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    OffRoaderX reacted to marcspaz in My 50w Radio Doesn't Make 50w. Why?   
    This question has been coming up a lot lately...   "My 50w Radio Doesn't Make 50w.  Why?" 
    I figured I would post quick highlights of the more common items that lead to low power.  This is just a list of a few items.  If anyone would like a bit more detail, just ask and myself or one of our seasoned operators will be happy to help with further explanation.
    One of the most common issues that will prevent you from reaching a full 50 watts is the manufacturer.  They have to have their device certified by the FCC in order to be sold in the US.  The radio needs to be sold in the configuration as tested and certified.  If the radio or any subsequent builds tested exceed 50w, even if it's not intentional due to something like component tolerances, the manufacturer will either not get or lose their certification. 
    To avoid risk of losing certification, when the radios are designed, they are designed to operate at much less power.  I know for a fact that many popular brands target 46w, so they can round-up to 50w for advertising.  However, manufacturing tolerances allow for +/- 4w.  So, a properly running new radio under the absolute best conditions could make as much as 50w or as little as 42w.  Again, only under perfect conditions.
    Those perfect conditions are typically 13.8vdc "at the radio" (not at the power source), almost unmeasurable losses due to test gear insertion, a proper dummy load, and being on the channel/frequency that the manufacturer centered up the transmit power to.
    The following issues are just a few that will lead to less than ideal conditions.
     - Not testing on the channel/frequency that the manufacturer tuned for max performance.
    - The power source is too low.
     - Power cables are too long, lending to too much voltage loss at the radio.
     - The power cables are too thin for the current draw and length of the power cables, lending to too much voltage loss at the radio.
     - Power cables have connections that are crimped instead of soldered.
     - Corrosion at the battery connectors or other connectors in the power lines.
     - Improper grounding of the radio.
     - Improper grounding of the antenna.
     - A bad or poor performing antenna.
     - Bad or poor performing antenna cables.
     - RF interference from something in the vehicle that is close to the radio, causing improper performance.
    There can be more than this, but in my decades of experience, these are the top problems I have seen.  Below is a video showing the difference between my amateur radio on my bench vs installed in my Jeep.  Even mine isn't perfect because I wanted to use the factory auxiliary switches, as well as Power Pole connectors for easy removal, and I don't mind losing a few watts compared to the convenience.
  2. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRUH983 in Un-official GMRS travel channel?   
    "some people".. have trouble comprehending anything outside of their own experience and will often demean it in an attempt to compensate for their own social deficiencies.
  3. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRVX650 in Baofeng uv9g   
    Recently promoted from Youtube hobo to Youtube vagabond.
  4. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRUK284 in Repeater frequencies   
    He is correct though, it would be easier to help if we knew what radio the guy was using.. And I prefer his direct and to-the-point replies to the 5-10 paragraph uncecessarily-complicated answers that always include a full resume of the person leaving the reply as well as a list of all the radios they own.
    I guess we all have different want/needs in forum replies..
  5. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRTU454 in Repeater frequencies   
    He is correct though, it would be easier to help if we knew what radio the guy was using.. And I prefer his direct and to-the-point replies to the 5-10 paragraph uncecessarily-complicated answers that always include a full resume of the person leaving the reply as well as a list of all the radios they own.
    I guess we all have different want/needs in forum replies..
  6. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRXX728 in We need more GMRS Repeaters Deployed   
    Forgot to mention..Thanks for reminding me...  Always beware of the "some people" that try their best overcomplicate everything.
  7. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from gearjunkie in GMRS Enforcement   
    If you look close, 99% of them are actually sad-hams, disguised as GMRS operators.
  8. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from Sab02r in GMRS Enforcement   
    It doesnt matter, and only the hall-monitors care - as you can see very clearly in this and other online forums..
  9. Like
    OffRoaderX reacted to wrci350 in Can a GMRS station talk to a FRS   
    Do you read through old threads looking for places you can "contribute"?  Was it really necessary to add this statement to something posted over 4 months ago?  The fact that maximum transmission power on the interstitials is expressed in ERP does not in any way prohibit a removable antenna, which is what I was commenting on.  It does, however, place the onus on staying under the limit on the user of the radio ... not that most people care, of course.
  10. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRFH464 in Repeater frequencies   
    He is correct though, it would be easier to help if we knew what radio the guy was using.. And I prefer his direct and to-the-point replies to the 5-10 paragraph uncecessarily-complicated answers that always include a full resume of the person leaving the reply as well as a list of all the radios they own.
    I guess we all have different want/needs in forum replies..
  11. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from TNRonin in 8 days haven’t herd a thing   
    Try putting them on scan to scan through all the channels..
    But, also remember, that GMRS is primarily for point-to-point communications, for example talking to your group while off-roading, or staying in contact with your buddies while hiking, so it is entirely possible that you're not going to hear anything - and nobody here can help you with  that.
  12. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from TOM47 in Tone vs ctcss   
    Basically yes, but there are also DTC/DCS tones in addition to CTCSS tones.
  13. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WSAW350 in Programming Motorola XTL5000 or CDM1250 mobile radios   
    Imagine living a life where you get so angry and butthurt over videos that nobody forces you to watch, that you then go around complaining and making up stories every chance you can..
    We should all pray for sad people like this.
  14. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WSCG586 in GMRS License - Required to Have On-Person?   
    The answer to your question is "NO" ..
    Weird that after so many words, the question still had not been answered. 
  15. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from TOM47 in Radioddity DB25g issues   
    Yes, I know 2 people that got 'bad' DB25G radios.  IIRC they could not program them correctly but I dont remember exactly so I txt'd one of them to confirm. In both cases they sent them back and had them replaced with ones that actually work.  This was a few months ago so I would hope/guess that they are no longer shipping bad units.
    Edit/Update:  Turns out it was 3 people that got bad units, and the issue was as you described, not being able to additional repeater channels and also not being able to do a factory reset.  All got replacement units that worked, but it was a PITA.  Have not been able to confirm if bad units are still being shipped.
  16. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from wrci350 in US FRS and GMRS channels   
    By design, there are numbered channels on GMRS & FRS for a reason - so that normal people can more easily use the radios and communicate amongst themselves.
    Anyone pushing frequencies over channels clearly has no understanding of GMRS, its intended use or its target audience.
  17. Haha
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRVX650 in Un-official GMRS travel channel?   
    This is the obvious answer.. Everyone knows that CB Ch19 is the unofficial official road channel so it makes sense that GMRS Ch19 would be the same..
    Someone should go on Youtube and decree it, to make it official..
  18. Thanks
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRQJ683 in US FRS and GMRS channels   
    By design, there are numbered channels on GMRS & FRS for a reason - so that normal people can more easily use the radios and communicate amongst themselves.
    Anyone pushing frequencies over channels clearly has no understanding of GMRS, its intended use or its target audience.
  19. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from PRadio in US FRS and GMRS channels   
    By design, there are numbered channels on GMRS & FRS for a reason - so that normal people can more easily use the radios and communicate amongst themselves.
    Anyone pushing frequencies over channels clearly has no understanding of GMRS, its intended use or its target audience.
  20. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WQZQ295 in US FRS and GMRS channels   
    By design, there are numbered channels on GMRS & FRS for a reason - so that normal people can more easily use the radios and communicate amongst themselves.
    Anyone pushing frequencies over channels clearly has no understanding of GMRS, its intended use or its target audience.
  21. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WQZQ295 in US FRS and GMRS channels   
    On all Post 2017 GMRS & FRS radios GMRS channels 1-22 and FRS channels 1-22 are the same frequencies.  No idea why your software does not know this.
  22. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from WRXD992 in Antennas on houses   
  23. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from wrci350 in US FRS and GMRS channels   
    On all Post 2017 GMRS & FRS radios GMRS channels 1-22 and FRS channels 1-22 are the same frequencies.  No idea why your software does not know this.
  24. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from H8SPVMT in Poor transmit quality with Midland MXT400 Micromobile   
    Is yours one of the MXT400 units that can switch between wideband and narrowband?  If so, make sure its on wideband.. If not, ask one of your friends to switch their radio (temporarily) to narrowband and ask them if it sounds better.  if it sounds ok when you're both on narrowband, then, thats just the way it is..
    If its not a narrowband issue, make sure you're not eating the mic.. IIRC, the MXT400 does not have an adjustable Mic gain, so your arm is the only way to adjust it.
    If neither of those help, call Midland and tell them you send you a new radio that works.
  25. Like
    OffRoaderX got a reaction from kidphc in Programming Motorola XTL5000 or CDM1250 mobile radios   
    Even setting up a ham radio for use with GMRS repeaters can be challenging for us simpletons.   But a GMRS radio like the KG1000G or XS20G is very easy to setup. You dont even need the software, you can do it directly on the radio (but, it is easier with the software).
    If simplicity is your goal for GMRS, then do not get a CDM1250, XTL5000 or a ham radio - get a GMRS radio.
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