this just keeps getting more entertaining. I feel like I'm playing with one of those Flat Earth folks.1 point
1 point
Skydiving with GMRS
SteveShannon reacted to WRUU653 for a topic
I suppose it could but my thought is that having a radio that could have a mic in a helmet would be more something that you would find with a GMRS but not an absolute for sure. Completely unobstructed line of sight !?! We thought they were at a closer small airport on the first jump but then on the second jump they were talking about lining up with the road near the prison and we pieced together it was the skydiving business in Lompoc which is next to a small airfield near the prison.1 point -
In my entire life, I have never heard anyone equate questionable FCC type-acceptance rules with racist, discriminatory laws designed to humiliate, degrade and marginalize specific racial groups. Until today. Congratulations, pcradio, for achieving a new low.1 point
<Does your Wouxun KG-XS20G+, "a great little 20 watt mobile for $199" have the Reverse feature? How about your KG-1000G+?> Yes, the Wouxun KG-XS20G+ and the KG-1000G+ both have it as an option. <Have you tried programming these reversed 8 GMRS channels into your GMRS-9R? I acknowledge that some manufacturers may prevent this reversed split to be programmed in as well, so I am a bit curious to see if this workaround works on the GMRS-9R.> I was just thinking about your suggestion of adding a couple of "receive only" channels with those repeater inputs on my GMRS-9Rs to see how well that works. Thanks for the suggestions.1 point
Pretty much nothing I've heard over the past 12 years of amateur radio and a couple of years of GMRS would rival a group of falling skydivers!1 point
Skydiving with GMRS
WRUU653 reacted to JB007Rules for a topic
Check this guy out: https://www.youtube.com/@LifeAtTerminalVelocity That's what I thought of after reading this post!! Thanks!1 point -
Just curious, like the OP, why did you pick 151.625 originally to program into your radios? There are various frequency lists posted on the Net for preppers, SHTF, etc, Red Dot & Purple Dot were on the lists Most of my h-t's have the capacity of storing 128 channels, [1] has 199 channels, [1] has 4000 channels, so when I first got into GMRS a few years ago, I went all out [yes, crazy] on programming for every which way I thought that I would need, or might need Now, I've read a lot more [thanks to everyone on mygmrs & radioreference], I'm a little more knowledgeable, & I'm more responsible on what I have in my rigs I do have the NOAA frequencies, & [3] local rail frequencies programmed in, but I make sure that they are on 'NO TRANSMIT' before I unplug the h-t from the pc, let alone before I leave the house1 point
New Wouxun KG-Q10H Quad Band Amateur HT
SteveShannon reacted to tweiss3 for a topic
I just did a 550 mile trip (one way) and had 6m scanning all the time, including calling frequencies and every 6m repeater along the drive. I heard a few IDs, but zero activity sadly.1 point -
Well, it kind of stinks that they put it in the manual and yet it does not function. Quality control is somewhat lacking.... obviously you can't expect much for a $30-$40 radio, right?1 point
It's based on the IC-F21 commercial model, so I'd say it is a robust radio, but not to the tune of $150.00 I lucked into a used one a few months ago for $49.00, I replaced the OEM antenna with another one [the original was starting to deteriorate], I need to get a NiMH battery for it, it came with a 600 mAh Ni-Cad I have a programming cable that fits anther Icom & found the software online, so I reprogrammed it to my preferences, since out-of-the-box, channels 1-8 are repeaters, channels 9-15 are the 462 MHz interstitial, & all channels are set to narrow band, so I tweaked it a bit Programming it with multiple key/PTT presses? No thank you If you're an Icom aficionado, & want a Part 95 h-t, I'd say get one, but I wouldn't pay more than $50.00 max depending on it's condition & what accessories it has, just my .02 cents 731 point
New Wouxun KG-Q10H Quad Band Amateur HT
WRXE944 reacted to SteveShannon for a topic
The Xiegu has a built in microphone as well. And a decent tuner and people making their own firmware! Also, take a look at the Elecraft KX-2. It’s small too, but doesn’t extend to 6m, although maybe transverters are available Edited to correct: the KX2 doesn’t have transverters. Its big (still small) brother, the KX3 covers 160-6 meters and has an available 4 meter or 2 meter transverter.1 point -
FM 11m CB Radios?
Bushwacker reacted to KAF6045 for a topic
A possible second justification for staying on AM would be the reason aircraft use AM. Since there is no equivalent of FM capture effect, a weak emergency call could be heard as background to whatever conversation is taking place (though the idiots running illegal amplifiers and spending 5 minutes just announcing themselves in order to snag a 30 second response from somebody else would never notice).1 point -
FM 11m CB Radios?
Bushwacker reacted to jwilkers for a topic
That's good Sent from my SM-A136U using Tapatalk1 point -
GMRS regulations spreadsheet
Sab02r reacted to davidotoole for a topic
While reviewing the GMRS and FRS rules for my project I made a spreadsheet with all the relevant regulations so that I can see everything at a glance. I thought I would post it here in case anyone finds it useful, although I cannot promise that there are no errors. Perhaps someone knowledgeable could look it over and correct me! If you have time. GMRS and FRS radio regulations matrix (1).xlsx GMRS and FRS radio regulations matrix - Google Sheets.pdf1 point -
GMRS regulations spreadsheet
Sab02r reacted to davidotoole for a topic
Hi everyone, I've updated the spreadsheet (see attachment) with just about everything I've been able to find. I hope you find it useful. gmrs.pdf1 point -
The last rule change by the FCC they just "throw in the towel" in regards to what people were already doing, using those "dual service" FRS/GMRS radios without getting the required license. It was easier for the FCC to make the wide spread illegal practice legal by a rule change. Now they can ignore the issue. I expect at some point the same will be done with the use of Part 90 radios on GMRS. The FCC can't really say with a straight face they are enforcing the rules when they let the practice of using Part 90 equipment on GMRS go on, except were you pointed out, when its in conjunction with other rule violations. As discussed on the forum many times your typical name brand LMR/Part 90 radios meet and or exceed the technical specifications for GMRS. The only element missing is the official blessing by the FCC, certification. I personally expect to see the FCC sooner or later to again to "throw in the towel" on the issue. Likely with language along the lines of if it was certified for Part 90 with no front panel programming, and maybe a cut off date, its good to go, with no ambiguities. I suspect there are a LOT of Part 90 only radios being used everyday with no issues on GMRS. So long as the technical specifications, power - bandwidth - channel frequency - frequency stability - no digital - no encryption/voice scrambling, are met how would would one even know a radio was Part 90 only just from monitoring on the air? If you can't does it even really make any difference?1 point
Rosa Parks did not have permission to sit in the bus's front row seats. Was she wrong to knowingly violate the rules? Had you been there, would you have sided with those against her? Would you have created a Public Service announcement cautioning all the "colored" people like her? Sometimes, a law is so invalid, so egregious, and so unenforceable that it defies logic why it even exits. While using a properly configured Ham radio on 462.550 is less of a moral correction, a correction none the less it is. Thank you GMRS community for your support.0 points