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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. My experiences with heat on both my DB20-G and AT-779UV mirror @kidphc's. I recently picked up the Radioddity DB25-D DMR mini-mobile (not to be confused with its similarly confusingly named DB25-G GMRS analog radio) and it has better heat dissipation and I am considering some sort of backpack/gobox for it with a hotspot. I want to keep the DB20-G in the car, as it has better reach on analog.
  2. Keyhole Markup Language? How is that relevant here and how is that better than CSV format?
  3. No one ever died from someone's use of a radio that is not in compliance with Part 95e.
  4. I have no experience with the AT-778UV. Is having Chirp compatibility worth the extra 25% in price? I personally like the cigarette lighter plug availability on both my AT-779UV and now my Radioditty DB25-D DMR mini-mobiles, so that I can easily (with cup holder mounts and a mag-mount) remove these radios completely when not needed.
  5. Looks like your situation is somewhat unique, but I am glad to hear you have it figured out.
  6. I was just alerted that Chirp-Next now supports the Baofeng UV-13Pro (my go-to HT for scanning tones; and it replaces my TYT-88UV), so I downloaded 03222024 and it works fine on my Mac.
  7. I have both: the DB20-G and the AT-779UV with one in my car. I program in categories with blank channels between each category for later growth (500 channels). The gaps are ignored by the radio in use. When I did outgrow one gap, I found that you can go to the bottom channel of the next group and copy and paste it to the next channel down, to recreate gaps again.
  8. That is not true, unless a DMR repeater listener has turned on “Promiscuous” Mode.
  9. I just to get anxious and feel guilty when using an analog repeater, especially those networked together. On the other hand I have a great sense of relief using DMR because the technology behind DMR, TDMA, allows two digital DMR users to be operating on the same repeater at the same time.
  10. Interesting: it always amazes me that CCRs often continue confusingly similar naming schemes. I recently purchased the Radioddity DB25-D DMR mini-mobile and note that it is a completely different radio than their DB25-G GMRS mobile radio!
  11. Doesn't the UV-5G+ use the same battery mold as the classic UV-5R? And if so, wouldn't the desktop cup chargers for the UV-5R will work?
  12. Yes, but anyone can partake in their nets without membership. And you can certainly attempt to see if you are within their repeater coverage range before joining, by going on and asking for a radio check. If you feel that dues are not something you want to spend, then consider a DMR hotspot; which will allow you full DMR coverage with no repeaters necessary.
  13. I stand corrected. Why do you say you don't have access unless you pay?
  14. AI6BX is not a part of the PAPA System; it appears to be its own system; click on my link. PAPA offers anyone the ability to use their repeater networks to participate in nets and a 45 day free guest membership (when registered) to test drive the system. It is self-policiing and no payment is required to access the repeater once you know the frequencies and the tones.
  15. Craig: The PAPA System has interconnected DMR repeaters all over SoCAL, including your area; Check their listings here. You can register as a Guest User for a free 45 day trial and then join if you like. Watch and listen to worldwide DMR activity on the Brandmeister Hoseline in real time. Then you can add interesting TalkGroups to your Anytone and go live. NOTE: How did such a discussion of ham radio dmr get into the GMRS subtopic?
  16. What's "anti-virus?" Oh, right: Windows!
  17. What version is your firmware?
  18. Exactly! The next time a 70 year old farmer/jeep driver, whose son operates a narrowband repeater; asks for a GMRS recommendation, I will recommend a Midland radio! Other than that subset of users, I will recommend the user come to myGMRS and read one titled thread after another criticizing Midlands before they make their decision; for example: “Got My New MXT500 - Not Impressed”
  19. Let me ask you one question: YOUR repeater: is it set to wide band or narrow band?
  20. Yes, as I indicated; Midland = The Jeep crowd
  21. Yes and for some reason they are recommended Midlands...
  22. Not what others say here on this Forum. FRS's are only narrowband and Midland apparently prides itself in coming with narrowband as the default (and in some cases, the only available setting). What?
  23. It's threads like these that always lead me to question the efficacy of purchasing any Midland products to anyone who posts that question, even though I have no direct experience with their products. Where are the positive comments about Midland products??? It seems to me the only positive statement I have ever read on this thread (in the "modern era") about Midland is that the "Jeep" and "4x4" communities like to use them because newbies can go to Walmart and purchase FRS radios to use to communicate with the Midlands of the more experienced members of the group.
  24. Aren't the individual cells less than 5 volts?
  25. My DB20-G and AT-779UV get very warm during transmission cycles. This DB25-D has a large heat sink on the back (and maybe even an internal fan). I will pay more attention on transmissions next time and let you know. That being said, someone once told me that DB20-Gs were being used for Go-Boxes for citizens of Malibu for communications during emergencies, so there must be some way to dissipate the heat properly in such a small setting. I am really enjoying the DB25-D and am trying to figure out a way to add TalkGroups on the fly (without having to reprogram the codeplug), which seems to me to be very important in a mobile/portable setting (without having to resort to a laptop).
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