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  1. So it looks like there is a way for repeater owners to petition for more pairs. A consortium of repeater owners must contact a communications attorney to do the petition correctly. OR Repeater owners can just keep fighting like little children and absolultly nothing will get accomplished..
  2. A letter that I wrote to FCC and a response that I received: Mr. Cassato, Thank you for reaching out. We appreciate you raising the issue and your suggestion was provided to the staff responsible for the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS). If you would like to formally petition the FCC to change its rules then you may file a Petition for Rulemaking through the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). To do so, you would go to “Submit a Filing” and then select “Submit a Non-Docketed Filing.” You can find that webpage at the following link: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/nodocket. When submitting a Petition for Rulemaking, in the first drop-down box, please be sure to select “INBOX-1.401 | Petition for Rulemaking.” The procedures for what must be covered in a Petition for Rulemaking can be found in Section 1.401 of the FCC rules at: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47/chapter-I/subchapter-A/part-1/subpart-C/subject-group-ECFR9dcd67279c4756f. Please note that there are other rules referenced within this rule part that you must adhere to when filing a Petition for Rulemaking. I hope that this information is helpful. Thank you, Joshua Smith Assistant Division Chief Mobility Division Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (717)-338-2502 Joshua.Smith@fcc.gov From: Richard j. Cassato <WRXT271@aol.com> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 1:49 PM To: Jessica Rosenworcel <Jessica.Rosenworcel@fcc.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL]: Additional GMRS repeater frequency pairs Hi Ms, Rosenworcel, Ia there anyway that the FCC could consider assigning 8 additional repeater pairs for GMRS that do not have FRS traffic on them? The use of FRS radios in restaurants, schools and other businesses is extremely aggressive on the 8 repeater pairs. Thank You for reading this. Richard J. Cassato WRXT271
  3. When the at779uv is started in GMRS USA mode it is a type accepted Part 95e radio. I cannot be programmed to transmit outside of the GMRS band.
  4. The latest CPS is Ver 2.01. The newest AT779 UV that I just received (!/5/24) is Ver 3.0. I had a radio with version 2.65. I had that decode issue with version 2.65. That is why after conversation with tech i bought a new AT779UV. Manufacturers rep told me that Ver 3.0 firmware will not work with older radios as newest version of AT779UV has hardware changes.
  5. Here is the odd part about this. Neither the current radio version 3.0 or the newest version od CPS 2.01 have all of those options. I have only SQ or CTCSS/DCS in both radio menu or pull down menu in CPS.
  6. The latest CPS is Ver 2.01. The newest AT779 UV that I just received (!/5/24) is Ver 3.0. I had a radio with version 2.65. I had that decode issue with version 2.65. That is why after conversation with tech i bought a new AT779UV. Manufacturers rep told me that Ver 3.0 firmware will not work with older radios as newest version of AT779UV has hardware changes.
  7. Anytone AT779UV has a new version 3.0 Available from Let's Get Ready.com
  8. When were you a member? I was around 71-72-73. RJ
  9. I was a member of NSEA when I lived in the North Suburbs back in the 70's. I talked to the GMRS repeater owner a few months back. When I got my first license it was called Class "A" citezens band and I had a KAA call sign.
  10. I only use two antennas. 1. https://www.amazon.com/Midland-Antenna-Durable-Connection-MicroMobile/dp/B084BPXNC5?pd_rd_w=Tr8TC&content-id=amzn1.sym.f8bd5c4a-4a1d-4518-8a74-d7b144a3f981&pf_rd_p=f8bd5c4a-4a1d-4518-8a74-d7b144a3f981&pf_rd_r=EMZY8AKVP8YZVKNTQWKT&pd_rd_wg=Vo7Bu&pd_rd_r=1af2672d-8467-4b75-adb2-be6d8664031e&pd_rd_i=B084BPXNC5&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_2_t. This has a perfect 1.01 SWR in channel 16 (462) and 1.5 SWR on 467 with out any tuning. Be aware that there is a look alike antenna that you should not buy. It fell apart as I took it out of tbhe package. The coil was loose. https://www.amazon.com/Antenna-Midland-GMRS-Radio-MicroMobile/dp/B0C13DLXGD/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=2FXG6CLY7V7E5&keywords=gmrs%2Bnmo%2Bantenna&qid=1701981248&sprefix=gmrs%2Bnmo%2Bantenna%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-12-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.17d9e15d-4e43-4581-b373-0e5c1a776d5d&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1 2. https://www.amazon.com/Browning-450MHz-470MHz-3dBd-Mobile-Antenna/dp/B00IDTJ2EA?pd_rd_w=Tr8TC&content-id=amzn1.sym.f8bd5c4a-4a1d-4518-8a74-d7b144a3f981&pf_rd_p=f8bd5c4a-4a1d-4518-8a74-d7b144a3f981&pf_rd_r=EMZY8AKVP8YZVKNTQWKT&pd_rd_wg=Vo7Bu&pd_rd_r=1af2672d-8467-4b75-adb2-be6d8664031e&pd_rd_i=B00IDTJ2EA&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_8_t. This antenna needed to be trimmed. I achieved 1.01 SWR on Channel 16 (462) and 1.5 SWR on 467.
  11. I was hoping to find your excellent review on this radio. Once I get the radio I'll know about Windows 11 use. Something about an old and new chip in cable and required driver.
  12. I ordered the radio and programming cable, however it is still in transit. Has anyone tried programming the radio with the programming cable and windows 11? RJ
  13. I'm using two different antennas 1. Tram-Browning Browning 450MHz-470MHz UHF 3dBd 13 in. Land Mobile NMO Antenna trimmed/tuned to GMRS channel 16. 2. Midland – MXTA26 MicroMobile® 6DB Gain Whip NMO Antenna – Quadruple Signal Output – 32” Antenna. No trimming/tuning required. Both antennas available at Amazon. I used a SureCom SW-102 inline SWR/Power meter to check/tune antennas. Really great device. Very happy with both antennas. RJ
  14. For GMRS I would only use an antenna similar to the one I use. It is cut for GMRS frequencies only. Tram Browning BR-6155 76inch fiberglass omnidirectional base 450-470MHz 5dBd antenna.
  15. It has been advised to me from an Anytone technician that there are many Anytone versions of the AT-779UV. Use CPS version 2.01 and change the radio service in the CPS and then save first file. Then restart radio and read from the radio into CPS. It should give you all common GMRS channels. My Version of radio from Let's Get Ready did not have GMRS option in start-up. I had to change it in CPS 2.01. Remember every time the format is changed in radio all memory will be erased. So Using as a ham or part 90 commercial radio or GMRS Part95e, make sure to read from radio and save file i.e. "Ham radio 9/6/23" or GMRS radio 9/6/23" Alwayts date and save you last updated files in a folder so you can go back to older files if necessary. RJ
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