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    WRXB215 reacted to WRQG411 in GMRS for my Jeep   
    One thing I like about the Midland mount/cables is that the PL259 connector unscrews from the cable and is much smaller, allowing a smaller hole for bringing the cable into the cab of the vehicle.  The 400 is popular as I understand that there is CPS available to program it, while the 275 and 575 are programmed from the hand mic.
  2. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in GMRS for my Jeep   
    Just so you know, the MXTA26 antenna does not include a mount. You’ll still need to get some kind of NMO mount to attach to your jeep and accept the antenna. Many mounts include the coax cable as well. 
  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Connecting to Repeater   
    First, you must select a repeater channel.  Repeater channels and simplex channels will both receive the repeater transmissions, but only repeater channels transmit on the correct frequencies for the repeater.
    Second, you must transmit on the repeater channel using either the CTCSS or DCS tone that the repeater requires as its “Input” tone.  Transmissions received by the repeater that don’t include the correct tone are ignored.
    For instructions on how to set your CTCSS or DCS tones, your instruction manual is your best reference.  I don’t have an MXT400. Maybe someone who has one can answer more specific questions.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Why doesn't the FCC allow multi-service radios?   
    I think you two missed the point of what I was saying. But that's ok. People miss points all the time. The idea is that FRS radios are supposed to be low power with no license required, but with removable antennas, that purpose would effectively be defeated. Carry on. 
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Why doesn't the FCC allow multi-service radios?   
    Part of the issue I think is because FRS radios are low power and short range and are required to have a fixed antenna, likely to keep people from using bigger antennas and amplifiers to increase what is supposed to be low power and short range. Lots of GMRS and amateur radios have removable antennas specifically to enable users to increase range and power using upgraded antennas and amplifiers. Imagine a world where someone could jack up the power and coverage of FRS that way. That's one reason for a rule not allowing multi-service radios.
  6. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in NVIS book   
    Try this:
    Also, here’s the attachment:
  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Why doesn't the FCC allow multi-service radios?   
    I'm going out on a limb here that the FCC puts a very low priority on anything to do with GMRS, MURS, FRS, CB and amateur radio. I keep thinking they're saying "Look. We finally dropped your license fee to under a penny a day. Heck, we don't even charge you for some of the services. Now stop bothering us and go outside and play with your radios." 
  8. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in New CB. First Impressions   
    Well, after 3 years without a CB radio, I bought a new unit. It's a Cobra 75 All Road.
    I haven't been following CB, but i do know the FCC rule changes about a year ago now allow FM use. I have been curious about it, especially knowing how well FM works on 29 MHz. I had a customer tell me they were interested in this radio, asked if I had an opinion about it and asked if I would install it for them. So, I bought one to check it out.
    I have to say, it's a little weird running a "stock" CB... but so far, I like it. It's just AM/FM with weather channels, but the transceiver is remote and the controls are in the mic (a familiar setup). BUT, the mic and all the controls are done wirelessly. The mic plugs into any USB port you have, or comes with a power outlet adapter. The mic works over Bluetooth so well, that I had the transceiver in my Jeep, but tested the mic range in my son's Jeep. It works about 30 feet away, which was awesome. 
    I haven't chatted with anyone yet, but I was listening to AM Skip from all over the country. The receiver sensitivity seems real good so far.  I am going to ask a friend of mine with an FM CB to help me do some range testing. I'll follow up soon and share the results. 


  9. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to back4more70 in Advise from Midland RE: GMRS Antenna Mounting?   
    Actually, @OffRoaderX is a Time Lord.  He does what he wants when he wants.
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Advise from Midland RE: GMRS Antenna Mounting?   
    It was in “humorous” tense.
  11. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Why doesn't the FCC allow multi-service radios?   
    The principal is based on generating a high frequency AC current in a copper “coil”, for lack of a better term, in close proximity to the surface that’s to be heated. The high frequency magnetic field induces a current flow in the surface of the metal. The depth the current penetrates depends on the frequency. The higher the frequency the closer the current remains to the surface, skin effect. Since the metal has resistance heat is generated from P=R*I^2 effect.
  12. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to gortex2 in Advise from Midland RE: GMRS Antenna Mounting?   
    It was 2 weeks ago.
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Advise from Midland RE: GMRS Antenna Mounting?   
    In about 2 weeks ago.
  14. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in programming radio for Indy 600 repeater for dummies question   
    Transmitting with one radio and listeniing with another radio right next to the transmitting radio is not a reliable way to determine that you're not transmitting.  The listening radio may desense and become deaf because of the proximity of the transmitting radio.
  15. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in TELEVISION BROADCAST ON FRS CH7   
    Poorly maintained transmitters can transmit on secondary frequencies or spill over widely around their primary frequency.
    Poor quality receivers can receive nearby frequencies.

    Several UHF TV channels exist in the 470-490 MHz range. You may just be hearing one of them. 
  16. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Cell phone service is down in Maui, Hawaii   
    This is a link to a document on the Hawaii Emergency Amateur Radio site:
    Maui HAM RADIO - Updates
    This file: https://bit.ly/HAM-UPDATE - Send updated to KH6ML808@gmail.com 
    https://bit.ly/Maui-ICS-205-HAM - Updated by KH6ML and KH6UU 
    Suggest you download and print - Load into the radio. 
    Radio Bulletins RE:  Maui Wildfires have affected phones, internet, and cell services across Maui.
    No contact was established with Lahaina or its ham operators due to burned fiber lines and VERY limited hams in the area.
    KH6COM Linked Repeater Update As of 9:15 am, operational in Kula, Maui (NH6Y & KH6UU)
    Maui Winlink Status:
    Stations are operational but some face internet disruptions.
    Can still function as digipeaters.
    HF Stations are suggested to monitor 7.088 LSB. Your participation is crucial during this time. SEE 40meter.net  Informal Nets held at 9am, Noon and 4pm. 
    12:19pm 8/9/23 checked AREDN microwave link Waialae Iki to Haleakala PtP link operational LQ 100% both directions. Microwave to internet crossover on Oahu is Kaimuki one hop from Waialae Iki. Received AREDN call little while later from Mitch advising the KH6MP-3 gateway on 145.09 available and reachable from West Maui and Upcountr and/or Digipeat WH6FVX in Kula.
    Normal Weekly HF ARES Net on Wednesday night 18:30 on 7.088 LSB
    DMR-Hawaii-  Lost Kula and West Maui repeaters. 
    Wailuku is still up on 444.9500 + CC3
    Mauna Kea Repeater at the top of Big Island  is on the air for EMCOMM purposes, 146.720, Negative Offset, - pl100.0  FM (4:33 PM 8/9/2023
    Haleakala Digipeater Protocol:
    Should KH6COM-10 encounter connectivity problems, it will continue as a Digipeater.
    KH6ML and digipeat via KH6COM-10 on 441.000.
    Change to 441.000 KH6ML Winlink Gateway to service Maui -Station: KH6ML: 441.000 VARA FM Kaneohe, Oahu
    Status: Operational as a Winlink Gateway with internet 
    Note: Please limit testing to affected areas.
    Hawaii Allstar Repeaters on-line on Maui County:
    WH6AV - Wailuku       443.025 (+) PL 103.5 Repeater
    WH6CYD - Pukalani   147.000 (+) PL 88.5 Repeater
    WH6YF - Lahaina        147.540 PL 100 Simplex (Offline) Fire related
    WH6FQM - Lahaina   444.800 (+) PL 88.5 Repeater (Offline) Fire related
    WH6FGS - Wailuku   442.525 (+) PL 100 Repeater
    WH6FEO - Wailuku   446.175 PL 100 Simplex
    AH6MA – Napili            147.495 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
    WH6FGX – Waiau         147.510 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
    WH6IT – Ho’olehua 147.420 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
    WH6IT – Kaunakakai 145.370 (-) PL 88.5 Repeater
    KH6CED - Lanai City 147.435 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
    WH6DNN – Lanai City 147.510 PL 100 Simplex (Offline)
    Please stay vigilant and safe. We extend our gratitude for your amateur radio service.

    8/9/2023 10:00am LOCAL AND Visitors that are displaced and do not have accommodations on Oahu can go to Hawaii Convention Center.

    Maui wildfires 8/9/2023 Noon 
    Impacted areas are approximate and provided for informational purposes only. Check official sources for more information.
    Help & information
    Shelter information and family reunification hotline
    American Red Cross 800-733-2767
     Please text for emergencies - Maui 911 back up 2-911
    Maui County Emergency Management Agency twitter.com/Maui_EMA
    Traffic updates on TwitterHawaii Twitter.com/DOTHawaii
     Situation updates on Twitter County of Maui twitter.com/CountyofMaui
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Cell phone service is down in Maui, Hawaii   
    Please explain how having their radios MARS/CAP modded is necessary to coordinate with friends with personal radios.
  18. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to KAF6045 in Kenwood TH-75A   
    What type of antenna connector does it have? For that age, likely a BNC. Pretty much ANY 2m/70cm BNC antenna should be compatible.
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Kenwood TH-75A   
    Good luck in your quest.  I read the title and thought it was about the new Kenwood handheld which has a very similar name TH D75A:
  20. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Kenwood TH-75A   
    Service Manual
    User Manual
    The manuals have the Kenwood part numbers you need. Then try searching on places like ebay for them.
  21. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in GRMS CB Radio.   
    Very unlikely. Two different services and the frequencies are hugely different. You should read the past threads on this forum about the possibility of buying a multi-service radio. The probability of the FCC allowing that is zero.
  22. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to wayoverthere in Setting Up A Repeater For The First Time   
    That was earlier in this thread 😝 around the middle of page 1, and there's a link in the last post on page 1, but here is the post again:
  23. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Gmrs pro   
    @Sshannon, @FreqieRadio Sorry for the brain fart. I should have put that together.
  24. Thanks
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in Gmrs pro   
    @Sshannon, @FreqieRadio Sorry for the brain fart. I should have put that together.
  25. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Sacramento repeaters   
    There is a bunch of repeaters around that area. Join the site and you’ll have access to the tones. 
    edit- it looks like a bunch are permissions needed but once you join and are logged in you can request permission. I would hope that it would be granted as this is a perfect use case. Good luck and if you decide to join welcome. 
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