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  1. WRQC527

    Solar eclipse

    This was my McGyver setup. Here in Southern California we got about 70% coverage.
    2 points
  2. Or $$$.. Mananafacturers pushed for FM on cb and digital in the GMRS world. FCC appeased both (especially by limitting digital and giving it at the same time), wonder who got the pay off. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. SteveShannon

    GMRS services

    Go to the section of the forums dedicated to the nets and browse the posts there that mention the mygmrs Net: https://forums.mygmrs.com/forum/19-national-and-regional-gmrs-nets/
    2 points
  4. WRUU653

    Time to get serious

    If I may point out there was no mention of repeaters in @UncleYoda’s post, or demanding repeater owners having to enforce anything. So you are assuming things not said as of yet. Maybe it’s not about you.? What was said rather is that hams and GMRS users must only use their PTT if they are going to be serious. Yeah that’s going to happen. Control issues?Perhaps. Clearly something upset the very serious yoda. But rather than be adult about it and say what it is he has chosen to make demands without explanation. Perhaps this is because he knows this isn’t the place? Who knows. Attacking the forum with insults rather than man up and say what you want to say isn’t what I would call a great approach. Regardless of what this is about there are better ways of communicating than cryptic b.s. demands with insults. Finally an anecdote no one asked for but anyway… I knew a couple that were living in London during WWII and they told me how they couldn’t fit under the bed as they were trying to seek shelter as the bombs were whistling coming in low between the buildings down the street. When the noise stopped that’s when you knew it was about to hit. With the real fear of possible death they found themselves laughing at themselves trying to fit under the bed. Plenty to be serious about in this world but if you are only serious you are missing out. 73’s people
    2 points
  5. Well you’re no fun, lol. I would look at a fender mount or an articulating lip mount for the rear hatch/trunk. Good luck with your install! Sent using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. That right there is a red flag. I've heard reams of nonsense about the FCC being discussed by my ham contemporaries.
    1 point
  7. I don’t see this happening if for no other reason it takes an act of congress to get the FCC to do something.
    1 point
  8. https://www.amazon.com/Universal-Regulated-Switching-Converter-Transformer/dp/B08LDC41B6/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_4_30/135-1923186-9436811?pd_rd_w=Wslc0&content-id=amzn1.sym.7a9b9953-4675-430a-a4f6-ea3f74308c2f&pf_rd_p=7a9b9953-4675-430a-a4f6-ea3f74308c2f&pf_rd_r=60MTN08G2YW0XDCP4PKR&pd_rd_wg=EISxf&pd_rd_r=93bfd9e3-29a5-4b73-af18-62ffd1028969&pd_rd_i=B08LDC41B6&th=1 I have two for my ham radios.
    1 point
  9. Probably won't. I you want digital get an amateur ticket. The way the FCC acts, gmrs is a stepping stone into the amateur world. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Unless the guys discussing it were actually from the FCC, it’s probably speculation. Regardless, I would be against it. There are a whole bunch of unlicensed people out there who enjoy those frequencies for FRS..Taking nearly a third of the available frequencies for digital service would be bad enough; taking nearly two thirds for digital repeater use only leaves the eight channels that are available for analog repeaters now, effectively ruining the entire service for analog users when all those people are displaced from the first 14 channels to the upper 8 (15-23)
    1 point
  11. I think that just because two ham guys were talking about it does not mean it is true or accurate, but assuming it is, just because the FCC is considering it does not mean it will ever happen, and if it does ever happen, it will likely take years before it is approved.
    1 point
  12. Took the RX PL tone out. That's exactly what it was. Appreciate it.
    1 point
  13. Got mine today and plugged it in, nothing. Your post was the first thing that came to my mind. So I checked the DC plugs in my vehicle and nothing. I really dont use them and never realized none of them work. Plugged the radio into another vehicle and it worked just fine.
    1 point
  14. I agree with OffRoader X, GMRS wasn't really intended for casual rag chawing with anyone. GMRS is valuable tool that Allows non-HAMs to communicate with HAMs or with Group that their affiliated with.
    1 point
  15. I scored a Baofeng GT-3WP for $25, normally $31. Is it a great radio? Nope lol, but I wanted one anyway.
    1 point
  16. No, I just know that "some people's" entire hobby revolves around finding strange men talk with, and I think Grindr is a great way for them to do that. I'm just looking out for them.
    1 point
  17. Mine works just like the non-GMRS UV-5R, except with slightly less guilt when I use it on GMRS frequencies. It is 100% the same radio with just different programming.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. MichaelLAX

    Legal radio

    With all due respect, I am not reading 7 pages of posts about what appears to be another example not on point. But remember the aphorism: "Possession is 9/10s of the law!" I bought my AT-779UV and use it as provided by Anytone's software. I am licensed for both Ham and GMRS. I use my AT-779UV within the specifications of proper Ham and GMRS usage. If those of you who applaud an interpretation that harms the end user and only helps the manufacturers (requirement to buy a 2nd radio), want to continue to do so; so be it. That's YOUR choice! My belief is that the FCC sees no harm nor foul in this situation. If my belief subsequently turns out to be wrong, I will stop using my AT-779UV for transmission on the 2 meter and 70 cm Ham bands. If your belief subsequently turns out to be wrong, the manufacturers will present you with an award suitable for framing! ?
    1 point
  20. MichaelLAX

    Legal radio

    It appears that the FCC takes a contrary view on the opposite situation, as is presented here: that a radio that can transmit on GMRS channels that is granted an FCC ID, can continue to have its FCC ID if the ability to transmit on amateur bands comes afterwards, as was presented to the FCC. The ability to use the amateur bands functionality was certainly not hidden if anyone took the time to review the Anytone software. And why not? A carefully engineered radio for GMRS that can also, after the fact, be used for 2 meters and 70 cm, does not present any regulatory problems in its continued use for GMRS. I will just have to accept that position, as I paid my money, I am a licensed Ham and GMRS user, and I am using my radio. And given that this is a sharing hobby, I am happy to share that useful information with others too!
    1 point
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