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Everything posted by PastorGary

  1. The Staff has eliminated 8 posts in this thread. We caution participants to take your argument into Private Messaging if you must argue at all. Any repeat of what was reported by several members in this thread will not be tolerated.
  2. Review Section 47CFR 90.425 of the Commission rules. Same basic requirements as for GMRS, with very limited exemptions.
  3. https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/51-equipment-technical-information-and-personal-responsibility/
  4. See page 34 for FCC ID details: Ref: https://midlandusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/SP-440.pdf
  5. The owner of MyGMRS, (Rich D.), will be looking into this matter soon.
  6. Staff Comment - The owner of MyGMRS (Rich) will get to your question as time permits. In the mean time, we noted that your signature graphics contains private repeater access info for a Permission Required system. That info can be seen by anyone visiting MyGMRS forums - including search engines and non licensed persons. You may wish to rethink what is contained in your signature line...
  7. This Guest Area may not be used for advertising or to sell products or services. Any such posts placed here will be removed. MyGMRS Staff
  8. PastorGary

    GMRS V1

    "The GMRS-V1 is FCC certified (Part 95A) for use on GMRS frequencies." Reference: https://baofengtech.com/gmrs-v1
  9. Good point. Let me also just place a comprehensive Part 90 line item here for consideration... 47CFR90.407: Emergency Communications > The licensee of any station authorized under this part may, during a period of emergency in which the normal communication facilities are disrupted as a result of hurricane, flood, earthquake or similar disaster, utilize such station for emergency communications in a manner other than that specified in the station authorization or in the rules and regulations governing the operation of such stations. The Commission may at any time order the discontinuance of such special use of the authorized facilities. Now, let's look at the Part 95 line item that is worded in much less specific detail > 47CFR95.114: Managing a GMRS system in an emergency > (a ) The stations in a GMRS system must cease transmitting when the station operator of any station on the same channel is communicating an emergency message (concerning the immediate protection of property or the safety of someone's life). (b ) If necessary to communicate an emergency message from a station in a GMRS system, the licensee may permit: (1 ) Anyone to be the station operator (see §95.179); and (2 ) The station operator to communicate the emergency message to any radio station. _____________________________________________________________________ Has anyone ever received a ruling from the Commission regarding section (2 ) above and the words "any radio station" ?
  10. Accuracy of the data in the main repeater website is the responsibility of each system owner to maintain. If anyone sees a listing that is out of date or otherwise inaccurate, please use the REPORT feature for that listing to mention your observations to Rich D. Only Rich can deal with those listings. Thank you.
  11. Access data is on file at our main repeater site. Log in to view data and owner contact info. It is listed as an open system, but as a courtesy, contact the owner first. Data in the main repeater website may or may not be current. https://www.mygmrs.com/view?id=1202
  12. I was licensed for operations on two of the Part 90 frequencies using AM - just above 'CB' and just below 31 MHZ for many years. It was OK, but during the peak of the 11 year sunspot cycle, the frequencies were a bit noisy with other stations from all over the US "skipping" to my location. That is the primary reason that most Public Safety agencies that were on low band in the 50's, 60's and early 70's, went to VHF. I still have the commercial EF Johnson Messenger radios and even though they are tube type, they are still type certified and still operate as designed (into a dummy load for testing only). These days, with very few stations using low band - it might be a good place to go for Part 90 licensing if you want to be under the radar for some reason. My equipment was AM and worked better than some, because the AM system did not demodulate skip FM signals very well, so the interference to my system was minimal. Mobiles with a 5/8 wave base loaded antenna would net roughly 20 to 30 miles mobile to mobile and 40 + miles mobile to a simplex base. Never needed a repeater with that type of local coverage.
  13. Best way to deal with things listed at the main website is to hit the "Report" button and let Rich D. know about it. The staff here at the Forum has no access to the administration of the main website.
  14. We are bumping this thread for members to review Post # 1. PLEASE use the Private Discussion Area for any posts that include repeater access codes or frequencies. The Private Discussion Area can not be seen by search engine bots or non registered viewers. The staff will attempt to move any post that contains this type of information into the Private Discussion Area - however, we need your help in placing posts with sensitive information in the proper place to start with. Thank You.
  15. Ezekiel - Just a reminder - Anyone using a GMRS radio or radio system must have their own FCC license. Therefore, all users of your proposed mobile GMRS repeater would be required to be licensed individually. Your own current GMRS license is all that you need to operate a family or group repeater. And anyone using it would have to have their own license and properly ID with call their sign. (FCC 47CFR95.119). Your own immediate family members are covered under your license. (FCC 47CFR95.179a ) Good luck with your project.
  16. Before we add too much more to this thread, let's wait until the person that started this thread stops back to read what is here. Thanks.
  17. Disclaimer: MyGMRS and it's staff takes no responsibility or assumes no liability regarding suggestions concerning the use of equipment that is not type certified for use on GMRS frequencies. We caution members that we will carefully monitor such posts and we reserve the right to remove posts that do not comply fully with the stipulations in our posted caution located here: https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/51-equipment-technical-information-and-personal-responsibility/
  18. The RG8X may be fine for 27 Mhz. CB frequencies, but the attenuation rating at 462 mhz is substantial. It just is not designed to operate well at UHF frequencies. If you want better performance, and your budget will allow, upgrade to a 25 watt type certified radio and 3/8 inch hardline. You can build a 5 db antenna system using a center loaded mobile antenna and an NMO mount radial kit. Antenna: http://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/pctel-asp76551-827.html Radial Kit: http://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/pctel-maxrad-mbsuhf-1651.html Best of luck with your project...
  19. PastorGary


    Dennis - our main website software is faster than the FCC database most days, so try again in a day or so...
  20. This one has worked well for our Chaplain Responder Teams in simplex mode... so, it should work fine for a 'suitcase repeater'... http://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/tram-browning-br-6155-3574.html
  21. Courtesy reminder for all MyGMRS members: 47CFR95.135 (a) - §95.135 Maximum authorized transmitting power.(a) No station may transmit with more than 50 watts output power.
  22. Repeater operation on GMRS frequencies is limited to one user at a time. Due to the relatively high iron content and hilly terrain in most of the UP, we have not seen many repeaters being installed in the region. You may see a listing in the main MyGMRS website for a system in Iron Mountain, Michigan.... that system was never completed and at this time, it does not exist. The radio that you mentioned is a possibility for simplex operation. It does not seem to be repeater capable. You would have to be within 3 to 5 miles of another similar radio OR simplex base station to be able to communicate. You mentioned "no cell signal" and that is common in the area. The iron content in the taconite ore, especially in the Gogebic and Menominee Range 'mountains', affects radio propagation. A group of us tested this phenomenon in 2006 and found that cell, HF, VHF and UHF signals were less likely to be heard in that area at specific distances than 50 miles south in Wisconsin, where very little iron content is present. With GMRS signals essentially being 'line of sight', the topography and geology in the UP of Michigan can introduce additional challenges.
  23. You may find some of your answers in a long-running thread located here: https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/295-repeater-linking-discussion/ Please read the entire thread, because the legalities of linking leave only a few options... most of which are discussed in that thread.
  24. STAFF NOTE: Please refer to CURRENT FCC Part 95 Rule 95.631 (e) - "No GMRS or CB transmitter shall employ a digital modulation or emission."
  25. William - we have missed you here at the forum and are glad that you are on the mend. Please check your forum PM inbox for a staff briefing. Welcome Back !!
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