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Posts posted by back4more70

  1. On 6/2/2022 at 5:16 PM, WRTB324 said:

    First, I'm brand new to GMRS and this is my first radio (received yesterday). Any issues are most likely me! My UV-9G will not make any sound when hitting the transmit key and the screen light stays dark. I have tried various frequencies, yes the volume is up, the radio is on and I tried a reset. I just watched a Notarubicon video on CHIRP and check to see if the PTT button was locked out and it is not. Any other ideas are appreciated. 

    My first UV-9G worked great.  The second one had to be returned due to some glitches, it would not pick FM Radio and it seemed to have a short circuit or something.  The third one (to replace the second) also does not pick up FM Radio, but other features work fine.

    When you turn off the radio, then turn it back on while holding down the 6 key, do you see "200306M"?  That's the version that I have, I don't know if it means anything significant though, but I'm curious.

  2. 43 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

    IIRC - and I could be wrong because I donated mine a while back and I'm going by memory.. The noise cancelling is very similar to (if not the exact same) as the "compander" function on other radios.  In order for it to do any good, it has to be enabled on both radios - and then it reduces a little background static.. BUT, if you have it enabled, you may sound 'weird' to people that dont have that feature on their radio, and they will all sound weird to you.

    Of course the user-manual is completely useless..

    Yep, the manual blows.  I also have a compander function right next to the NC menu item, so maybe I should email Retevis for confirmation (wish me luck).  I currently have NC enabled on two rx-only channels (local law enforcement) so I don't know if it does anything, but you are likely correct that NC is related to tx more than rx.

    BTW, I learned to manually program it based on some YouTube scallywag's "just in case" recommendation.  Thanks for that :)

  3. 2 hours ago, WRQH833 said:

    My question is why are you manually programming?  My RA25 came with the programming cable, and the software is a free download.

    Lucky haha.  Mine did not come with the programming cable.  I have one on order, but I figured I should learn how to manually program it just in case when I use it "in the field."

  4. Hi all, I am enjoying my new Retevis RA25. It has a rather steep learning curve, but I'm getting it figured out (manually programming, no less).  Can anyone describe the NC (noise cancelling?) feature?  I believe the Radioddity DB20-G has the same feature, I just can't find any documentation on how it works.  Thanks!

  5. 20 hours ago, gman1971 said:

    UHF GMRS/FRS should move towards a better spectrum utilization mechanism at this point, implement something along the lines of DSSS or FHSS which will allow those 22 channels to be used by thousands of people at once and any given user will never know someone else is talking.

    Doesn't that defeat the purpose of GMRS/FRS? I bought my radios to stay in touch with family and friends during outings, and that wouldn't work too well if we never knew if someone else was talking.

  6. Hi all, I am looking for opinions not hard facts (gasp!) in regards to the Nagoya UT-72 and UT-72G antennas.  I will be mounting the antenna to my car roof to pair with a Retevis RA25 GMRS mobile radio.  My primary concern is GMRS rx/tx, but it would be nice to have decent rx for local 130-139 MHz (fire, police, etc.) for my enjoyment.  I will not tx on any HAM bands, and I don't care if I can rx NOAA stations.  I have a NA-771G on my HT, and I am pleased with the rx on UHF/VHF and tx on GMRS, so I was thinking the UT-72G would work best for my mobile install.  Thoughts?

  7. On 8/26/2021 at 8:49 AM, pcradio said:

    I have on order the Retevis RA25 (DB-20G aka AnyTone AT-779UV). Going to pair it with a Nagoya UT-72G.

    That is the exact setup I am considering, how well does it work for you?

  8. On 2/7/2022 at 11:43 AM, Guest Patrick said:

    I travel though many states and want to be able to have emergency communication while traveling and at home.

    I'm guessing a cell phone (or even satellite phone) is not a viable option?

  9. I found a great deal on a Retevis RA25, but for those of you that have experience with this or the DB20-G, can it do the following?  I would like the ability to tune/scan one channel to GMRS channels, and another to local police/fire for my listening interest. My handheld Baofeng UV-9G can do this easily, can the mobile radios I mentioned also do this?

  10. One more thing I didn't consider: perhaps I am too distant?  My UV-9G has a Nagoya NA-771G antenna, but I am also trying from the ground floor of my house, and there probably is poor line of sight and also obstructions.  I'll try again at a better (higher, clearer) location.  Thanks for the ideas everyone!

  11. 2 hours ago, BoxCar said:

    Unless the receive tone of 74.4 is specifically listed for the repeater change the tone mode from TQSL to TONE. That will transmit a tone only but not require a tone for receive.

    The repeater spec shows an input and output tone of 74.4, I think this means that a tone is required for RX and TX?  I thought TSQL was the best option based on the CHIRP guide I saw online.

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