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Everything posted by WRXP381

  1. How far away from the repeater were you? Anything in the way? Mountains trees? Ect? Did you stop and get out of the truck? Stand on top? People think repeaters are some type of magic. They are just 2 radios hooked up to eachother and usually up high on a hill. With only a 20mile radius for transmitt the repeater is either very weak or you live in hilly or woodsy area or urban. Most 50w repeaters got 50-100 miles or more. Your hand held is going to get a mile or 2 or up to 20-30miles depending on line of site.
  2. So if you walk the boofwang 100ft from the midland on a simplex channel it’s not transmitting?
  3. Are you close enough to the repeater? Do you know your radio even transmits? Do you have a hand held and a buddy you could test it with? What is your antenna set up? How is you swr? Is the coax ok?
  4. WRXP381

    Call Sign

    It takes a few days. Some take hours, some take closer to a week. Some people will get an email some will have to check back every day until you see it.
  5. Agreed it’s super easy once you get the hang of it on the radio face. OR… if you have a computer it’s even easier with chirp or other program. I believe in you!!!
  6. No this is not really true. It will still only transmit the same distance but in all directions. Repeaters only works with 3 or more stations where the repeater is in the middle between the other 2. A repeater being used as a base station talking to one other station does nothing. It just acts like a second radio. this scenario can o my be made better by heigh of antenna
  7. Every radio is ALWAYS set to a default level. Ever single one. Might be zero might be 10. It’s a matter of it that squelch setting is right for you. If you have never messed with it you may be getting too much junk or you may be missing out on transmissions you may need or want to hear. This is the difference in a gmrs user that just buys an over priced midland and tosses it in the jeep or a gmrs user that wants or need the most out of their radio. Me I use my $100 20w base station for 200miles transmissions every day and my mobiles to talk 50-60 miles. I need those comms since cell is spotty at best where I’m at. Others like your self just talk on the trail a few 100yards at most and don’t care.
  8. It does. It’s the s9 you are seeing. Did you try to select it and change it to something else? This is why I don’t like midlands. Double the price and twice the head aches for 1/2 the usefulness.
  9. That’s funny. If squelch was not active you would just hear open static all the time. Trust me if it wasn’t already set you would have been worried about it. Plus many people use gmrs for more than just jeeping with friends. That honestly could be handled with FRS bubble packs.
  10. Looks like I’d rather have a uv5. No support. No way they are putting out 10w the antenna looks like it’s going to break any second. I would imagine software is hard to find if not impossible. Not something I would get into especially for $60.
  11. The actaul difference in 5w to 10w on a hand held really isn’t anything. You’re bound by the antenna, height and lousy ground plane. My recent favorite is a uv17 pro v2. It’s chirp compatible, all 3 of mine measured 8-8.5w on 462.xxx and no firmware updates. But I had to wait 8 weeks to get them. However my uv5r, uv17pro v2s, 905s, and my Motorola xts3000s all transmit the same distance. No one can tell the difference on the other end.
  12. In my opinion is the coax and antenna are waay more important than wattage. Line of sight and height is always a big factor. My 20w base unit does 234 miles into the Las Vegas repeater from my location in the Southern California desert and it comes in with great reports from net control in Las Vegas. Would 50watts matter? Might come in even better but no one has ever told me I need more. And no one is annoyed either.
  13. I do believe this is one of those times when things are being made too complicated for no reason. I’m personally very capable within 60seconds or less to find out if a radio is type accepted and what software it needs to program it. Takes next to zero time to do. Not to mention the liability this could open up if a mistake was made. No thanks, I can manage my own life.
  14. This gives you next to zero ground plane so what ever antenna you use it better be a no ground plane antenna. Why not a mag mount. They work 10xs better. And I’ve never had one scratch paint or leave rust like some people claim. I’ve never had an issue like him using my 15” 771 in a car. Looks like a gimmick.
  15. Yes there is. If it’s anything except 5.0000mhz then it would not be one of the 30 gmrs frequencies. Gmrs is not a band of frequencies. Gmrs is a set of 30 specific frequencies. So even if some guy sets his repeater at 5.0001 it is out of legal gmrs frequency and there for not allowed with a gmrs license. So yes it MUST be 5.0000 to be within regulations.
  16. Did you check out the map here? If you find ones close to you just ask for permission from the owners.
  17. Should be able to through software on the computer
  18. pretty sure its very clear. It says what it says there is no other interpretation. I don't understand why people cant read and understand plain language. Its clear as can be and does not need any other clarification. The reason this is, and will still be debated is because people don't want to accept it and are always looking for a work around
  19. why not just get a better, cheaper pre tuned antenna meant for GMRS?
  20. Doesn’t make it “good” it makes it useable. It’s called a ground plane not ground line. It’s like the guys that stick an antenna on the edge of a hood and think that’s good. It’s not. It’s acceptable it sort of works in certain directions but it’s missing out. It’s also silly that one would not just buy an antenna that does not need a ground plane. But then again I’d never live in a hoa.
  21. It’s a digital tone and yes you can.
  22. This can also be done on a $20 uv5r I’m not seeing the point.
  23. WRXP381


    No. One repeater per Channel.
  24. Please don’t do that. It would be super annoying to any one listening on simplex or a repeater. If giving your call sign with your own words is too much for you why are you talking on the radio to begin with.
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