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gortex2 last won the day on December 9 2023

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  1. Or just spend a bit more on a real antenna.
  2. For GMRS I use a mix of Motorola LMR gear and Midland for the KISS method. Ham is mostly on Motorola gear but APRS is on the TMD700 and FTM400 in my vehicles. Work truck is only MSI gear so use it for all.
  3. Ive never had issue but all my gear is commercial LMR other than my HAM radio. I run a TMD700 in the wifes JK and for 10 years in upstate NY had not one issue.
  4. This is an ideal situation for the RT97 repeater. Add a battery and a little antenna and it will sit and tick away.
  5. Or just buy a base station antenna
  6. We have migrated to this mount over time on our SAR team. Its held up the best out of anything we have used. Both in true NMO mount fasion (in a roof) as well as on fender mounts and other not normal installs. The enclosed cable on the bottom of the mount keeps water out and we found it worked better in fringe areas on simplex. I still use the standard NMO from MSI/Larsen/Laird/PCTel on our UHF TLMR stuff but anything VHF is the Larsen one now. When possible I use them on all mounts. My new work truck as 6 mounts and all are the same.
  7. Larsen NMOKHFCX is probably the best mount out there right now. Any Larsen, Laird, PCTEL, Motorola mounts are good.
  8. So it only happens when Jeep is on ? Alot of folks add aftermarket LED lights to jeeps that casue a ton of interfearance. If its only when key is on or running I'd check to see what turns on with the key. If its present regardless then its a radio issue.
  9. Over the years there have been different thoughts on listing repeaters on this site. In the past it was thought if its listed then at least folks know where it is. I had my repeaters listed for years as CLOSED repeaters. I still got messages over and over. I finally removed them from this site so I did not get requests from folks. Others just ignore the emails or lets face it could be in spam or other places.
  10. Normally when the 7/8 hardline enters the building/shelter it goes to a polyphaser on the bulkhead. From there you would use 1/2" superflex to the N on the kenwood. 7/8" is the feedline for the tower only.
  11. A true non profit can get a part 90 license pretty easy and depending on the organization pay no fees to the FCC. The issue in the end is people dont want to put in the work. CB, HAM, FRS, and MURs is more than most really need to be honest. CERT can easiliy be a non profit or work under a county umbrella to get licesenced. I guess it really depends on the organizational needs but the other simple mode is VOIP apps. Zello or other apps are jsut as good as radio comms 95% of the time. Using a combination of FRS and voip for an application can work well.
  12. Power issue. Yo udont have enough current for the radio to stay on. What kind of battey are you using and is it a good battery ?
  13. What you show in the screen is correct.
  14. Just as reference the Laird and the Hustler are not identical. The Laird is a 5db antenna and the Huslter is listed as 6db. Granted 1db should not be the deciding factor but coupld possibly be enough. Feedline could also change the antenna performance. Granted your in CA where everyone talks way more miles than you will on the east coast but I use the antenna for contorl points and never had an issue hitting our repeaters or simplex. I also use the Laird unity gain for control stations as well but those are intended to talk to the repeater mostly. As for the PVC part of the rebuild. I know the Ed Fong antenna lists a certain PVC thats supposed to be better for antenna than the standard PVC thicker material. I've only use a single Ed fong antenna and promply tossed it in a can after so dont know what each PVC pipe difference is other than thickness. I have fixed fiberglass radomes on antennas in the past if they are structurally OK. Not sure how bad the one on your huster was but may be worth trying. Most anything fiberglass does take a beating from the sun. I have 30 year old station masters in use still. A few I have taken down to move and they were all fiberglass hairs and no gell coat left. I wrapped them all in a thin layer of fiberglass matt with resin and put back up after drying. None changed SWR or any other sweep data. Personally I prefere folded dipoles for durability but the fiberglass stick is a good option some areas.
  15. Encryption normally only is done on the subscriber end, or console not the repeater in the P25 world. I would assumei ts the same for DMR but I dont play with it nor have any radios that work on DMR.
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