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Everything posted by BoxCar

  1. What antenna, how high is it and what are you using for the ground plane?
  2. BoxCar


    What software are you using to program the radios? CHIRP-Next will handle the RB26 and may show any additional tones in the radios.
  3. A little blue lock-tite works wonders on the set screws. It usually stays liquid long enough to coat the entire set screw. I wonder if a little might "fix" your antenna problem. Squirt a little into the socket and let it dry before reinstalling the antenna and retuning it.
  4. Vaseline has been used for years.
  5. The wiring in the vehicle is one point that stymies many. The easier solution is to install a power stub permanently in the vehicle from the power source to the T-plug on the radio. you the only have to connect the antenna and power at the T-plug. The same for your base install. The connectors are available on Amazon and most Ham radio stores. You can get a fused one from Quicksilver radio (qsradio.com).
  6. If my receiver doesn't use a code, they can have all they want on theirs, I'll still hear them.
  7. Or "ABCD123 Testing>"
  8. I wouldn't spend more than $250 for the radio and another for $40 for https://www.amazon.com/s?k=meanwell+12v+power+supply&crid=2BG35N3JFHFF8&sprefix=meanwe%2Caps%2C98&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_6, https://www.amazon.com/Bergen-Industries-Inc-PS913163-Appliance/dp/B07BQB7FH5/ref=sr_1_1_pp?crid=1OVEJEOM4FY90&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RzXLsiTuEDgnVxtXgEYRMV4MxZwJuAWQ56RreG08cXIPSl52UzUYr2rI9ziDJ6dTzEgMWy5baNByOXtTsdkSE9slq3GzBxZazHwObliMXDt964PLe45LE_yOUdopjebBO-gNJ6n8wjHD-lFTbyoi1L0d323rcJwfkNRu58sUjF0N5hiodpiKvsduhOttmNZn4_jotVUBvz6J09cItbAfJs8hsutjrJ8terP1f0ZE0vsxflX9JFwiUXygXSDxTk4NUPBCfW_aRrDyBi_XSGNhuLBCXy7KjQ0q9e6Gtl3IUZw.51v1FGiEZON0o8Q9bZ6ZESuWbBlMGTRF2quEYS0-Sds&dib_tag=se&keywords=power%2Bcord%2Breplacement&qid=1723685842&sprefix=power%2Bcord%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-1&th=1, and https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lighting-and-electrical/boxes-fittings-and-conduit/lugs/34556. Of course, that doesn't include the coax, lightning protector, feed through, or ground strap and rod.
  9. BoxCar


    There are lots of tutorials on programming the Baofeng hand helds. They're all about the same so any tutorial on one in the same frequency range usually suffices.
  10. I have dual watch on my mobile and I'll often respond on the wrong channel.
  11. Good luck on that. Some have been trying for 60+ years.
  12. True. Hotspots are used to convert between analog (FM) and the different digital modes. If you are just building a scanner type device to see if there is anything on the air then just an SDR radio would work.
  13. SNE can be quite disturbing. Not to mention EMBARISSING!!!!
  14. Repeaters ready to run will cost between $375 to over $3000. How deep is your pocket?
  15. No, but one of these years I'll figure out how to set the one on the microwave.
  16. leave it blank if you don't have one.
  17. Looks like Morganton or Wheeling are the closest Moto dealers.
  18. It sounds like shop time.
  19. If you are building, you might want to look at a Moxon antenna as well. One tuned around 464 MHz is roughly 9 x 3.5 inches. There are calculators online that give all the measurements.
  20. For repeaters you transmit on the 467 channels and listen on the 462 channels. That's the 5MHz split or shift. The antenna is key for all issues. It's not always the length of the antenna as it is the tuning and height above ground. Your easiest antenna fix is to invest in either an antenna you can put outside, as high as possible, or one in your attic. Another option is to buy a mag mount antenna you can use in your vehicle or put it on a cookie sheet or large pizza pan. Again, this needs to be as high as possible but accessible if you also use it for the vehicle.
  21. FRS radios are narrowband since 2017, therefore, they will not have a wideband (FM) option. GRMS channels are wideband (25kHz) so they have an option to operate either wide or narrow.
  22. I agree. The current default sort by votes is IMO asinine as it makes following the thread extremely difficult.
  23. According to the communications attorney I talked to, there are NO GMRS Base Station radios. There are GMRS radios operating from fixed locations operating as either repeaters or control stations. Your home based GMRS radio is used to control a repeater or communicate directly to other mobile units. This holds true through all sections under Parts 90, 95, and 97.
  24. Which is not a problem as there are no "base station" radios. There are hand held and mobile units only. Some mobile units are used in a fixed location, but they are still mobile units.
  25. I'd stay away from setting up a repeater until you get some experience under your belt and a lot more knowledge.
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