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Posts posted by AdmiralCochrane

  1. No problems whatsoever, but knowing the TYT 9800's reputation, I waited until they were on sale and bought an extended warranty.  


    If you noticed the mic has more buttons than the normal TYT DTMF mic you are correct.  I did a lot of research before I bought the 9800 and the mic upgrade was one of the things I read about multiple places, so I went ahead and did it.  The mic was very inexpensive and required a minor rewire, I think it was around $20.  In freezing weather the chip in the mic won't engage the transmitter until it has warmed up.  If I am anxious to talk right away I have to hold it on the heat outlet for a couple of minutes the first time I transmit.  After that it stays warmed up.  

  2. 9 hours ago, WRXB215 said:

    Welcome @WSAG780 and @WSAH452. GMRS is a great service and I know you will both enjoy it. As @gortex2 you should use type certified radios but don't sweat it. Half or more of the people I talk to on GMRS aren't using type certified radios and no one cares as long as they stick to all the rest of the regs.

    Probably more than half are using them without a license.

  3. 14 minutes ago, pcradio said:

    Proposal [1] is a good request. The others don't personally interest me. Radio has been so strangled by HAM restrictions that it maybe too late to fix it. Hence the desire to turn GMRS into what people want, which is a way to send off grid messages to family and friends who are not radio freaks.

    That has always been the problem with HAM, it is a club of people who like to talk about radios but don't actually use them. The people who actually use radio for important things are GMRS users or Public safety, etc.

    But as more HAMS use GMRS, naturally, they make it about saying your callsign 10 times a minute, talking about radios, yadda yadda.

    I'm not sure

  4. On 1/16/2024 at 10:06 AM, WRQI583 said:

    If you are down in the valley, you want an antenna with a higher angle of radiation to get up to the hills. If you are in the right location, you may be able to take advantage of knife edge defraction.

    Knife edge refraction works best with hard surfaces, esp on UHF (GMRS is in the UHF range). Large, hard deep rocks are more likely to give knife edge than soft soils. 

  5. But ignore that one in southern PA. He will be quick to tell you it is his personal repeater and you do not have permission to use it. I was below Cecilton one day and he was giving someone hell for keying up on it. 

  6. I'm sorry I don't remember the model of the Diamond antenna on my vehicle.  It is a fold over, but it has a locking collar that has to turn 3 full turns to release. Basically impossible to be folded by road wind.  I did have some trouble with the cheap coax end on the coax that came with it, it was slightly undersized and if I hit a tree branch the whole antenna fell off the truck.  Until I replaced it with a proper end, I kept a safety string attached to the antenna so when it decoupled, it was still where I could find it. 

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