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    WRXB215 got a reaction from Digger84 in 64 year old newbie needs an experienced mentor...mostly about setting up repeaters on CHIRP!   
    Read up on tone mode. This really helped me.
  2. Haha
    WRXB215 got a reaction from Stone in Economically Raising My Antenna   
    Yeah! Don't be so "standoffish!" 🤣
    Sorry for the bad joke, I couldn't resist.  😉
  3. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in 64 year old newbie needs an experienced mentor...mostly about setting up repeaters on CHIRP!   
    Read up on tone mode. This really helped me.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYF638 in Questions about suggested antenna   
    You can build a better antenna than any commercially manufactured one if you are handy. Search for homebrew ham antennas, and use a calculator to resize the elements for your preferred frequency.
    I built a 4-element collinear vertical antenna from copper tubing. It took a bit of tuning to get it perfect, but it was worth the effort. Total cost was about $60, and antenna gain is about 7 dBd (9 dBi). The difference between that and my dipole is amazing.
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to BoxCar in Talkpod a36 not working with repeaters   
    Try snipping a little bit off the end of your antenna and see if that helps. Really though, have you tested to see if your HH isn't being desensed by the repeater?
  6. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Channel/frequency question   
    I am sensing many confuckulations.
  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Wouxun kg1000g+ not transmitting on 467 mhz   
    So are you trying to do simplex on 467? That’s not allowed except for Fixed Stations (don’t ask; there’s an entire thread on the topic.)
    According to the regulations, transmitting on 467 main frequencies by a mobile station is only permitted when transmitting through a repeater, which would require receiving on 462 MHz.
    Maybe the baked in rules don’t allow trying to communicate on 467 simplex. I’d be surprised, but not shocked. 
  8. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Two groups on GMRS?   
    Or not. I wouldn’t say I’ve been here a long time but I still agree with the sentiment that GMRS is intended for shorter distances and more user friendly for family and friends. As @OffRoaderX mentioned it is stated as much by the FCC. I also see nothing wrong with seeing how far you can reach, I think we all do that (my personal best on GMRS to date,70 miles. Yesterday 😊). As for linking GMRS repeaters across vast distances, I see no need to use up GMRS frequencies for this. Different uses for different radio services.
    Like @marcspaz I have also made friends over GMRS and this encouraged me to also get my ham license, or duel citizenship as @WRQC527 calls it (I like that 👍). That way I can play in both sandboxes. I see them as different. I would encourage those that want more than GMRS is intended for to do the same. Take a test, join a broader service and link away. Just my thoughts.
  9. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Two groups on GMRS?   
    I wouldn't worry about it, bud... just use the radio however you enjoy.  I have met 25-30 new people over the GMRS service that I am becoming friends with.  People I would have likely never met if it wasn't for strangers being willing to have some minor conversation with a stranger on the other end. 
    Again, just my opinion, while I have an opinion... people should be able to enjoy the service however they like.  We just need to be considerate to others and stay inside the rules and intent of the service, because as a civilized society, that is what we have agreed to do. 
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to PastorGary in A Word of Caution - Posting Personal Info.   
    We are bumping this thread for members to review Post # 1.
    PLEASE use the Private Discussion Area  for any posts that include repeater access codes or frequencies. The Private Discussion Area can not be seen by search engine bots or non registered viewers.
    The staff will attempt to move any post that contains this type of information into the Private Discussion Area - however, we need your help in placing posts with sensitive information in the proper place to start with.
    Thank You.
  11. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Two groups on GMRS?   
    sadly, I am guilty of this... but I am getting better. 
  12. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Two groups on GMRS?   
    My personal opinion, we don't need Ham Radio 2.0 or Ham Lite. 
    I think there MUST be a place for people who just want to talk to their family and friends without a bunch of bureaucratic steps and unnecessary roadblocks.  FRS is a wonderful service for exactly that.  For families that may need a bit more (maybe coverage of the family farm, for example), amateur radio may be too strict for the family needs but GMRS is a great next step.  The reduced audience is considered a plus, too.
    Linking repeaters over the internet and tying up limited channel allocation is a bad idea, but I love seeing how far I can reach... radio to radio.
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Two groups on GMRS?   
    Nothing wrong with that, and we all do it, but that is very different from "rag chewing", aka talking for several minutes at a time without unkeying the mic, for hours on end, about nothing - basically, talking to hear themselves talk, or just to try and demonstrate to everyone how smart they think they are, how many fancy and expensive radios they own, how long they have been in "the business" (implying they cannot possibly be wrong about whatever they are talking about), and listing how many different jobs they've had working on complicated and technical things ... You know, just like the long-winded, overly-complicated, multi-paragraph off-topic posts that you you see in this forum every day..
  14. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Midland MXT575 with MXTa26 6db gain antenna., with MXTa27 lip mount.   
    I know... But Grindr? Thank God there's no affiliate link below. Then I'd really start to wonder.
  15. Like
    You absolutely must have the cable terminated using a load that has the same impedance as the cable. A good 50 ohm dummy load is perfect. The next best thing is a tuned antenna, where the SWR is under 1.5:1. 
  16. Like
    You can measure it in at least two different ways. The easiest is to place a wattmeter at each end of the cable and transmit. Then compare the readings on the two meters. (Or take two measurements with a single meter at each end of the cable). If using this method you must have the cable terminated when measuring before the cable, ideally with a 50 ohm dummy load. When measuring at the far end of the cable you would have a dummy load attached to the antenna output on the wattmeter. 
    The other way is with a two port RF network/antenna analyzer. Connect the cable between the two ports and measure the insertion loss. 
    In YouTube search for measuring coax loss. 
    Here’s one video:
  17. Like
    Here’s a guide to losses expressed in dB:
    -1.5 dB = 25% loss of power
    -3 dB = 50% loss of power
    -6 dB = 75% loss of power
    -9 dB = 87.5% loss of power
    -10 dB = 90% loss of power
    -20 dB = 99% loss of power
    -30 dB = 99.9% loss of power.
  18. Like
    You really need to analyze everything after the radio as a “system” looking at cable losses and antenna gains. I did a simplified one for the antenna install I want to do on my Mazda. What you loose in the cable could be made up to a degree with gain in the antenna. See attached files.
    Diamond C110 Extension Cable.pdf Diamond C101 Cable Assembly.pdf Diamond K550 Luggage Rack Mount.pdf Mazda 2023 CX-5 Antenna System Analysis Rev 5.pdf SG7500A.pdf CA-2x4MB Manual.pdf
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRKC935 in SHTF Radio preparation and models?   
    Little bit of expansion on the discussion of DIY cages.
    I have worked with commercial Faraday cages in the past doing RF work.  Reasoning was you can't truly evaluate the performance of a radio receiver when it has multiple RF signals near it. 
    The commercially sold cages we used were a sheet metal room (technically sheet aluminum and not metal) with an aluminum frame that the outer shield was screwed to. It was also glued with a conductive construction adhesive.  The door on the unit was staggered and 6 inches thick with the inner face reaching into connect to the inner shield and had finger stock that surrounded the inner part and a separate ring of finger stock on the outer ring.  There was enough room in the cage for a workbench and the required test equipment, a chair for the desk and a bit of space to move around.  It was probably 6 by 6 or 8 by 8, but no bigger.  Special electrical filters were connected to the power feed for the interior and while there was a 'window' it was inset into the door and has copper screening on the interior and the exterior hole was also screened.  So it's technically possible to have a window, it still needs to maintain the 100% shielding inside and out.  Air ducts were connected to the HVAC but there were special screens that needed weekly attention to keep them clean as the screen material was a very fine mesh and collected a TON of dust and crap.
    Again, there is no really secret sauce for building a cage.  The info is on the web. 
  20. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Kenwood TH-D75A Tri-Band Handheld Transceiver with D-STAR and APRS   
    So far there are only two radios I’m aware of that can operate digital voice on the Ham 1.25m band, the Kenwood TH-D74 currently and the Anytone D578 mobile. 
    The TH-D74A only does D-Star while the D578 does DMR. I wished Kenwood would have given the option to do DMR with the TH-75A. They likely couldn’t keep them in stock even at a $700 more or less price point. I get the feeling that DMR is slowing replacing D-Star.
    I talked to the Kenwood rep at the Hamvention last May asking why no DMR. He told me the offices here have been telling Kenwood Japan the same thing for a while, but nobody wanted to hear it in Japan. People that want DMR in a Kenwood radio have been buying their commercial radios. That’s why I own several. I’m surprised they haven’t figured this out yet.
    Wait and see Icom do it, maybe even offer both, then see how the sales do on the TH-D75. Kenwood isn’t stupid. They know how to do multi protocol radios. They do it now in their commercial lines.
  21. Like
    I agree with Steve.  Truth is, you need to measure to see if its worthwhile.
  22. Like
    It could go either way.  If it’s much too long I would cut it off.  If it’s just a few feet I would live with it, which is what I do with the few extra feet of cable on the floor behind the passenger seat now. 😀
  23. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Borage257 in Nighttime Propagation on UHF??   
    What you are experiencing is tropospheric ducting. It’s a wonderful thing, made a 92 mile confirmed DX with it earlier this year on simplex.
    Here’s a forecast map:
    And explanation
  24. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Nighttime Propagation on UHF??   
    As mentioned by @Borage257, especially due to the time of day and the time of year and what the forecast has been, you are near certainly experiencing tropo ducting.
    That said, you touch on something that many people grossly overlook, including radio pros.  Although we discuss VHF and UHF radio being a "line of sight service"... that doesn't mean that atmospheric conditions impacted by solar cycle don't impact VHF and UHF... particularly in the case of GMRS.  In fact, during the day, they can have a profound affect in either increasing range or swinging the other way, causing radio blackouts.
    UHF signals actually travel comfortably beyond the visual line of sight, by about 15%.  This is due to refraction and scatter affects in the atmosphere.  The more loose, electrically charged ion particles are in the air, the more scatter and refraction you get.  This translates to better signal quality at distance and often, a small bump in range.  The ionization in the F region increases roughly 2 × 106 e/cm3 during maximum sunspot activity.  The F1 layer is the principle reflecting layer during the day in the summer.  This is why some bands perform much better during the day.
    While these principles have more and more of an impact as you go lower in frequency, the lower the takeoff angle and the more the solar weather is spicing things up, the more likely you are to have a significant amount of your UHF signal refracted and/or scattered back to the earth beyond the horizon.
    As an example, during a contest back in 2009, I was able to use a stacked beam array and 1,500w to make a contact on 146.52 MHz from a mountain top in Virginia to central Texas.  On that same day, I was also able to make a contact on 446 MHz to Tennessee, near the Arkansas state line, using the same kind of setup as the VHF contact.
  25. Haha
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Moab trip   
    Hey! I resemble that remark!
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