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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/25 in all areas

  1. By the grace of mine own self-worth and sarcasm and by the bounteous authority vested in me, THE QUEEN OF ALL THAT IS GMRS, I doth hereby decree, with much pomp and stupidity, that one @SteveShannon, a stout fellow of questionable repute but unquestionable GMRS knowledge, be forthwith and forevermore dubbed a member of the Most Esteemed Order of the HERD (which, perchance, standeth for “Higher End Radio Dork,) Let it be known across the static-ee airwaves of the peasantry to the lofty frequencies of the saddest of H.A.M.s that Sir StevenShannon, clad in naught but his wits and an FCCs permission slip, hath stumbled bravely and fortuitously into the fray of tomfoolery and emerged victorious—or at least not entirely trampled. With this proclamation, he is granted the sacred right to put the title "HERD" after his name, to wield a UV-5R on GMRS channels, and to confuse all who inquire as to what a “HERD” truly be. So sayeth I, THE QUEEN OF ALL THAT IS GMRS on this fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord XENU two thousand and five-and-twenty. Let the roger-beeps blare, and may the Sad H.A.M.s tremble in his presence ! So it is written, so shall it be done. Arise good Sir @SteveShannon, member of the HERD!
    10 points
  2. I thought that might happen so my sig only refers to the Medium End Radio Dork Experimeter (MERDE) level.
    6 points
  3. All the rest of us thought it was very deep and meaningful.
    5 points
  4. Only if schizophrenia is involved. Actually I think I’m honor bound to defend the queen, now that I’ve been dubbed. How dare you suggest such a thing sir?! I challenge you to a duel! Tape measure antennas at dawn!
    4 points
  5. The ceremony is available for viewing on my OnlyFans.
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Even I, in all my glory, could not pretend to be that socially mal-adjusted and brain dead..
    3 points
  8. You're just jealous that you didnt get an award and sad because you don't have any friends.
    3 points
  9. I'm glad I don't have anything really pressing at the office to do today so I can spend my productive time reading this stuff.
    3 points
  10. No, but you all have to refer to him as Sir Steven from hence-forth.
    3 points
  11. Meanwhile, up in Mammoth today, i ran into a Frostitute
    2 points
  12. Sword fight! [emoji1787]
    2 points
  13. The ceremony was quite memorable, but I don’t really understand the significance of the jar of honey and the midget dressed as Nancy Pelosi…..
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Congratulations Sir @SteveShannon!!! Thank you for being so welcoming towards me.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. This whole post is so stupid.
    2 points
  18. ...and there was much rejoicing yay...
    2 points
  19. I am humbled by this honor. I’m not sure I’m worthy so I will try a day at the middle level first. Thank you, Queen.
    2 points
  20. Yes.. that's how it works.. I found this random video on youtube that explains it very well. The guy is kind of a jerk, and I heard he only says what his sponsors tell him to say, but the info you want is in there:
    2 points
  21. QUESTION FOR YOU - Does the pull weight, tactile click and audible click of HT PTT buttons make a difference for you? My personal preference is heavier PTT pulls with both distinct tactile and audible clicks. For this reason and other factors as well my favorites are in the order; KG-935G Plus, UV-96 and GM-30. Wouxun KG-935G Plus - $150 ** PTT - 1 lb 8 oz with soft tactile and clear audible click Baofeng UV-96 - $32 PTT - 1 lb 7 oz with firm tactile and clear audible click Radioddity GM-30 - $25 PTT - 1 lb 6 oz with soft tactile and muted audible click Talkpod A36plus - $50 PTT - 14 oz with soft tactile and sharp audible click Quansheng UV-K6 - $32 PTT - 14 oz with soft tactile and soft audible click Baofeng UV-5R - $26 PTT - 14 oz with soft tactile and muted audible click * PTT pull weights were measured using a Wheeler Trigger Pull Scale. ** The pricing is dated from the time of purchase for each HT. (Yeah, I over-paid on a couple of them, for sure)
    1 point
  22. Thank you @WSEH456. First successful contact made on the REACT repeater. @nokones,no issues with Midland equipment and quality of transmission today. I was near midway / 635. But I’m sure I’ll fall down this rabbit hole and get some better equipment as I keep exploring. I appreciate your insight, everybody. Looking forward to getting deeper into this field.
    1 point
  23. I was actually referring to this
    1 point
  24. Lscott

    TK880 Firmware Update

    See attached file for the V1 radio firmware. Firmware E4B3 TK-280_380_780_880_980_981 V1.zip
    1 point
  25. Performed as is tradition.
    1 point
  26. I think of it this way. The Smurfs wouldn't be complete without Grouchy. And it would be Snow White and the 6 Dwarfs without Grumpy. (Snow White is Randy of course). It just wouldn't be the same here without SoCal raggin' on each and everything that we post.
    1 point
  27. They both use Baofeng.... And the schizophrenia could be brought on by "spurious rf emissions"
    1 point
  28. HHD1

    Official GMRS Announcement!

    Just a funny thought I had that SoCal is just Randy's other "personality"....
    1 point
  29. Negative Nancy's personality is shining again. I think the whole conversation is funny as OffroaderX is giving SteveShannon some trouble all in fun.
    1 point
  30. "CSQ" (carrier squelch) is an optional setting on the receiving radio and works exactly the same way it would on GMRS frequencies, as do other squelch settings. On simplex, carrier squelch is most often used, with CTCSS being used most often when working repeaters.
    1 point
  31. How are you 504! I'm Tony in Fort Worth and I just got my radio and I can totally understand your frustration lol no seriously' I'm new at this all the way. Bought my radio for my security work and i wanted to chit chat on the off time. To hopefully shed some light. The basic thing you need to know is; Frequency Tone In/Out(PL Tone) Offset(+/-...etc) CTCSS(Transmit) and RXCTCSS(Receive) I thought the exact same, you just fire it up and start introducing lol. After hours on hours I ran into an old reddit post that helped me understand this isn't your jack in the box cracker jack radio, it actual requires you to put in some work first lol. Try adding this into your radio, I will be home tomorrow(March 6th) around 12:00PM; 443.85000 - No offset - FM Narrow - T Sql - CTCSS (110.9 on both) Hit me up if you need me to step you through it I'll give you my number or so but otherwise set it up call me out, I'll have the freq on around that time tomorrow. Can you message me on here?
    1 point
  32. SILENCE! You have no permission to speak! This prestigious award has already gone straight to your head!
    1 point
  33. Yes - but the good news is, this one didn't die on my in the first 11 minutes!
    1 point
  34. The repeater on RP20 is part of the Texas GMRS Club and requires a specific CTCSS Tone or DCS Code and a Club membership to access the repeater. The Texas GMRS Club has repeaters throughout Texas and it would be worth while for only about $24/year to be a member and get access to a lot of repeaters statewide. The vehicle and radio equipment you're using is great for starting out. Just bare in mind that the MXT275 is a 15 watt radio and is limited in the number of custom programming channels. The MXT575 is essentially the same radio with the same channel limitation, but with 50 watts of output power. The MXT500 has 99 channels and also is a 50 watt radio. You might want to try the Midland MXTA 26 antenna that may give you a few more farz in some cases. The Midland Antennae are great GMRS antennae and will give you good VSWRs on GMRS freqs. That guy in the video drives a Nissan Grocery Getter with chrome wheels and moon hub caps and cruises Pico Rivera looking to chat with strangers on the radio, but his stuff in the videos is very informative and helpful.
    1 point
  35. I agree that guy is a bit cranky at times. But he does give good information in his videos (most of the time) GMRS repeaters transmit on 462.XXX while receiving on 467.XXX. GMRS repeater transmit channels are the same as the corresponding simplex channels. So yes you can hear repeaters when on a simplex channel. You will also hear the corresponding simplex channel while your radio is on a repeater channel if you are not using a receive tone. This just how things work with GMRS since there are only so many channels available. We had one guy complaining about hearing a bunch of kids on the repeater when no one else was hearing the kids. The kids were on simplex and the guy did not have the receive PL Tone set on his radio.
    1 point
  36. I don’t know what radio you are using, but I did a picture for a UV5G plus a while back that shows the programming sequence for that HT. if your using a different radio, it shows the relationship between the tx and rx frequencies and the tones. It ‘may’ be helpful…link below Programming
    1 point
  37. Did you set the proper tone when you changed to RP20 ? Also are you sure they want to talk to you ? Contrary to popular belief alot of folks use GMRS for talking to friends. Not others.
    1 point
  38. Are you close enough? Do you have line of sight? Tones of coarse as well
    1 point
  39. You need the specific tone required for the specific repeater you are trying to use, and you have to enter that in the correct channel (presumably CH20). Without that you will not be able to use the repeater - you can hear them, they will not hear you.
    1 point
  40. Socalgmrs

    DB20-G menu

    I’m always amazed at the stuff people bring to this group. My radio randomly did something strange. (It may have with these junkers). Now you all need to tell me how to fix it. When did people stop thinking or reading for them selves? Use he software I’m sure your not using to re set that setting. It’s super easy IF your already programming in a computer like most don’t do.
    1 point
  41. SteveShannon

    Programming GM-15 Pro

    Once upon a time there was a user called WXRP381. He answered reasonable questions with asinine and judgmental answers and quickly ended up with a bad reputation. So he changed his name to Socalgmrs. But because he was the problem instead of his username the bad reputation continued getting worse. As his reputation got worse so did his comments. I’ve pasted a screenshot that shows how he spoke to new members who asked questions. Eventually he decided to leave the forum but rather than simply leaving he had the forum owner delete his account. That is why there are hundreds of unhelpful posts that now have the username “Guest”. That was three months ago. He’s back and using his same old username but because his earlier account was deleted his history of posts didn’t follow him.
    1 point
  42. Anytone and Alinco software is good because it allows exporting and importing data from CSV files but the format of one model must be matched or data will fill the wrong columns. RT Systems takes that up a notch and makes it even easier to move data from one model to another but you still need to understand the data model. Without knowing which software you’re using for your Baofeng it’s hard to advise. Chirp is free and works well. RT Systems is not free but works very well except for rare instances.
    1 point
  43. The issue with phone support was that people were calling for help with all Baofeng radio models, not just the ones that are sold by BTECH. This is at least partially because Amazon lumps many Baofeng product listings in "Visit the BAOFENG Store" without distinguishing between sellers. That took time away from actually helping BTECH customers, and the choice was apparently between either discontinuing phone support or hiring someone to answer a phone and tell most callers "Sorry, we're not the Baofeng you were looking for". On the BF-F8HP Pro I do CPS development and co-manage the radio firmware requirements and bug list with someone at BTECH (I'm a contractor). Even I don't call them - I send email to the same customer service email address (not posted here to prevent harvesting by bots, but available in your manual and on the BTECH web site) that you do. If an issue can be resolved faster with a phone conversation, customer service will either pro-actively contact you or you can request that they call you. If you feel you got an inappropriate form-letter reply, let them know in your next email. Since this is one of my first posts here, let me emphasize that nothing I write should be considered an official statement / opinion of BTECH.
    1 point
  44. Instead of “work” I would say “transmit”, if that’s accurate. “Won’t work” doesn’t provide enough information.
    1 point
  45. dosw

    GMRS emergency channel?

    The article says this: Buy an FRS/GMRS capable radio or walkie-talkie and program the 307 channel into the radio Program to UHF 462.6125 Privacy Code 85.4 or Channel 3 and Privacy code 07 (307) Not exactly clearly written. It probably should have said: Buy an FRS or GMRS capable two-way radio. If it's a GMRS radio, get a license for your family. Set channel 3, or UHF 462.6125 Set the PL tone (privacy code, CTCSS tone) to 85.4. (07 on some radios, 307 on others). Stop by any state parks station, sheriff, police, or fire station to confirm your radio setup with a quick radio check. Switch over to a different channel and tone for your group communications, and back to this setting for emergency use. Place this sticker on your two way radio reminding you what channel and tone to use for emergencies. I wonder why they picked channel 3, limited to <=5w instead of 16, or 22, limited to <=50w. I know very few handhelds will transmit over 5w, but if a person in trouble manages to get back to their vehicle (possibly broken down), they may be able to get a signal out on 15-22 that wouldn't have been as clear on 1-7.
    1 point
  46. This is not exactly on topic, but this helped us locate a hiker on a recent SAR mission. https://buckrail.com/state-launches-new-emergency-radio-channel-for-backcountry-use/
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Hi gang! I am also a new GMRS (WRWA569) just wondering if you could help me out as well? I just want to understand if I'm properly interpreting the information for the repeater in my area to correctly set my HT. Here is a snip of the information for my local repeater Settings for my HT (Baofeng GMRS-9r) Frequency out (on my HT): 467.575 (Transmit CTSS Tone: 103.5) Receive (on my HT): 462.575 (no tone)
    1 point
  49. Mikeam

    GMRS emergency channel?

    For me like with my CB when traveling I set my mobile unit on scan as it then scans all frequencies. If we are in the woods with our Jeeps I still prefer the scan set up because if someone wants to talk to me and they key up I will hear them and be able to respond. This system on the CB has helped me avoid long freeway delays dur to accidents etc.!! I am sure the same will happen with my usage of GMRS with CB on trips.
    1 point
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