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Everything posted by JohnE

  1. ERS 625 will now be known as ERS GAP and there may be a freq change coming also. JE
  2. to add to what Rich and PG have said, I have several machines that I list as private and require permission. I have some locals and I get requests for people coming here as tourists. for the most part I have no issues but when I do the machines get shut down and that helps no one. then you have groups like BTG and Blue Com that are private paid by members who have their own vetting processes. again the main thing is to know who,what freq and where the machines are, it's all about coordination.
  3. yeah, lots of pirate radio going on. in the last yr I had one interference problem looked into that was moving through the GMRS input freq's. tuned out it was also getting into some PD and Fire radios across the river and a complaint was filed. it was found and taken care of.
  4. w/all due respect the FCC is going to do much about interference on the GMRS freq's. they have much bigger fish to fry than to worry about our little sliver of spectrum. JE
  5. you guys may find this helpful https://radiofreeq.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/marine_vhf_uhf_international_2016b.png also read this and pay attention to the splits on UHF https://radiofreeq.wordpress.com/2016/02/20/marine-channel-frequencies-vhf-uhf-radio-programming/ have the same problems here, on almost any given day I can hear an oriental language on my inputs.
  6. google earth is your friend. you can map point to point save and look at elevation detail in between 2 points.
  7. PM sent w/that in mind I did a quick mapping. at 30' at your location and 20' at the other 2 unknown locations. based on the 40W radio as mentioned w/50' of cable at 1.5 dB of loss and a 5 dBd omni antenna. terrain elevations vary as much as 200'+ , you being the hole in the donut. you might just get away w/it but the mapping isn't fool proof, its just a rough esimate.
  8. no. it's right in the ball park. surprised you got that far usually only good for a mile or so. 50 miles between 2 mountain tops in a vacuum. these are sub 2W ERP radios. not going to get much out of them. my 4W BPR 40's will give me ~2.5 miles w/rat tails not the stubs they come /w just a reference. you can't compare CB to GMRS , they're apples and oranges. realistically a base antenna w/ 20/25W mobile might cut it w/the HT. you could look on flea bay for a name brand mobile radio and some will program for you also.
  9. no ID is necessary. my machines ID system name not my call once an hour. just put it up no approval needed unless you exceed certain height limits near an airport. are you going into a site or at your house?
  10. swept some of the cables last week. they look ok for 20yo cables. going to have to look more closely at them when I have a day to waste up there. was surprised at the lengths I was seeing I thought they were longer. might order an 1155 for it, maybe. tuned a spare 526 and a pre selector going to put that in the rack soon, less to move and down time.
  11. I just put it back in service and BOOM have to relocate it.
  12. someone has put up a machine on 625 that is running open. checked it several time in CSQ today, anybody have a clue?
  13. yes,yes they do. so do cables.
  14. and now it will be moved yet again. its going back to where it started. boss man is consolidating sites hopefully w/new better cable and antenna
  15. 625 is up and running full on. PM me for access
  16. IIRC they are 3 and 5 dBd I have never used the antenna farm that's just what came up when I put in the part #'s I get most of my stuff through manufactures or Tessco
  17. I actually like this better http://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/pctel-asp7795-810.html or this http://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/pctel-asp76551-827.html have been using both on my personal and service vehicles for 30yrs
  18. ERS 575 is now 625 . PM me if you wish access to the machine. I will list it later after some changes are made. will also be making a new thread.
  19. I have to disagree w/being able to use digital modes on GMRS. my argument being that one can not monitor other traffic on the frequency in digital mode. I am glad to see the re farming of the GMRS/FRS freq's. hopefully this will keep the crap out of our receivers from here on out. also removing the 50W capability from the interstitial channels should keep the adjacent channel noise to a minimum too. as to the GPS location I find this to be a double edge sword, w/respect to being used as a tool in the field or in a situation of dire need all well and good, the cravat is its just another button for the "kids" to play with. just my thoughts keeping in mid that I am in a large metro area and the majority of the "bubble pack" radios here are used as toys. JE
  20. AH, nothing like a good book. digital for text and location, so I can use a digital capable radio but only for this part. glad to see they are going to separate the FRS from "us" . that will be a relief from all the crap around here.
  21. checked it yesterday. putting out the 3 dtmf tones it has in the past w/same PL it had last time I checked it. the receive side seems to be off or possibly disconnected as nothing I tried would key it. will have to make some calls. JE
  22. the machine is doing its DTMF tone thing again every 10-15 seconds. I tried the regular input w/no success and also tried the last known to me PL that I read out on one of my decoders and that was also NG. when I have some time I will read it out again to see if it has changed. it may have been shut off due to the looped recording on the input, at least that what I suspect. we will see what plays out JE
  23. one CS is out of Elizabeth NJ that would be the one who made the recording. the reference is to the 675 midtown machine owner that has never had an output tone only an input tone. the reasoning behind that is to force operators to monitor the freq before transmitting. it states this in his listing in the database. we in the NYC area have known about the problems w/machine for some time and it comes and goes. I will reach out to those who might be able to help in this situation but the one running the recording is not helping, further to my knowledge the FCC does not require a TX tone. thoughts, comments gentlemen. as an edit side note this machine has been up for ~20 yrs. the call was granted in March 98.
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