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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. Someone once suggested this driver
  2. That AA case is for a different set of radios; not the GM-15: Your usage may be different, but for me, a 12v cigarette lighter plug battery eliminator has more utility that a AA battery case.
  3. Which AA battery case?
  4. Computer1->flashdrive->Computer2
  5. I am just the "reporter" delivering the news that if you (and your minions) insult Hams, you shouldn't be surprised when they go to the FCC and do not support Repeater Interlinking for GMRS. That being said, you seem to want to punish me, the reporter, for delivering that news and that "style" of discourse does not lead to a very positive climate for continued interchange of ideas. So, no, I won't be clarifying this issue for you, because it is clear you goal is not clarification. Last time I checked, I never asked you any questions in this thread. You are confusing me with one of your YouTube subscribers...
  6. Really, so you are validating all of the "sad Ham" comments online by your minions? Because it has spread quite far on the internet in other venues than just on your YT channel and here on myGMRS and that is the "propaganda" I am referring to.
  7. Many of these complaints may have come from Hams who have been insulted by the recent "Sad Ham" propaganda! Just a thought...
  8. Generally speaking, the recently released "Ham Radios" by CCR manufacturers are locked out of GMRS, with many exceptions. For example, I purchased the Baofeng UV-13Pro Ham Radio from AliExpress for $20 and was quite surprised to discover it will transmit on GMRS and MURS. I have retired my TYT-88UV with this newer addition to my collection. Another example, but not as new are the Radioddity DB20-G a/k/a Anytone AT-779UV mini-mobiles: they easily open from GMRS to Ham Radio 2 meters and 440 MHz (in addition to MURS).
  9. While I have the AT-779UV, which is a completely different radio than their AT-778UV, my understanding is that neither radio has an official fan "add-on" available through Anytone. My experience with the 779UV for many years of high duty cycle "yakking" is that, yes, it is very hot to the touch, but their has been no denigration in its service and capabilities.
  10. Just be aware that FRS radios are set to Narrowband FM and most likely your GMRS radios are set to Wideband FM, so the FRS radios will have much diminished audio punch! You could change the settings on your GMRS radios (the FRS radios do not have that option by Rule) and the audio quality for all will be much improved! I liked the Pofung BF-T11s which used to be available on Amazon and eBay for about $25 per pair: 2 watts K-1 jack and even computer programmable. Fulfills all your other needs, too. I see that AliExpress now has them!
  11. Since you do not understand the difference between overall market share and market share for "programmable radio users"; you should definitely stick with Windoze! Good luck!
  12. The latest software on the Radioddity download page, takes care of most of those issues...
  13. For what its worth: the Pofung BF-T11s that I previously purchased from Amazon, had programming software that worked with my Baofeng-style K1 USB cable (FTDI chip) that allows me to make changes including the transmit frequency to allow repeater use.
  14. You overstate the deficiencies of a $35 “beginner” GMRS HT, but there is no point in educating you to the contrary as you have moved beyond $35 beginner radios.
  15. DR; TL: Did you happen to notice the price differential between the GM-30 and Wouxun radios?!?
  16. Please post here as well that you have come to the conclusion that the DB40-G does not use the so-called “counterfeit Prolific” chip and works well in Windows 11 with the CH340 driver software provided on the Radioddity website.
  17. It does not surprise me that you were 180 degrees off about the Radioddity USB cable: They went through the counterfeit-Prolific chip problem with the clone of the Radioddity DB20-G, the Anytone AT-779UV, and the switch to the CH340 chip and driver in the DB20-G solved the Windows 11 problem. So why would they go backwards on the DB40-G?!?
  18. Both come certified for GMRS. Yes, if you primarily use Medium and Low Power, yours will be OK as mounted. High power will a high transmit duty cycle and you are in trouble.
  19. There is a local guy selling his extra Anytone AT-779UV for $75 complete with programming cable, software and willing to pre-prgram a code plug to your specs. PM me if interested.
  20. In spite of the fact that I hate this format of votes vs. chronologically sorted; I will give this some thought. In the meantime, I will ask you on your other post to identify the items in your Yellowstone Go-Box; thank you!
  21. A very representative sample. I would add that if you go to your local Walmart's parking lot, you will hear much employee traffic on MURS, especially Blue Dot and Green Dot (MURS channels 4 and 5).
  22. Digital tones are, like all digital media, represented ultimately by 0s and 1s. An "inverted" digital tone, is the same tone, with 0s switched to 1s and 1s switched to 0s.
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