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Posts posted by WRXB215

  1. 2 hours ago, WRQC299 said:

    Can you talk between the TiDradio H3 and the BTech Pro?

    If they are both in GMRS configuration then yes. The only time it is a problem is when one radio has tones set different from the other.


    2 hours ago, WRQC299 said:

    What about NOAA weather frequencies?

    If they can listen on 162.4000 through 162.5500 then yes.

  2. Although the situation you describe certainly does happen, verify your testing method. Often times voice is getting through the repeater but the person's test method is faulty and they think they aren't getting through. The most common problem in this is the transmit radio and the receive radio being too close together creating desence on the receive radio essentially causing it to "go deaf" to the repeater.

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