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  1. Like
    gortex2 reacted to Lscott in FCC Part 95   
    As far as I know nobody makes an amplifier that's Part 95E certified. There are plenty of Part 90 stuff that could work.
  2. Like
    gortex2 reacted to nokones in What is the best commercial radio for GMRS use?   
    If you're using the control head with the round CAN type connectors I can program it for you.  All I ask is you provide a return shipping label.
    If you want it programmed, I'll heed you'd email address so I can send you some files for the programming worksheets that I use.
  3. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRYZ926 in Grounding a base station antenna   
    All my antennas on my roof and shop are grounded via Polyphasers. In the house the cables enter via a 1 1/2" Galvinized pipe and as soon as the leave the pip go to a brass ground bar with the polyphasers on it. From there a a #2 goes to my basement and out to my main ground rods. All ground rods are bonded together and to my main electrical system. 
    Shop is done similar but all cables enter thru a standard shelter entry port with a brass bar just inside. 
  4. Like
    gortex2 reacted to Radioguy7268 in Truck setup   
    If you plan to work repeaters for most of your mobile driving, it's really hard to beat a simple 6" hatpin antenna. They're inexpensive, low profile, and they simply work.
    If you're trying to impress the ladies, then by all means, get the longest possible antenna.
  5. Confused
    gortex2 got a reaction from WSAG780 in New Licensed GMRS User   
    To bad neither radio is a GMRS radio. Both are ham radios and should be used for ham. 
  6. Haha
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRXP381 in New Licensed GMRS User   
    To bad neither radio is a GMRS radio. Both are ham radios and should be used for ham. 
  7. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from TheNevilleKid in What is the best commercial radio for GMRS use?   
    Motorola, Kenwood, ICOM all make good commercial gear. For SAR alot of our users utilize ICOM for cost and programmability. Personally I use MSI equipment but I did use alot of ICOM in the past. Kenwood has some good gear also. As far at Motorola there is no need for APX radios. A CDM1250 is a solid little GMRS rig. 
  8. Like
    gortex2 reacted to Hoppyjr in Roger beep settings   
    Most folks know when you’re done speaking when they stop hearing words.
  9. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from hfd376 in TXM Super Flex 1/2" Cable - FSJ4-50B   
    I only use CommScope FSJ. Also just started using Eupen cable. The EC4-50-HF appears to be very similar. I have run some tests with CommScope connector on the EC4-50HF and so far it appears to sweep and work ok. Only issue with eupen is the lack of support from the large companies. Last check neither Tessco or talley carried anything for it. Thats why I stick to CommScope. 
  10. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WRYZ926 in Which would you prefer?   
    Well this question has been asked in different ways on multiple forums and the majority do not want digital modes on GMRS.
  11. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from tcp2525 in TXM Super Flex 1/2" Cable - FSJ4-50B   
    I only use CommScope FSJ. Also just started using Eupen cable. The EC4-50-HF appears to be very similar. I have run some tests with CommScope connector on the EC4-50HF and so far it appears to sweep and work ok. Only issue with eupen is the lack of support from the large companies. Last check neither Tessco or talley carried anything for it. Thats why I stick to CommScope. 
  12. Thanks
    gortex2 got a reaction from Radioguy7268 in Cable types and losses   
    Your using a CCR mobile and your worried about a few watts. Power isn't everything in UHF. Throw an NMO Mount in and hook it up to the radio and use it. That 5 watts will do nothing noticable. 
  13. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRYC373 in An interesting proposal for GMRS+   
    Yup hams trying to inter-fear in yet another service. My hopes are the FCC laughs at this one. 
  14. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRQJ559 in NEW Midland MXT275 Wideband?   
    If its at least R9 version it should be wideband on repeater channels. 
  15. Like
    gortex2 reacted to nokones in Off Roading   
    A couple weeks ago, I mentioned about the performance of my glass-mount antenna and the fact that it is not tunable. Again, I made another second mistake in life by stating incorrect information.  I stated that the Larsen Glass-Mount Antenna did not have a pot to adjust/tune the antenna like the yesteryear glass-mount antennae.
    In fact, it is an adjustable antenna.  Since, I didn't notice an adjusting pot screw on the side of the coupler, I assume that it was not tunable.  Just the other day, I noticed that the rod was being held by a set screw thus, the rod can be trimmed for better VSWRs.
    And to my surprise, and after 4 months that my Bird 43 and several slugs were being held hostage by Bird Instruments for recalibration, it appeared on my door step a couple days ago so I decided to trim the antenna this morning.
    I did notice some difference in the readings before and after the recalibration.  
    Today, as it turned out, the VSWR for a 467 MHz freq was 1.12:1 and for the 462 MHz freq the VSWR was 1.23:1 throwing 57 watts at it.  At the lower power setting (24 Watts) the reflected power barely flinched the needle.  So, I adjusted the transmitter high power setting and ended up with 49.7 watts.  
    So, I have to say "NOT TOO SHABBY"
  16. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRYZ926 in Are there minimum requirements for a repeater to be added?   
    First make the repeater work locally. Its not a 5 minute endevor. Once you have good reliable repeater filling your coverage area then worry about linking. No reason to link to be honest. 
  17. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WRQI583 in An interesting proposal for GMRS+   
    It is simply because GMRS is a simple radio service for people who just need a simple means of communication. It is geared towards business, family, friends, where getting a business radio license is either not worth it or impossible to get. From observing people either online or locally getting into GMRS, many are not radio smart. They are utterly confused the second you say "repeater". Could you imagine if you added DMR or some other sort of whacky form of communicating? I know Extra class Hams who's brains explode if you even plant a DMR radio in their hands, never mind trying to get them to upload an already programmed codeplug. Adding other modes into GMRS would only confuse and degrade the service. GMRS is meant to be simple for simple radio communications. Analog with simplex and repeater capability is more than enough. 

    I suggest if Hams want to experiment with frequency hopping, encryption and who knows what new secret service mode of communicating is out there, how about petitioning the FCC to take the Ham bands from 6 meters on up and either allow experimentation of any sort of mode of operation or petition the FCC to take the bands from 6 meters on up and split them off from Ham Radio and make a new service similar to Ham radio but that allows the commercial world to enter in with its radio technology therefore allowing more experimentation of radio and making it more friendly towards those like myself who's interests border more on the commercial end of radio rather than the traditional Ham contesting end of radio? I guarantee you, you would attract a lot more people to the group of radio operators. This way, people could leave GMRS alone and stop trying to turn it into something it is not meant to be. Ham Radio on the bands from 6 meters and above are actually very restrictive when it comes to what you can experiment with and what modes you can use. In general, either the rules restrict you from experimenting or the Ham community themselves restrict you (depending on your location). 

    If you want to experiment - use Ham Radio
    If you want secure communications - use a cell phone.
  18. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRXB215 in Can’t reach closest repeater~25 miles away   
    Sadly many repeaters talk out better than talk in. With a portable you may be able to hear but will not be able to talk. Its normal. 
  19. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WSAG543 in An interesting proposal for GMRS+   
    Yup hams trying to inter-fear in yet another service. My hopes are the FCC laughs at this one. 
  20. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from marcspaz in DESIGNATED CB CHANNEL FOR OFF-ROAD WHEEL'N   
    When I was in the north we ran 4 and 16 depending on the club. My new CB scans and when I was in Moab last summer I heard chatter on multiple channels which surprised me. 
  21. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WRQI583 in An interesting proposal for GMRS+   
    I totally agree. It is one of the reasons I invest in GMRS instead of Ham. My issue is Hams coming down onto GMRS to change it into Ham Radio. GMRS is analog with a certain bandwidth. If Hams dont like that, then they can go back to Ham Radio. GMRS needs to remain simple due to the fact that it is meant for people who are not radio geeks and who just need a simple means of communications, not a Ham Radio atmosphere. Many of the people I have met on GMRS and even FRS get utterly confused when you say repeater. Given that fact, they dont need anything more complicated. Just keep it simple. Overall, it is a very good tool to be used for non-hams and Hams to communicate. 
  22. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WRQI583 in An interesting proposal for GMRS+   
    That was the thought I had also the first time I saw this proposal. My area is dead. The only activity is a couple stray 440 repeaters and maybe people with DMR hotspots. I say, take half of the the 440 Ham band and turn it into GMRS+. I understand that there are areas of this country where 440 is alive but for the rest of the country it is dead. Overall, from 50MHz on up, there is a TON of dead air on the Hams bands across the country. 
  23. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRQI583 in An interesting proposal for GMRS+   
    It amazes me in some areas hams are all over GMRS, crying over usage but on the 70cm band its crickets. Maybe we should petition the FCC to give us the 70cm band for GMRS use ? The only UHF repeaters I hear around me are linked repeaters and 90% of the folks talking are not in the area I am in. The others are crickets. 
  24. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from SteveShannon in Can’t reach closest repeater~25 miles away   
    Sadly many repeaters talk out better than talk in. With a portable you may be able to hear but will not be able to talk. Its normal. 
  25. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRYZ926 in Can’t reach closest repeater~25 miles away   
    Sadly many repeaters talk out better than talk in. With a portable you may be able to hear but will not be able to talk. Its normal. 
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