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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. All that computer libertarianism aside, I haven't paid for Windoze since XP; and even that was in a program called SoftWindows (or VirtualPC, who can remember that long ago...) to run Windows on a PowerPC (IBM-Motorola-Apple) Mac! When I discovered that various wireless radios programming software needed to be run in Windows, I sucked XP out of that program, and armed with my serial number, I reinstalled it, first into BootCamp, when Mac went Intel, and then into Parallels, when I wanted to be able to run Windows and MacOS concurrently (like needing to use copy and paste between environments). And that worked for me for years, hand in hand with Chirp for certain radios that were lucky enough to have been reverse engineered by those dedicated radio hounds! And then sure enough people started asking me questions about how to program certain radios that only had Windows CPS software and they only had Windows 10, or gosh-forbid, Windows 11, and did not even know what XP was! So I had to break down and install an upgraded version, but after some research I discovered Windows 10 and 11's dirty little secret: You do NOT need to activate it! Now I do not know if this is an after-result of the MicroSoft antitrust settlement, or some other "business reason," but it works perfectly fine if you do not activate it. Now Microsoft is not going to give you any technical support, but after all, all I am doing is programming radios! AND, I turned off Auto-Update, because, well if it ain't broken, why fix it?!?
  2. El Paso? Is that east or west of Ridgecrest? I've been hearing this "Verdugo" repeater on 700 and it seems all of the freeze-dried morons from the old 725 repeater of years ago, have thawed out!
  3. Let me see if I understand this: this Linux computer operating system: it's goal is to run as few applications natively as possible so that the true computer enthusiasts can spend their lifetimes...
  4. With all due respect, citing Midland as an example of common, is an insult to the concept of "common!"
  5. Its internal connections are faulty; return it for a replacement.
  6. HaHaHa: that’s a great video! Thanks for that laugh!!
  7. Uh Oh: how old is he? Before I gave my grandson one of my HTs, I programmed it to NOT include the local profane language repeater and put Tones into the Channels I use to talk with him.
  8. Could your screenname possibly be WSBN531?
  9. As I recall that is a deficiency with that model Radioddity; that is, the inability to setup additional DIY simplex channels with tones
  10. I just turned on the radio and 650 and 700: all the yahoo's are going nuts over the California election results!
  11. You probably have programmed your radio to beep on the conclusion of your transmission; hence no determination can be made from that beep. Brand/model of Radio? Which Repeater? Other information you think might be relevant, such as the line of sight from your location to the repeater, etc.?
  12. Yeah: When the 308 guy gets tired or goes back to his old repeater, this one returns to normal! Whenever I hear him on his home repeater, I go there and tell him he is not allowed to be transmitting that stuff on "this repeater" and he gets obstinate and stays there longer!
  13. Quansheng uvk5(8) -AliExpress $20 free shipping showed up in about 8 days I listen to the BUR Terminal on 118.7 MHz AM https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805561056379.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.48c2OiikOiikKK&browser_id=a0cf84c6adf04859888edcf518aa2a50&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=wohuwqihqcauwyzq18e0c1a6e51181c5ffa833d0b8&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!52.04!19.78!!!52.04!19.78!%402103253917096000425588967ef10f!12000034202258644!sea!US!0!AB&algo_pvid=56e7a969-b3a2-4b52-a606-d0e236dd0825
  14. Just curious: what motivated you to select the H3? Seems like a Quansheng uvk5(8) at twice the price!
  15. Wouxon price minus $35 is the cost of having all those features! Nothing odd about it...
  16. Exactly: I paid $22 six years ago for a good quality FTDI USB to K-1 cable on Amazon to program originally my UV-5R and it has paid dividends in working with all my K-1 radios since then!
  17. I don't have any experience programming the ICOM IC-2720. I do see that RT Software has a cable/software package for that radio and they receive very high marks on the ease of use of their software. Also, I see that CHIRP supports your Icom, as well. Good luck! You do not hear any traffic on the 650 repeater on your correctly programmed UV5R?
  18. Oooops it's CRM-114! Also noted on the guitar amplifier used by Marty McFly in Back to the Future, as an homage to Dr. Strangelove!
  19. It is clearly delineated in "Wing Attack - Plan R" in the manual being read by Col. Kong in your profile photo!
  20. [deleted by poster]
  21. How much you want for your bricked H3? Did you try to connect it to your CRM113 Discriminator and activate it with the code: OPE?
  22. Yes, the link to the Repeater page, shows the tone. Do you know how to program your radio to use that tone? What radio?
  23. San Fernando Valley: 462.700 repeaters are not very helpful. Try the 462.650 repeater up on Sylmar; you should hit it fine from Reseda and it gets good range and generally have good folk. Sylmar 650; open and permission not needed. Once and a while the scum that used to populate 725 migrate over to 650 and its best to turn off your radio at that point.
  24. Your two closest repeaters are both permission required, so use the Repeater section here to ask permission and then try to find their websites and ask permission there, too. Simplex you are ready to go: tune to the channel and push to talk!
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