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Posts posted by back4more70

  1. 48 minutes ago, MichaelLAX said:

    It is like getting a UV-5R with only 2 watts and for half price!

    Yesterday, I did confirm that it works on the local 650 repeater, with obvious limitations due to 2 watts.

    I could see a pretty cool use case in which a Retevis RT97 repeater is used for a campsite (or a church), and a bunch of little BF-T11 satellites for the users :)

  2. 26 minutes ago, MichaelLAX said:

    Amazon's ears must have wiggled when I posted about the volume problem of one of my BF-T11s because two more just showed up at my door! :) 

    I bought my first pair on Amazon, and then two more pairs on eBay ??. I do like these radios.

  3. Hi all, I am trying to setup my Retevis RA25 to add a hypothetical repeater with tones via the Retevis software (as a learning exercise).  In my scenario, my fake repeater has this info:

    Name: TEST575, Frequency In: 462.575, Frequency Out: 467.575 (standard offset), Input Tone: 200DPL, Output Tone: 100DPL

    My confusion is twofold:

    1. Is the Input Tone the CTCSS/DCS Encode, and the Output Tone is the CTCSS/DCS Decode?
    2. For a tone of 200DPL, do I use D200I or D200N?

    I included a screenshot of two different settings, not sure which would work.  Thanks all.935632065_RA25test.thumb.jpg.ad870ebbfa161d9b1e744646c0c5cf06.jpg

  4. 26 minutes ago, MichaelLAX said:

    I've noticed one of these FRS HTs has much more volume on receive than the other; any ideas?

    Interesting.  My guess would be one is narrow and one is wide, but you probably already programmed them both to be wide, so that wouldn't explain it.  I don't think that happened to me, but I probably turned mine to different volumes without thinking about it.

  5. 2 hours ago, MichaelLAX said:

    Have you looked at the $99-$109 20 watt mini-mobile Radioddity DB20-G a/k/a Anytone AT-779UV GMRS radio that opens to 2 meters, 70 cms and MURS?

    I have the Retevis RA25 version of this, and I really like it.  I paired it with Nagoya UT-72G, since I mostly bought it for GMRS.

  6. 5 hours ago, murdock57 said:

    I’m just not sure if that gap contributes to the IP67 rating

    If anything is exposed that was not designed to be exposed (such as the inner socket area), I would not trust this exposed area to be IP67 anymore.  Think of it like a drain plug on a boat, if that plug is not sealed all the way then the boat will leak.

  7. 1 hour ago, axorlov said:

    "Set your radio to five seven five" has exactly the same number of syllables as "set your radio to channel sixteen". But use whatever works better between you and your friends, it's a free country! There is a confusion between channels aka the memory slot on the radio and channel aka frequency, and this thread demonstrates it very clearly. Our resident youtube darling can't grasp this difference.

    It's not about the number of syllables, it's about uniformity between radios (FRS & GMRS) when communicating with others.  Does this assume that the radio setups (i.e. channel/frequency assignments) are the same?  Yes it does.  In another example, when the police dispatcher tells Adam-12 to go to a different frequency, the dispatcher says something like "TAC-12" and not "135.7865 MHz."

  8. 13 hours ago, axorlov said:

    Drop this "channel" affection and start thinking frequencies.

    I disagree.  If I am communicating with my friends, I am not going to say "set your radio to 462.575 MHz," I am going to say "set your radio to channel 16."  Especially if we are communicating via a mixture of FRS and GMRS radios.  Not using the set channels makes things much less convenient.  Not to mention that some radios don't have the option to change frequencies, only channels.

  9. 7 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

    Minor correction: There is still much in California that is not trunked and not encrypted.

    Yep, I can pickup Ventura County Fire and PD no problem.  Also, there are interagency frequencies that are not trunked, for when multiple agencies work a fire or riot, etc.

  10. 17 hours ago, KAF6045 said:

    FYI: in the old days, 462.675/467.675 was an FCC designated emergency/traveller assistance frequency, and many repeaters allowed access using, I think, 141.3 tone.

    Does anyone have a link to this?  I keep seeing this sprinkled throughout various forums, but I can never find the actual FCC document.

  11. 1 hour ago, Sshannon said:

    In a sense it happened when you had to provide your call sign to join this site and it was verified against the FCC database before you were given full access. That’s one reason why the database exists and it’s also why we don’t need to carry our licenses with us. 

    Agreed, but I interpreted the OP's question to mean what if someone approached them in person (law enforcement, nosey neighbor, "some people", etc.).

  12. Can anyone recommend an HT that can receive only 120 to 130 MHz?  I live across the street from an airport and I enjoy listening to the traffic, but none of my radios go this low and I get tired of relying on the internet broadcast sites.  Maybe a HT scanner?


    Never mind, I found a $4 app for my phone hahaha

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