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MacJack last won the day on August 18 2021

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    Western NC

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  1. I have to ask what do you want out of being a HAM or going GROL? Are you on the water or more land bound? In my case, I have a 12 year old Grand Daughter who we both got our HAM ticket together.... But everyone in the family needs to connect with us via GMRS... Hope this helps.
  2. On command line type CE27Win.exe-d if you have the software installed and you are on the correct port for the cable.
  3. Keith, it not you.... ARRL which is the HAM society said FCC ULS is down... https://www.arrl.org/news/updated-fcc-uls-unavailable-filing-deadlines-extended So not you... Hope that helps... Jack
  4. This is good question and great comments which are true... I live in WNC and talk about switchbacks, we got them... So I was thinking of using my VRX-7000 with duplexer in my Jeep as a moving repeater... But when you think about it, going Simplex is like the same thing on the trail. Happy Jeeping...
  5. I like https://www.buytwowayradios.com as they carry a lot of radios types and stand behind what they sell. No I do not get a discount for saying this... I just want a radio to work and if need help get it from their staff.
  6. If this Repeater owner is like me.... I only turn it on as needed for my community and I do not list it on any directories. Sorry but it for family in the field and neighbors who lose power and internet... Hope this helps from the mind of a repeater owner. I know Goodland as I have a few wells in the area.
  7. I had one of the first KG-935G and used CHiRP and made a backup img file if I screwed it up like I did on my 805... While my local repeater was down I offered to RT Systems if they would like my 935 to write software. They took me up and within 2 weeks we have this great software. https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/RPS-KG935G-Programming-Software-and-USB-K4Y-cable-brfor-the-Wouxun-KG-935G_p_1993.html CHIRP only works for those programers who have a 935 to play with and sometimes it work and not. O true confession... on my 805 I blow away all the channels and it bricked my radio so that is why I offer a CHIRP img file to fix it because I had two 805 and had one radio to make the file.... 935 is a great radio and I monitor my HAM channels. Hope this helps.
  8. I like the 805G for wife and kids as no buttons to screw things up... $99 each. I use a 935G so I can monitor my Ham locate repeaters. Hope this helps.
  9. If you are going to do Zello, get the app on your cell phone... I have a GMRS repeater for family and neighbors and I hook up a iPad with a sound cable to repeater and load Zello app on iPad. Also setup a few channels for my select group of preauthorized user to use as it for the teen girls to talk on. Now the teens just text only. Only had the cost of the sound cable. But I could take that off my discovery list of how to do it.
  10. This was a good read... post... I like to see why you picked the bands... I must be a lazy boy doing DMRoIP via BM and talking to the world...
  11. As a fellow repeater owner... I agree with your rant... In fact, I have an aproved only closed repeater and first problem maker, change the codes. Per FCC I have the rules in my favor. There are two types of users, those so thankful and the other who think it like public access and they can say whatever. Keep to you guns... EDIT: My repeater is not listed and it more word of mouth, friend of a friend....
  12. As a fellow KG-935G owners and for future owners.... I use the following to program this radio. I found the free software from MFG does not cut it like cut and paste and host of other features.... You can purchase form the following: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/rt-systems-rps-kg935g.html https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/KG-935G_c_2138.html Just so you know RT System has done other Wouxun radios of which I had software for another Wouxun Ham radio. So I asked them if they where going to do a 935 software.... they said yes but have not ordered a radio yet... I said I will send my 935 to use so you can make the software which is like the other sister Wouxun radio... They accepted the offer and returned the 935. I ordered the software and all works well. Get it. Hope this helps you..... I wishing they will do it in Mac OS as I have an old XP pc to run it. This is for what it is worth.
  13. JD, we started as GMRS for family, Jeeping plus installed a neighborhood repeater. With our Ham Ticket opens up the two radio even more. In fact, you can take your KG-935 (which I have one as well) and only monitor Ham repeaters in your area. You will not be able to put in the TX Freq but good listening and learning. O the reason grand daughter at 13 and I got our Ham Ticket as we did not have learn and use Mores Code. I think the Hams get together over a meal which my grand daughter likes to go to some of her favorite restaurants. Last suggestion find a local Ham club and go to a meeting with or without meal and make a connections. They may help you get you on the track to study and or give the test. If you want to know more how we studying let me know... we did a study buddy on iPads and it was fun and competed with each other on practice test scores.
  14. You can spend any amount of money. So after got GMRS license we purchased a used VRX-7000 on ebay for less the $500 and learned a lot as we got it on air. Now we hardly have it on as we have a great regional GMRS repeater near us. Good luck and finding what you want to do with your repeater. Our VRX-7000 is for family and neighborhood mostly and the regional repeater is by permission to get access on.
  15. Good points Jeff. Because of doing simplex from one HT to another it is limited so I put up a repeater at the house and range/sound is great in the valley.
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