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Posts posted by WRXB215

  1. 3 hours ago, GreggInFL said:

    Just curious: Did the repeaters stay up and running?

    Some did, some did not. Some had backup power that lasted long enough for mains to come back online, some never lost mains. Some lost antennas, some did not. I had one ham repeater and one GMRS repeater I could still use. Also had some ham friends just close enough for simplex.

  2. 5 minutes ago, GreggInFL said:

    When you move to a full-size mobile unit you can use the same antenna with one of these adapters.

    With that "kit" he will not need another adapter for a mobile. All he will have to do is remove the SMA adapter being used for the HT. The cable already has a PL-259 which is why it comes with the SMA adapter for HT in the first place.

  3. 18 minutes ago, WRKC935 said:

    Employing WINLINK in shelters for citizens to email family and friends about health and welfare and carrying that traffic out of a disaster zone would be something.  But I see some saying that's not who they want to support.  They seem to think that the government entities are the only ones they want to deal with.

    That's sad. I'd rather support the citizens. I assume the government entities can take care of themselves. I'd rather not serve the government anyway, they are supposed to serve us.

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