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  1. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Counterpoise   
    I've tested this 100-ways to Sunday.. and even Monday..
    My results show that it might help.. a little.. maybe?.. on some radios.. I think?  Basically, any improvement was so slight, i wasn't even sure if it was an improvement or just my very vivid imagination, and it certainly wasn't worth risking my reputation by looking dumb walking around with a piece of wire wagging from my radio.
    It should be noted that it almost always did show an improvement in SWR on my meter - but, a slightly lower SWR does not necessarily mean more farz
  2. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to AdmiralCochrane in Do I need my own repeater?   
    Height equals might.  Put up a tower first.  A repeater without a tower doesn't do much of anything.  An antenna mounted on a tower may be all you really need. 
  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRPG745 in Do I need my own repeater?   
    I'm sure some folks will be by shortly to give technical insight on if you "need" to put one up. (you might)
    I'm wondering what you plan on doing with your radio(s). Where you'll operate and who'll you talk to... why did you get into gmrs?
    I use mine to chat with family and friends when we kayak, hike, caravan on the road. I also check in on the local repeaters occasionally. I use ham as well but not with family. em-coms is my secondary use.
    btw- there are few threads to read that might be helpful (or at least entertaining! I have a sick sense of humor) grab some popcorn and wade through these...
    my takeaway is to buy a commercial repeater solution rather than build your own, but if you have the skill, it probably would be fun. Drama seems to depend on where you are.
    welcome to the family!
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYB563 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    Wow is short for, “Thank you for explaining the issue with hams on GMRS.”  The issue is not the hams. 
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Baofeng UV-9G simple question   
    No. It depends on whether you choose top or bottom. This is done with the exit button and indicated with the arrow left of the channel name. 
  6. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in Wouxun KG-Q10H vs. Yaesu VX-6R   
    The thing about the Wouxun's version of GPS is that it only works with Wouxun radios. The Baofeng/B-Tech radios are the same, they only work with Baofeng/B-Tech radios. They are not compatible with other brands.
    I have a Wouxun KG-Q10H and it works well on 2m and 70cm. I have not had a chance to test it on 1.25m or 6m yet. AS mentioned, any 6m antenna for hand held radios is  a compromise due to the short length. Plus 6m is called the magic band for a reason, it is not open all of the time like other bands are. And most people use single side band of digital mode on 6m. There aren't a lot of 6m repeaters on the FM portion. Activity on the 1.25m band will depend on your location. It is more active in some regions and hardly used in other regions.
    This radio can also be unlocked to transmit on MURS and GMRS too. I can say that the Q-10H does work well on GMRS with the 2m/70cm antenna attached.  have not had a chance to test MURS yet. I do pick up traffic on MURS but I haven't transmitted.
    I have zero experiences with the Yaesu VX-6R so can't comment.
  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRHS218 in Wouxun KG-Q10H vs. Yaesu VX-6R   
    I have owned several VX-6Rs and VX-7R and they are both great little radios. I still have one VX-6R. The VX-6R makes a great e-comm radio, in my opinion, because of the size and waterproof rating. I think most tri-band and quad band radios are a compromise at best mostly due to the antennas. When I carried the VX-6R into the back country I would bring two single band antennas tuned to the range I expected to use. My biggest problem with the VX-6R is the older I get the smaller the buttons seem to be so the feature I liked most, the small size, has now become a problem for me.
    I don't own, nor have I been able to fondle the KG-Q10H. I have multiple Wouxun GMRS radios and one of their HAM 2m/70cm HTs. I like them a lot and trust them, but again, I don't have the Q10H. I would think the GPS function would be a plus for me and my wife, being able to have a location function. My wife isn't and has no desire to be a HAM and the complexity of the Q10H or G would be an issue for her (and me). She will use a GMRS radio but wants me to set it up and then lock the keypad for her.
    I suppose a big part of the choice of which radio to have for e-comms would be who would be using them. In a situation where you have to depend on radio communication the stress level is probably going to be a factor anyway. So handing any HT to someone who is not accustomed to using them and trying to have them change bands or even frequencies may be problematic. I try to follow the KISS method when I can.
  8. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to PuddlePirate in Update to MXT575 low pwr   
    In my original post I was questioning only getting 22-23w out of my 50w MXT575. I was able to have my radio tested by C&M Communications.  On my Pyramid P59KX (5/7amp pwr supply output was 23-24w.  On his power supply reading 50W on the MXT.... Guess who just bought a decent pwr supply!
    Thanks to all the original replies.
    WSAC215, Star Valley AZ
  9. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYB563 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    The broader point.  From my limited experience on GMRS, talking about radios is not uncommon - either from hams who are interested in radios, or new non-ham GMRS operators who want to learn more about their new hobby, and non-hams GMRS operators who enjoy using their radios and want to learn more about ham radio.  I agree with Steve, that behavior is independent of radio service, so how are hams negatively impacting GMRS? 
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in What's with the repeater drama?   
    This!  If a person is an ass, it doesn’t matter what radio service they’re using. 
  11. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    I'm glad that's not the case in my area. So far, I've only encountered one ham that was a jerk. He was on a ham repeater ranting about GMRS and NO other ham agreed with him. We all defended GMRS and basically told him to shut up. I never could get his call sign but I think, by his voice and his rant, that he was the same guy I heard several months ago on a GMRS repeater ranting about something.
    I think it's more about the individual than the radio service they are using.
  12. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRHS218 in What's with the repeater drama?   
    I'm glad that's not the case in my area. So far, I've only encountered one ham that was a jerk. He was on a ham repeater ranting about GMRS and NO other ham agreed with him. We all defended GMRS and basically told him to shut up. I never could get his call sign but I think, by his voice and his rant, that he was the same guy I heard several months ago on a GMRS repeater ranting about something.
    I think it's more about the individual than the radio service they are using.
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in why are there 2 channels shown on grms radios?   
    Many radios have the ability to monitor two channels. Those are the two. 
  14. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?   
    Why then would you pose the question in a forum, which by definition is populated by random internet people?
  15. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from marcspaz in Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?   
    I'm glad you aren't a Sad Ham. It's nice to get strait answers. 👍
    Did the first one this morning. Now to find a crayon. 🤣
  16. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRYZ926 in Where to mount   
    Been thinking about putting another radio in the truck, maybe just one of my HTs but I keep putting it off thinking there is not a good solution. Those Lido mounts have changed my mind. 👍
  17. Haha
    WRXB215 got a reaction from kapoijerj334 in Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?   
    I'm glad you aren't a Sad Ham. It's nice to get strait answers. 👍
    Did the first one this morning. Now to find a crayon. 🤣
  18. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRHS218 in Thanks for letting me join.   
    Welcome. Bring your questions, as there is a lot of good information here and many knowledgeable people. If you have a good sense of humor, you might want to bring that as well.
  19. Haha
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRQC527 in Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?   
    I'm glad you aren't a Sad Ham. It's nice to get strait answers. 👍
    Did the first one this morning. Now to find a crayon. 🤣
  20. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRXP381 in Where to mount   
    Yup seat bolt mount would work great for the little radio.  Easy to install also. No drill no holes 
  21. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYZ926 in Where to mount   
    I ran into the same issue with my 2023 Ford Escape. I ended up going with a Lido seat bolt mount.

  22. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to WRWE456 in Where to mount   
    The headliner will not hold screws. They are usually made of heavy cardboard foam and fabric.
    Every car is different and most modern cars are very hard to find a place to mount radios.
    Here is Lido's site. I found a cup holder mount that works for my truck. You may have to get creative to find a solution.
  23. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?   
    I would put this claim in the same category as "always get gas in the morning while the gas is denser" and "always keep a crayon in your wallet".
  24. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?   
    Do roger beeps confuse repeaters?  My opinion... it's possible.  Depends on the controller.  Most repeaters have a controller for remote control (required by our overlords at the FCC to be 'in control' of the repeater at all times).  Many of the modern controllers use digital signals for remote function, but near all of them still have analog function, typically done with DTMF codes. 
    Depending on what your roger beep sounds like, you could risk partially triggering a remote command, putting the repeater in an unknown state, making it so the owner or admins can't manage it.  Then they need to drive to the repeater site and either reboot the controller or the repeater.
    That said, I think the number one reason is because a good portion of the people listening, including the owners, don't want to hear a stead stream of beeping all day on the repeater.  It gets pretty annoying and people clearly have no idea what a roger beep is for... which is to send a quick blip to acknowledge the previously receive transmission without actually saying anything.  Especially for conditions when the two stations are on the fringes of their range and voice comms are difficult.  It was never intended to be used on every transmission.  Though, Sad Hams will tell you a different story.
  25. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to BoxCar in Where to mount   
    Cup holder or vent mount from Lido or Ram.
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