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Posts posted by OffRoaderX

  1. 5 hours ago, gortex2 said:

    In your situation personally I wouldn't rely on radio. I carry a Garmin Inreach for places like that now

    This is actually a VERY good point.. I am The Queen Of GMRS, and even I dont rely on GMRS (or H.A.M.) for emergency communication when out off-roading because 90% of where we go has no Cell,GMRS, or H.A.M. coverage.. I carry a Garmin Inreach, and I too have NEVER had a message not go through.  

  2. 14 hours ago, crash3x said:

    I looking to update the Firmware

    The firmware updater runs only on Windows..  It *might* run via Parallels on your Mac.. But, it might not.. and I dont recall, but you may also be able to do it via the ODMaster app...

    But... are you really sure you even need the firmware update? I usually avoid firmware updates unless it fixes something I actually care about.

  3. 24 minutes ago, WSCH851 said:

    The word “HAM” as applied to 1908 was the station CALL of the first amateur wireless station operated by some amateurs of the Harvard Radio Club. They were Albert S. Hyman, Bob Almy, and Poogie Murray. At first they called their station “HYMAN-ALMY-MURRAY”.

    Thats why the CORRECT way to write it is:  H.A.M.

    Anyone that thinks otherwise obviously does not even have a H.A.M. radio license.

  4. 37 minutes ago, koni13 said:

    any recommendations you can suggest are greatly appreciated.

    I have several suggestions but posting them here in this conversation about Dirty Radios would be very off-topic and we all know that bardging-in and going off topic is very rude, so we shan't be doing that.

  5. I trust and believe everything that the government tells us!!  If the FCC decrees that a radio passes their testing and approves/certifies it with a Part 95 Approval, then this PROVES beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is good/clean and SAFE and EFFECTIVE for use on the airwaves.  anyone saying that a radio is not 'clean' when the government has decreed that it IS clean and save & effective for use, is just spreading misinformation and should be silenced. 

    Obviously anyone claiming that these Part-95 certified radios are not clean, safe, and effective, are just conspiracy theorists.. These radios are approved using scientific methods and everyone knows that the science is never wrong, so anyone saying otherwise is a science-denier.

  6. 30 minutes ago, tcp2525 said:

    Just trying to prevent him from falling for the classic "Textbook Sad" option of wiping his ass with $100 bills and flushing them down the toilet. At least if he buys a real radio that has a receiver that will exceed that Chinese abomination in performance he'll have something to show for his investment. At the end of his day he has another option. I won't apologize for someone that gets butt hurt by someone putting another option on the table. And it's not going to hurt my feelings if he doesn't take my advice.

    You're funny.

  7. Top SIX?  Geezus...

    I like the Eton Elite 750, but it is a bit pricy..

    Raddy just released a new, low-cost Shortwave radio that also does SSB, which most of the CCR shortwaves don't do - I heard that the Youtube Queen of GMRS will be doing a review of it soon because he's run out of new GMRS radios to talk about.. But, thats just a rumor..

    I fully realize that neither of these meet the requirements of a true shortwave-dork, but, I'm not a shortwave dork.

  8. Just now, nokones said:

    I have all the confidence in the world that you can make your CCRs make the trek because you have those special CCRs that were blessed by Zenu. I think I better pass on that bet.

    all kidding aside.. Although far, FAR better in build quality, the fact is that your (and my) UHF XTS5000 radios put out the exact same power, and sometimes less power, than most CCR GMRS radios, and they have virtually the exact same fars.

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