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With apologies to Hemingway on the title of this post, but I just wanted to say how awesome this forum and folks who frequent it are. I visit every day (when business doesn't drag me out) because people share solid info, are always pleasant and even when I'm off the mark I'm corrected in a friendly, fatherly/motherly manner that doesn't make me feel like I'm lucky I snuck out of grade school. It's a breath of fresh air in today's toxic environment. And hat tip to the moderators/host/owners/people surrendering their time and cash to keep things running right. It's a rare site when you're confident you can sit down and read something with your grandkids without stumbling across inappropriate language.5 points
If FRS works for them and don't want to upgrade to business radios, then that's perfectly OK. I am OK with business use of FRS. Most business users of FRS are casual users of 2-way radio and don't need expensive business radios and the hassle with FCC licensing that goes with it. Given that business use of FRS is 100% legal, it helps fill this niche, sort of like what PMR446 does in Europe. Accommodating casual business users of 2-way radio as FRS does helps keep the Part 90 Industrial/Business (IB) pool frequencies more available for licensed users who really need those frequencies. I recently had a paving crew resurfacing one of the streets next to my house and the flaggers were using FRS. I saw them using FRS and I quickly found them on FRS channel 1 (462.5625). The flaggers were only about 100 feet or so apart and FRS worked fine for them. What was different about them was they behaved themselves and strictly used the radios for what they were meant for. They actually sounded professional, unlike the usual sewer mouth chatter you normally hear from flaggers on FRS.2 points
Perhaps the answer to the main question is this: Asking for permission to use someone’s property is the polite thing to do in a civil society. There are rights and responsibilities in life.2 points
I am simply asking an open question here for anyone, not an argument. So everyone licensed for GMRS have an understanding that 141.3Hz PL tone is an open travel PL Tone. So why do people use that tone on a repeater they list here and ask for an email contact prior to use of repeater, if I am traveling, I cant possibly expect a response back within minutes right? If you want it selectively used wouldn't you then use a tone OTHER THAN the well known travel tone 141.3Hz? So... Just asking. I do have a repeater, no longer on air as I live in a very low spot and it didn't even cover my small town from my home. I guess what I am saying is if you don't want your repeater to be an open access repeater for ALL then wouldn't you select a PL tone other than the common travel tone? Just asking... r/ Glenn1 point
The 8180 uses different programming software, but the same cable as the 880.1 point
Thank you for the link.....looks like an awesome project for me and my grandson.1 point
Whats with repeater users needing permission on GMRS?
Elkhunter521 reacted to berkinet for a topic
That saying is attributed to Einstein by author Frederick Perls. But, AFAIK there is no quote or written reference directly from Einstein. Also, it appears that while Einstein may well have uttered those words, he was certainly not the first person to have made the observation. See: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/18140/did-einstein-say-two-things-are-infinite-the-universe-and-human-stupidity-and1 point -
Use of Travel Tone
Elkhunter521 reacted to marcspaz for a topic
Sounds like a reasonable question. I just don't know that everyone that is licensed and has a repeater, knows that is the universal travel tone. Especially since the group who started OPI is long gone, there are no published stands and no knowledge base, beyond some operators keeping the tradition and knowledge alive.1 point -
Whats with repeater users needing permission on GMRS?
Bombahook1 reacted to marcspaz for a topic
I understand where you are coming from. Let me share one of my favorite sayings, believed to be coined by Albert Einstein... Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. While I don't know that he said it, the statement is still applicable to humans and our capacity to think. LoL It sounds like you're fortunate and have a knack for this stuff. Maybe the others that don't, Google gave them us.1 point -
I admit this sounds like a fair question to ask. Perhaps certain protocols or best practices could be established regarding this. Michael WRSH965 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
Using a mobile radio as a base station
AdmiralCochrane reacted to mbrun for a topic
Yes. Ground wires used for lighting protection and antenna grounding outdoors are typically without insulation. Less expensive and one less thing to catch fire if you hit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point -
Radio/distance help
AdmiralCochrane reacted to marcspaz for a topic
There is ZERO chance that it will work on simplex, ground level with GMRS. You have a huge ridge line that runs almost parallel, just a degree of two off, but one town is on one side of the ridge while the other is on the blind side of the ridge. You need HF NVIS for reliable comms (probable between 1.9MHz to 3.8MHz) or there needs to be a repeater on the high point of the ridge line about half way between the two towns or two, 200'+ towers on each side of the ridge, in each town.1 point -
GMRS is the only Paid option for general repeater use.
DeoVindice reacted to axorlov for a topic
FRS is a Family Radio Service. As in: you buy the (part 95) radios, you blabber on them, no restrictions. Families use them on camping, fishing, hiking trips, on playgrounds, on county fairs, in shopping malls. Business can use FRS if it suites the needs, like if you are a construction guy on the top of the 5-story building tired of yelling silly at your crew below. Or you are an employee at the valet parking lot. Proper certified FRS radios have fixed antennas. Anyone can monitor and listen on FRS frequencies. Anyone can perfectly transmit on FRS frequencies using FRS radio, including HAM operators. Illegal radios exist and will always exist, just like illegal guns and illegal drugs. And illegal speeding. And illegal fishing. To require to end FRS or pay for FRS license because your operations are inconvenienced, is very wrong, even if you paid $70 for 10 years. Amateur operators (HAMs) are not vital for the national security. It's a hobby, just like knitting or cat grooming. Nuclear subs, healthy economy, transportation network, energy independence, free press, sane leadership are vital for national security. You know what else is vital - a clear head on top of every citizen's shoulders.1 point