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Noob with no local traffic... yet.


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12 minutes ago, MichaelLAX said:

@ianM Where do you live?

Western Washington. We've got at least 3 daily (if not multiple times a day) social nets on VHF open to anyone licensed, and one GMRS repeater covering the entire Puget Sound area set aside for general chatter, though the latter tends to be the same couple guys talking about traffic during rush hour. Used to be an amateur license study net on it but that seems to have died down.

I totally understand that not everyone's area is as friendly on ham repeaters to strangers as they are here. I was just saying that, unless you start making your own traffic, you're likely not going to meet as many on GMRS. 

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3 hours ago, IanM said:

No, there's no prohibition against contacting strangers, and I don't think that's what he was implying, so much as that most traffic on GMRS is, well, not that. 

There is, however, a prohibition on using repeaters without permission ("In transient use, a mobile station from one GMRS system may communicate through a mobile relay station (repeater) in another GMRS system with the permission of its licensee"), and I would guess a lot of repeaters one comes across that aren't listed on here as public probably have a specific intended purpose other than random visitors. I've seen reports on here and elsewhere of people driving around trying to find unlisted repeaters. Please don't.

As I said in the other thread re: open/closed repeaters, it's also just discourteous to jump into random other conversations; more than once while trying to get ahold of a family member I've gotten back "hey man, I just got this Baofeng radio and I'm flipping through the channels, how are ya buddy". No, that's not illegal (unless it rises to the level of willful interference), but it's not a good way to make friends in the hobby!

But I agree with @wayoverthere, I have nothing against people taking it up as a hobby, but it's important to have realistic expectations that it's not like amateur radio, where they might find far more repeaters and strangers to strike up conversation with. There's a handful of 'why won't strangers answer me' threads around the internet, and, well, it is what it is. 

I'm licensed in both, and each have a separate purpose. There's a very lively ham repeater network in my area, but there's no way it would be practical to use for general family/friends communications, and vice-versa.

I do hope OP does get some friends in on it, maybe organize a formal simplex net or something if you're within range. I think having some real-life friends and something to chat about other than weather or radios is what makes the hobby interesting. The local ham net I join in is much more social in nature, and I think that's why it's so busy. Truth be told a lot of the random contacts I hear on amateur is a lot of "Hey, this is XXXXX in YYYY city, it's 52º right now." "Oh hey XXXXX, this is ZZZZZ, yeah, it's a little cloudy here in _____. 73, signing off." (Bonus points if they're both on Echolink and nobody's actually using a radio.)

I know; I tried to make the comment as general as possible, as I'm basing it off of things that have been said not just in this thread, or even this forum in general, but in other venues as well...kind of what I see related to GMRS overall.

I personally won't assume a repeater as open unless it's listed as such, and have reached out for (and received) permission on a couple.  I do wonder if there's some in the listings that were listed to help with coordination but intended as private, but weren't clearly marked so when the owner set them up. As was discussed in the open/closed repeaters thread, they're still property of the owner, who does get to dictate who can or can't use it, despite the limited spectrum we get with GMRS. While I can see wanting to know what's around, I would also agree that it's extremely bad form trying to muscle into an unlisted repeater; if it's the ONLY thing around, I wouldn't see an issue in taking a shot and reaching out (by mail, if that's the only way) and ASKING if they'd  be willing to allow access on an emergency basis, but if not, that's their option.

100% agreed that being respectful is the best way to win friends, whether catching someone on simplex, or when it comes to repeaters.  Jumping in the middle of someone's conversation (especially since they probably aren't expecting other users, its definitely something to take into account if you try to 'approach'), or on their repeater unexpectedly isn't likely to win friends. 

Personally, I have to practically twist arms to get my family to touch a radio, even off grid, so my actual use on GMRS is minimal, though I do monitor here and there, or respond to a radio check if I hear someone asking. Like some others, I did get my hopes up based on the enthusiasm here, trying GMRS as a 'ham-lite' while everything was shut down, but my area is almost entirely more like 'FRS-plus", and once things started picking up I expanded into ham.  The mindset on the ham side is definitely more open, and the attitude toward repeaters is also definitely more open.

Finally, I'll also admit to being a little more 'flexible' on some rules than others, mainly based on "will my actions affect someone else?" and logic behind it, but I also feel a responsibility to encourage others on the "right" path as much as possible, and help them have realistic expectations of what they'll find in each.

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On 10/19/2021 at 10:29 AM, IanM said:

(Bonus points if they're both on Echolink and nobody's actually using a radio.)

If you're hearing it on the air, then they are actually using a radio. It may, however, be a remotely controlled radio, whether via Echolink or some other method.

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I’m afraid I’m in the same boat as the OP. I live in the heart of Texas (Waco, specifically) and I got my GMRS license in hopes to do a little rag-chewing too,  but all I get are crickets. 

I also understand that this isn’t ham radio and random contact and chatter isn’t all that common in GMRS. I’m not only interested in that side of it, but also in possibly setting up a repeater or getting HTs for my family. These are long-term goals, however, and it would be cool to just make contact once! 

Had I done more research, I would have seen that there are ZERO repeaters in my area (the closest being about 60 miles away) so my only shot at this is simplex (which is what, 1-2 miles line of sight?) or hitting one of the repeaters when traveling, which I’ll also try to do but not at this very moment. 

oh well. Lol


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2 hours ago, WROJ697 said:

I’m afraid I’m in the same boat as the OP. I live in the heart of Texas (Waco, specifically) and I got my GMRS license in hopes to do a little rag-chewing too,  but all I get are crickets. 


Had I done more research, I would have seen that there are ZERO repeaters in my area (the closest being about 60 miles away) so my only shot at this is simplex (which is what, 1-2 miles line of sight?) or hitting one of the repeaters when traveling, which I’ll also try to do but not at this very moment.

There is the WRCP705 repeater in Oglesby, which boasts 70 mile radius (covers Waco).  Because Waco is about 25 miles away, and with not-so-hilly terrain, you might be able to hit it.

Great to hear of a GMRS user in Waco.  I spent part of my childhood in McGregor, and now that I'm retired, have considered moving back there.  If that ever happens, I'd rag-chew with you any day.


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14 minutes ago, Citizen said:

There is the WRCP705 repeater in Oglesby, which boasts 70 mile radius (covers Waco).  Because Waco is about 25 miles away, and with not-so-hilly terrain, you might be able to hit it.

Great to hear of a GMRS user in Waco.  I spent part of my childhood in McGregor, and now that I'm retired, have considered moving back there.  If that ever happens, I'd rag-chew with you any day.


Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m gonna try to hit it later tonight and let you know! Are they normally like ham repeaters, where even if no one responds, you’ll still hear a tone or some sort of Morse code? 

McGregor is nice. I worked out that way a lot at my last job. Lots of pretty country headed out towards Gatesville and beyond! Since you know the area, to clarify I’m actually in Bellmead, pretty much right on the line between Bellmead and Lacy Lakeview, couple miles south of TSTC. So it sits a bit low. But let’s see…

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49 minutes ago, WROJ697 said:

Are they normally like ham repeaters, where even if no one responds, you’ll still hear a tone or some sort of Morse code?

Yeah, like Ham, you should at least hear the repeater tail (short burst of noise, or beep).  Not sure about the Morse code ID, as some repeater owners don't set that up.

Good luck.

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1 hour ago, kb2ztx said:

You may not hear a repeater tail. I actually have mine all off. YMMV. 

Good point.  Well, if that is the case, the next best thing may be to have a second radio set to Ch 16 simplex and no codes, and listen for his own transmission.

And/or, take a 30 minute drive out US-84 west towards Oglesby.  Transmit every 2 miles or so and see if you can hit it.

Unfortunately, after re-reviewing the repeater, I found this in the notes:


(paraphrased): Repeater is currently connected to a Yagi pointed 218.6 degrees, with a 48 degree pattern.  Should cover from Bend Texas to Taylor Texas.

This means the antenna is pointed S-SW (almost as if down the I-35 corridor towards Ft. Hood - Austin areas).  If this is the case, you may never hit it from anywhere on US-84, unless maybe very close by.  I apologize for not realizing this sooner, and steering you down the wrong path (literally).  I was a bit misled by the perfect circle coverage diagram.


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On 10/27/2021 at 1:57 PM, WROJ697 said:

I’m afraid I’m in the same boat as the OP. I live in the heart of Texas (Waco, specifically) and I got my GMRS license in hopes to do a little rag-chewing too,  but all I get are crickets. 

I also understand that this isn’t ham radio and random contact and chatter isn’t all that common in GMRS. I’m not only interested in that side of it, but also in possibly setting up a repeater or getting HTs for my family. These are long-term goals, however, and it would be cool to just make contact once! 

Had I done more research, I would have seen that there are ZERO repeaters in my area (the closest being about 60 miles away) so my only shot at this is simplex (which is what, 1-2 miles line of sight?) or hitting one of the repeaters when traveling, which I’ll also try to do but not at this very moment. 

oh well. Lol


I am starting to feel that my GMRS radio is just taking up space in my Jeep.  I go out venturing solo about 99% of the time... and the one person I rarely go out with does not care about any communications at all.  I am thinking about taking out my GMRS radio and just going back to ham radio HF mobile.  I guess I could make a VoIP connection to the network to connect to rooms but I really dont want to invest any more money into GMRS at this point.  Good luck out there and I hope you get that repeater up and going!

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I just got my license last Friday but have been listening for over a month now. Like many places, It's pretty dead here in Northern Vermont/New Hampshire if you are looking to have conversations with others on this. 


The closest repeater to me is a hilly 14 miles away but can chat on it with my mobile in my car sitting in my driveway, though I'm told my audio is at the noise floor, A better antenna might be something to consider as I go. Chatter on this repeater is non-existent during the week but weekends things pick up slightly. Away from this repeater is silence until I get near an areas where OHRVs are big. 


For now I will listen to the sounds of (mostly) silence. 

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On 10/28/2021 at 9:32 AM, Citizen said:

Good point.  Well, if that is the case, the next best thing may be to have a second radio set to Ch 16 simplex and no codes, and listen for his own transmission.

And/or, take a 30 minute drive out US-84 west towards Oglesby.  Transmit every 2 miles or so and see if you can hit it.

Unfortunately, after re-reviewing the repeater, I found this in the notes:

This means the antenna is pointed S-SW (almost as if down the I-35 corridor towards Ft. Hood - Austin areas).  If this is the case, you may never hit it from anywhere on US-84, unless maybe very close by.  I apologize for not realizing this sooner, and steering you down the wrong path (literally).  I was a bit misled by the perfect circle coverage diagram.


It’s all good, you were only trying like I am! I didn’t drive out that way yet or anything so no harm, no foul.  Where I’m located is close to TSTC, just a few miles east of the IH-35 corridor and just shy of a couple miles N/NW of 84. 

I read in an earlier post that you used to live in McGregor but moved after retiring. Are you still in Texas? If so, I just found something awesome, but you gotta pay around $25 to use it (good for a year, I think). Become a supporting member of the Texas GMRS (TexasGMRS.net) website and you get access to RO-IP, either via Android, iOS or PC, and you basically “dial-in” to a repeater that’s linked to almost every repeater in Texas and talk over wifi or cell data. My first day, I keyed up and talked to guys from Mexia, Cypress, and Troy! 

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6 hours ago, Trad77 said:

I am starting to feel that my GMRS radio is just taking up space in my Jeep.  I go out venturing solo about 99% of the time... and the one person I rarely go out with does not care about any communications at all.  I am thinking about taking out my GMRS radio and just going back to ham radio HF mobile.  I guess I could make a VoIP connection to the network to connect to rooms but I really dont want to invest any more money into GMRS at this point.  Good luck out there and I hope you get that repeater up and going!

Also truly sorry that's the case, especially if you can't get anyone to join in. There are cellular two-way radios that can run Zello and there seem to be a handful of GMRS repeaters (and just a lot of various chatrooms in general) on that platform, but that's  another piece of gear to find room for if you want to keep an RF radio too. I can't think of any mobile units that do RF and LTE. 

If you're looking to chat with strangers at random while out on the road or the trail, you might get the most use out of a DMR transceiver, assuming there's networked repeaters in your area and depending on what national talk groups they host. 

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On 10/29/2021 at 2:23 PM, IanM said:

If you're looking to chat with strangers at random while out on the road or the trail, you might get the most use out of a DMR transceiver, assuming there's networked repeaters in your area and depending on what national talk groups they host. 

One can also use a DMR hotspot when not near an actual repeater...

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21 hours ago, dogfarts2021 said:

Wasilla, Alaska  

Radio is a Wouxun KG-935G 

1) Can you take a drive out towards Anchorage and try to hit this repeater:

GMRS625 Anchorage

2) Purchase a cheapie (<$30) HT (Baofeng UV-5R or TYT-UV88 [or Pofung P15UV]) and have a family member chat with you! :) 

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6 hours ago, MichaelLAX said:

1) Can you take a drive out towards Anchorage and try to hit this repeater:

GMRS625 Anchorage

2) Purchase a cheapie (<$30) HT (Baofeng UV-5R or TYT-UV88 [or Pofung P15UV]) and have a family member chat with you! :) 

It looks like there's a clone of the UV88 that is sold by Retevis: the RT-85. It's available in a two-pack for about $55 as of today:



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