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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. This $13.69 COTRE radio from Amazon work with DMR?!? UHF and VHF?
  2. Try this: Power Off Hold down V/M button Power On What do you see after MODE and what do you see as the firmware version after V?
  3. If you have any reason to need hardware upgrades to your Mac, OWC is offering a discount: "Parallels Desktop Pro Edition for Mac - 1 Year License. SPECIAL PURCHASE" that nets out to $29 for one year of Parallels (NO affiliate link below!) I am thinking about updating one of my long in the tooth 2011 Mac minis with one of their SSDs and also taking advantage of that discount! It pops up in your cart when you check out.
  4. I see they are unavailable at Amazon; do you know a source that is actively selling these? I'd like to experiment with one of these COTREs.
  5. Are you looking for the European license free DMR radios? I think the cheapest Chinese HT with DMR I have had experience with is the Radioddity RD-5R, which if I recall correctly was electronically the Radioddity GD-77 reformulated into a UV-5R formal. It offered standard analog and DMR on VHF and UHF and cost about $70 and used all of the UV-5R battery packs and accessories.
  6. With all due respect to Randy and his voluminous research for his videos, on this one I suggest that more due diligence is needed on using a PO Box or even HamRegistry to achieve "privacy" from the FCC database. In my experience, these suggested solutions are not 100% fail-safe; others may well be.
  7. Do you have it? Many times a firmware package will include a text file of changes from, at a minimum, the last version of the firmware. It would be interesting to read that file. Did I read you on another thread to say that this 3.0 is only good for the latest upgraded hardware on this radio? http://Letsgetreadyinc.com- last time I heard they were out of stock, so I take it from your post they have new stock? And are they still offering a dual-band mag mount for $29 and both with free shipping?
  8. It seems that only one of those connectors (other than the K-1) looks useful: the one for the waterproof radios. Also it is missing the RJ-45 connector used by some radios, including my Radioddity DB20-G and Anytone AT-779UV. So I got all my current cables working on both Windows 10 and 11 instead.
  9. Now there's something upon which we agree!
  10. I’ll check back when someone quotes you for the exact opposite proposition that you believe and see how you respond to it. Cheers!
  11. That one yes save your GMRS default codeplug first i will boot up the software later and research deleting information
  12. Wrong TWICE: I do not agree with you that there is no such thing as a victimless crime! My comments were limited to the oft-cited situation on this Forum that FCC rules breakers are somehow analogous to Speeders! So now do you understand why I do not appreciate your using my quotation for your supposition?
  13. You must use the unlocked mode to achieve your intended result. Somewhere on this forum, I posted my generic GMRS codeplug that follows Part 95E rules for the unlocked mode. What is FPP? Can you give me more detail about your desire to delete Channels? Why not just zero out the data?
  14. Really? Not so sure... It's simple: it was not ME who compared transmitting without a license to speeding! Get it now?
  15. Try to save your pregnant wife's (or daughter's) life in Texas when complications are threatening it! Or try to regulate guns near schools in any state (United States v. Lopez [1995])
  16. HEY: You are going to misquote me so as to make your point?!? I would appreciate it if you would delete your misattributed quote of me or restate it to be the quote of the original author; thank you!
  17. WADR: the families of those 4 Pepperdine College student pedestrians who died by way of a speeder who lost control traveling down the Pacific Coast Hiway in Malibu last October, do not think that speeding is a victimless crime! LA Times article
  18. This may be a Ghost Thread: the OP joined and posted on December 11, 2023 and has never returned...
  19. Is that still your plan?
  20. The vote over on the HAM Forum was decidedly the SAME!
  21. A somewhat controversial opinion: but if they do not respond to your request for permission, just go on the repeater and ask!
  22. WIN maybe, not PAPA as his screenshot seems to be next to Interstate-25 in the Rockies.
  23. "What we got here, is failure to communicate!" And as such, our discussion has drifted from the OP's original question and my original answer. Reviewing our portion of this thread, I could go on and continue with "point/counterpoint." But instead I will agree with you that: "All of this is anecdotal, of course, ... As in everything in life, YMMV" And move on... Happy New Year!
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