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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. OK: I just wanted to confirm that you installed the WCH 340 driver and it still did not work for you, which I have recreated on my computer with one of the two AT-779UV/DB20-G cables that I have (the other one works with the WCH 340 driver); and I called this the "bad cable" even though it works in Windows 10; just not in 11. I should have a solution soon...
  2. I have discovered the problem and am working on a solution now, which I will post in detail later. First, I want to reconfirm with you that you followed my instructions noted above in this post (that is, you used my attached zip file to install the wch 340 driver) and you still received the AT_779 Cannot Open Communications Port, yes? Did you attempt to change the COM in the SET Menu in the AT_779 CPS software and was there any other choice?
  3. FCC rules allow your son to use your GMRS license, including when talking to you on GMRS. Use your GMRS certified radio to talk to your son on his GM-15Pro either simplex or through a GMRS Repeater. Then work with your son to get his Technician Ham License and then you can cross talk on 2 meters and 70 cms Ham bands, if that is important to you.
  4. I was giving you legacy UV-5R programming instructions. Since I do not have the UV-5R GMRS, I will back off for now and let the others help you. Good luck!
  5. It sound to me like you have the "bad cable" for Windows 11; I will keep working on getting a driver for that cable for you. Who was your vendor for your AT-779UV and can you contact them about a replacement cable? In the meantime I will contact my vendor. In the meantime, do you have access to a laptop with an older version of Windows than 11? Do you have any other USB programming cables for any other radios?
  6. I wanted to buy a UV-5R GMRS just to play with. i just didn’t want to buy two! Use the refund on the DigiRig to buy a genuine Nagoya 771G antenna with the proper SMA for that radio, to improve your range.
  7. OK: gotta go! Hopefully someone else will jump in or I'll be back tonight! Good luck!
  8. Daily nap time soon... Did you do these two steps in Freq/VFO mode? Push Menu, Push UP ARROW to SFT-D, Push Menu, Push Up Arrow to +, Push Menu, Push Exit Push MENU, Push UP ARROW to OFFSET, Push MENU, Enter 005.000, Push MENU, Push Exit
  9. Are you able to see the frequency of 467.600 when you transmit and 462.600 when you receive? MON only turns off squelch to try to hear weak signals; you don't need it now.
  10. Perhaps, once we are sure you are transmitting on 467.600 and receiving on 462.600 with the digital tone of D023N, then you can go for a ... ROAD TRIP!!!
  11. I think you have the older UV-5R Go to Frequency/VFO Mode and Enter 462.600 Push Menu, Push UP ARROW to T-DCS, Push Menu, Up Arrow to T-DCS, Push Menu, Push UP ARROW to D023N, Push MENU Push EXIT Push Menu, Push UP ARROW to SFT-D, Push Menu, Push Up Arrow to +, Push Menu, Push Exit Push MENU, Push UP ARROW to OFFSET, Push MENU, Enter 005.000, Push MENU, Push Exit Stay in Frequency/VFO Mode and now try transmitting
  12. Is it showing the change of frequency when you transmit? What is Monitor mode?
  13. Then Push MENU again and push UP ARROW until you see MDF-1, then Push MENU, then push the UP ARROW key until you see FREQ, then push MENU again then push EXIT. Now you should see the frequency instead of the Name and see if it goes up to 467.600 when you push the Transmit button
  14. Try this on Channel 25: Push MENU; Push UP ARROW until you see: T-DCS, then push MENU again, then push UP ARROW again until you see D023N, then Push Menu again then push EXIT
  15. Forget Freq mode for now Try Channel 25 outside with a clear view north to Rancho Cucamonga All you need is a good quality USB to K-1 programming cable (preferably FTDI chip). You don’t need a digital modem; those are for ham radios for different purposes Did you program in the Digital DCS 023 tone for transmit?
  16. When you push the transmit button does the frequency change to 46SEVEN.600 (467.600)? That is the correct channel If not, then try Channel 25 DigiRig?
  17. Hard to discern between the UV-5G, UV-5X and the newest UV-5R(GMRS), but this chart from the UV-5G manual seems to indicate that he might want Channel 25 instead of Channel 17?
  18. Changing modes will delete all manually programmed channel information. Have you been able to run the programming software in any way so as to be able to restore your previously programmed channel information? At this point, your options to get the CPS programming software to work for you are possibly: 1) Install the WCH driver into Windows 11, per the zipped file I attached previously, and see if your cable works; 2) Run the CPS programming software in an earlier version of Windows starting from XP; 3) Obtain the alternate cable that works in Windows 11 with the WCH driver; and/or 4) Obtain an alternate cable that works with the FTDI driver for Windows 11
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