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rdunajewski last won the day on August 26 2024

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About rdunajewski

  • Birthday November 21

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  1. Hello, We did have an issue with the FCC licenses not being updated due to bad data from the FCC. We have fixed the problem and processed all the available license updates. Your license should now be in our system. You can sign up here: https://mygmrs.com/register
  2. Hi Rich, 

    I was wondering, in the unfortunate event of a Solar Event or EMP, do you happen to know how owners of Repeaters have any shielding against such events on their own respective repeaters? 

    Is there any info in the forums about this? 



  3. Honestly where do I begin with this thread? Do I delete it all? Censor the language? Remove the inflammatory posts? Or do I leave it up because @SteveShannon and others have a therapeutic way of handling this argument and we are so close to getting 2 people to apologize and let things cool naturally. In that case, the lesson in putting aside our differences, on the Internet of all places, would be so much better than leaving the profanity and the references to disabled people. Hopefully you guys can pause, come to a gentlemanly agreement to disagree at the very least, and apologize. Right now that kind of resolution would do the country, and the world, a bunch of good right now. We need more of that before we descend into another civil war some day.
  4. @WQGU515 and @EMGREY, your forum accounts should be all set now. I think some peoples' accounts fell out of sync due to some maintenance we were doing on the database the last few weeks.
  5. The forums have been under a DOS attack for the past week, so that's why you're seeing errors pop up here and there. Overall, the mitigation has being going well so hopefully the disruptions have been kept to a minimum. We're still running with >99.9% uptime for the month. The forbidden errors are from security software I added to help mitigate the attack, but it looks like it's catching some legitimate traffic too. I adjusted the rules so it should be good for everyone now, but please let me know if you still run into forbidden errors.
  6. Hi Josh, Please check the format of the callsign. It must be 4 letters and only 3 digits. You probably have an I not the number one.
  7. Currently, only one account can be created per GMRS callsign as a security measure to prevent multiple random people from trying to register the same callsign. This works fine for families where one member is the coordinator of the communications, but I know it isn't ideal when multiple people have an interest in participating independently. I was thinking about changing the user accounts on this website to allow a single "main account" per callsign. The account holder can then create multiple subaccounts sharing the same callsign: this way, the account holder/licensee controls who may share their license regarding a myGMRS account and we prevent the issue of random people trying to claim a callsign over and over again. Imagine how many people would try to claim mine, for example. What does everyone think about that?
  8. We update the database daily, but the FCC data we have access to is typically 1-2 days behind the FCC website, unfortunately.
  9. There has been a linked repeater owner who has been threatened by hams giving out his address and calling for hams to attack his repeater tower. This is going too far. I also think since the FCC wasn't very clear on this regulation and at one time said it was ok. That this could be an example of the chevron deference which the SCOTUS  just ruled on. 

  10. Alright, I think this topic has run its course...
  11. Recently, the FCC has clarified its interpretation of the GMRS rules regarding repeater linking by stating that linked repeaters are against the rules. For years, the Part 95 rules have been unclear about whether repeater linking falls under Remote Control, Interconnection, or something else entirely. FCC Clarification (Click the Operations tab) A GMRS user asked the Commission for clarification several years ago and received a response that it was indeed allowed. This letter had been posted online. Given that decision and the nebulous state of the Part 95 rules, we have operated under the assumption that this was permitted. While this clarification is not binding and does not update the actual Part 95 rules, it shows that the FCC is against repeater linking and at least intends for it to be prohibited. Given this new information, it is in our best interest to begin shutting down the myGMRS Network, which allows repeater owners to link using VoIP technology over the Internet. We will shut down the myGMRS registration server in one week, on August 28th, 2024. The main myGMRS website will not be affected and will continue to serve the GMRS community as it has for nearly 20 years. Connections between repeaters or audio are not carried through our servers; only the registration server is used to keep a listing of which nodes are online at any given time. Disabling the registration server will not break the connection to existing nodes; it will only prevent new connections from occurring. Repeater owners who continue using VoIP or other means to link repeaters together will do so at their own risk. myGMRS is committed to operating within the FCC rules and aims to maintain a positive rapport with the Commission. Should the Commission's stance change, we will reconsider whether to bring the network back at that time. If you wish to sign, there is a Change.org petition to request that the FCC allow network connections. Change.org Petition to Allow GMRS Linking
  12. Everything should be working now. Try logging out and back in.
  13. I refreshed your Premium Member status on your forum account and you should have access now!
  14. You are entering an invalid callsign. This is not an issue with the website. WSC1776 is not in the right format. It must be 4 letters and 3 digits for recent callsigns. Please double check your callsign. A good truck is to try and find your license on the FCC website. If you can't find it there, you have it wrong.
  15. @WRZK971 It should be working now.
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