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BoxCar last won the day on December 11

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About BoxCar

  • Birthday June 8

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    Arden, NC

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  1. Depends on the band. For all bands, a 6.25 kHz step will handle most uses..
  2. My comment on the post being uncalled for was over the way it was presented. I agree that SAR and EMA teams need good quality radios however, they do not need "public safety" grade radios in a volunteer organization. Public safety grade units are desirable however they are not required. Commercial grade or quality consumer grade radios are just as effective and have the advantage of being more available. Often, the only technical difference between the radios is the temperature range of the units. An IP67 grade radio is an IP67 grade regardless of who manufactures it as the comparison is to a standard not a brand.
  3. Uncalled for!!!
  4. There are several possible antennas that could be used. The key parameter is the bandwidth of the antenna. You'll need to see if it has enough bandwidth to cover both the amateur UHF frequencies as well as reaching up to 468 MHz for GMRS. It's doubtful you will find a satisfactory solution in a glass-mount
  5. Have you reached out to Bridgecom Systems? They are a Maxon dealer and may have some guidance. Otherwise, I would check if there are any 2-way radio dealers close. The could possibly reprogram the repeater for you as well.
  6. Laird
  7. You forgot to say GMRS can cause excessive spending on new radios and antennas.
  8. Nope. Tuning step has no bearing as the channels are fixed./
  9. Being the south end of a north bound donkey?
  10. My playing with some Retevis handhelds show they do have a CTCSS code enabled. It's been a couple months since I went into them but if I remember it was 127 or 185 as the primary digits.
  11. Th FCC says HOSs can't ban dishes.
  12. Retevis radios DO have a CTCSS code installed from the factory. That's why they state they only talk to each other but offer a CPS to change or remove the code.
  13. As a follow-up, it also depends on the repeater's receiver. If the repeater is a retuned commercial/public safety unit, the receiver will be more sensitive to RF than a Retevis or Midland "suitcase." Your carrier signal that carries your voice can reach further than the rest of your signal.
  14. Yes.
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