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Everything posted by taco6513

  1. I understand that this horse has taken a beating here of late. I am getting closer to getting my 2nd repeater up and running. The second repeater has no use to me if it is not linked to my first repeater. I see that the MyGMRS Network Linking map is blank. I tried to link out but connection failed. Is it possible to use the two nodes to link two repeaters together directly? or do I need a AllStar server in the mix? Also could use RF to link, they are close enough. Long Live the King.. WRCW870 KI5GXD
  2. I purchased several DB420 antennas from a former tower climber in Enid OK several years ago. He has sold many of them to members of this group. He has many more that he has access to sell. He ask me to post this message for him. "I received an email and the DB 420’s are still available where I got mine at ct469911@gmail.com. He said 2 were picked up in July. 2 more checked and will be ready August 3rd 2024 for pick up. Others will be ready in a few weeks and more to take down this fall. " Thanks WRCW870
  3. The node is 24001, Yes it know shows on the linking map. Yes the connect and disconnect commands to link to other repeaters and regional nodes. Thanks WRCW870
  4. I just got an internet connection back to my tower site. Could someone send me a linking command instructions and list? Thanks WRCW870
  5. Motorola invented CTCSS. This was called "Private line" PL tones. I believe there were 38 original tones. Older Motorola equipment only has access to the original 38 tones. "Private Line" is a trademark of Motorola. WRCW870
  6. I have a the radio shop working on a Vertex Standard low band radio to change it to 6 meters. The shop has the programming software however on this radio the "Service Software" is a separate program. I am needing to locate "SVS-49 Service Software" to turn the power down as the instructions online say needs to be done. The radio shop says they have had no luck.Any help would be great. The radio is a VX-6000L 120 Watts. Instructions online say to reduce power to 100 watts to protect finals. The software is the "service and alignment" software. Thanks Lee WRCW870, KI5GXD
  7. AXORLOV, thank you for correcting my drawing. This would be a short term solution. 48 hours. This is a better and correct drawing. Thanks
  8. This is a radio question from my AUXCOMM class. The scenario was a cell site with 48V power system has lost it's normal power supply and batter charging ability. Also 2 Public safety repeaters are on this battery source and battery power will run out in 4 to 6 hours. I have drawn a picture of a possible solution. 4 12 volt batteries in series to make 48V and 4 12 volt batter chargers to recharge the 12 volt batteries in series. Will this work? Repairs will be made in 48 hours. Thank you for looking. WRCW870 Lee.
  9. Don't know if this was covered. If it has been please disregard. Do you have your channel programmed into your radio for tone squelch or just squelch? Had to change mine to tone squelch. Farmer on same channel but not on repeater coming on the base at the house. Changed to tone squelch, farmer is still there my radio sees the transmission still buy unless on correct tone I no longer hear it. Hope this helps. WRCW870
  10. What information to I need to provide to the person setting up a DMR repeater for me? Frequency's, Repeater ID from "RadioID.net" ? The repeater is a Vertex VXD-R70. The person selling said he will program and set up. I don't know how. I don't know what information he needs to program. Thanks KI5GXD
  11. I have been thinking about this for some time now. The ham radio club has an antenna on a 500ft tower. Nice coverage from this location. The antenna is a DB420 (460-470Mhz) model. They have been using this for some years with no issues. I have been told this is possible. I have reached out to several places with no answer or just no response. Ham repeater is 444.250 and the GMRS would be 462.?. This is a 18Mhz spread. Both repeaters to use there currently tuned duplexers. Combine them with another duplexer that simply blocks the other transmitter. Is this proper thinking? Just need to protect from transmitter power from each other. I have a DB4076 that I could use for the combiner duplexer. Thank you for your time. WRCW870 KI5GXD
  12. Link to video: The antenna is a DB420B. The local ham club is using a DB420B on the 70cm machine. Frequency is 444.525 and it has been working fine for years.
  13. I have reached out to Bridge Comm. They have a video using 3 duplexers to combine 2 repeaters to one antenna. I have failed to get a response from them at this time. Who would be able to help with this type of setup? I do have an application: One GMRS Repeater on Channel 21 and One 70cm Repeater on a yet to assigned pair. The split should be about 18 Mhz between pairs. Bridge Comm is using 2 4 cavity duplexers and one 8 cavity duplexer. I have been researching this and found RX TX Systems has much information on this subject. However they use a combiner set up. I plan to reach out to Bridge Comm again. Any help would be great. Also don't think this matters the 70cm repeater will be DMR. Thanks KI5GXD WRCW870
  14. Thank everyone for there feed back. No cell service. Try to contact emergency service through Amateur or GRMS by Relay. The last resort. Contact Emergency services on public service channels. At this time I could not foresee a time I would need to do this. Just asking the question. Thanks WRCW870 KI5GXD
  15. This is not a GMRS question. I have just programmed all the State Emergency Management Interoperability channels into my D578. There are 3 channels that are common interoperability channels. They are listed as: OK Law 1, OK LGMA 1, and OK Net 1. The question: If it became necessary to contact the local law enforcement agency for an emergency purpose. (of course). What would be the contact protocol? Would one use your Armature call sign or GMRS call sign? Or just use name, rank, and serial number? Thanks for the feed back. I like the new web site and network map. WRCW870 KI5GXD REACT 6259
  16. Good thing I'm not a "SOONER" fan. GO COWBOYS!
  17. The "Travel Tone" is CTCSS 141.3 Hz. Has become a standard tone for travelers and others to talk to each other. I hear traffic on this tone on many different channels of GMRS. Weatherford OK is right on I-40. WRCW870
  18. I have my base station back up after my lighting strike. I monitor MURS, and GMRS Channels 1-22. I have the FRS 8-14 programmed for monitoring. I have overserved a great number of people using the Travel Tone" . I have all the channels programmed into my D578 with the travel tone. If these users are using the travel tone in my book they want to be talked to by other operators? I get some positive replies and some less the positive replies when I try to talk back to them. So what I guess I am asking. Is why use the "Travel Tone" if you don't want to be bothered? Thanks WRCW870
  19. Alinco DJ-500TB, IP54 rated. Part 90. Take a look for consideration. WRCW870 KI5GXD
  20. I would like to set up an APRS IGate to go with my mobile repeater. Are these hard to set up? Is there a complete plug and play version or do you have to build them? Thanks KI5GXD
  21. Hello, Was wondering if anyone knew how Rich was doing? Is he OK? Sent him an email a couple weeks ago and sent a follow up txt to his cell phone a couple days ago. no response from either one. Just wanted to check and see that he is OK. Thanks WRCW870 Eagle 1.
  22. Set up a beam antenna pointed straight towards the repeater. Please check out his beam antenna: https://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=191_193_258_977_978&products_id=4258 Use good quality "Times Microwave" cable. Stay away from 'made in China'. WRCW870
  23. I found a TOPO map that is color graded to the height in meters. Lets to pick a spot and will tell the altitude for that spot. Red's are higher and blue's are lower. https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/maps/d3b/Oklahoma/ Looks like a good tool. WRCW870
  24. Just the ones' on the MyGmrs.network map. Also not all of those repeaters allow outside connections. WRCW870
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