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Everything posted by WRXB215

  1. Just a little anecdote on commercial radios. A few months ago I was given an old Kenwood TH-75A. I also have a brand new Baofeng UV-5R8W. Last night I was listening to the NOAA Galveston station and decided to check out the difference between these two radios. I still like the Baofeng but WOW! the Kenwood sounded significantly better.
  2. @RogerCarper Repeater channels start at 23 and go from there. 1-22 are simplex channels and will not transmit on repeaters. Also, some GMRS radios will not let you do certain things in VFO mode so make sure you are in Memory/Channel mode. Programming with a computer is almost always much easier than programming directly on the radio.
  3. Can you say that one more time? I didn't quite catch that.
  4. I must be lucky, I've never had any problems with my CCRs.
  5. In the image, you don't have any tones set on the repeater channels.
  6. @ADVBikerRadioGirl welcome! Important work you are doing. Be safe.
  7. If your radio has repeater channels, they will already have the offset. Otherwise, you will have to add the offset. And yes, GMRS repeater offset is always +5MHz.
  8. Welcome Ric! Hope you enjoy myGMRS.com
  9. @Sshannon and @Radioguy7268 Not trying to hijack the thread, it's just that this is what caught my attention. I would like to find out more about this. If I need to start a new thread I will gladly do so. I'm just really interested in finding out more about this type of repeater build.
  10. @WRZT743 I do use CCRs myself. Can't afford anything else.
  11. @WRYN359 Sounds like a cool project. Did you consider using a 1/2 wave dipole? No need for a ground plane.
  12. After sending one back? Send the other one back as well.
  13. @Chris0275 Keep in mind that the ground plane doesn't have to be very big. If I recall, 6" diameter is enough for GMRS.
  14. EV's have a long way to go before I feel comfortable buying one. A friend here at work just went through a long ordeal with his. It's brand new and it was in the shop for about 2 weeks.
  15. @WRYZ926 Was that from a spec page or was it a power test someone did?
  16. True, I have a tendency to overlook connections on power and coax.
  17. @Guest Send it back for a replacement.
  18. Man, that really sucks. I hope you can get this all sorted out. If I were the judge, I'd tell Btech to replace the radio warranty or not since it's not what you actually ordered.
  19. I'm not familiar with that specific radio but if you use one of the designated repeater channels, it should have the +5 already set. You should only need to enter the tones. Being a GMRS radio that is probably the case. When using non-type certified radios you will have to enter the offset. Correction: With CHIRP you do have to enter the +5 offset. With most factory GMRS software you don't.
  20. @Tiercel That is exactly what I was talking about. When you "Uploaded from Radio" CHIRP created a file specific to that radio. That is the file you can download to that specific radio. You can copy channels and paste from any file but the file itself is radio specific. I can't even use a UV-5R GMRS file with a UV-5R8W.
  21. @WSAA635 Welcome. GMRS is great for a lot of things. As far as random contacts, it's hit and miss depending on where you live and if your local repeater is linked. Where I live, there are lots of linked repeaters and therefore lots of people to talk to. Others aren't so lucky. Hopefully you will find a good group to talk to.
  22. @Rox Welcome and have fun.
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