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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/21 in all areas

  1. Good Day Jronco. No can do. Wouxun software does not permit cell copy paste in any software of theirs I have tried. Their software is bare-bones bottom of the line unsupported software. There is however one copy&paste function that does work. You can copy and paste a row. On the other hand, RTSystems (https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/KG-1000G_c_2086.html ) does sell a programming kit that does allow this. Michael WRHS965 KE8PLM
    2 points
  2. This is cable going into and out of outside box. I got connector on the inside of house finally and at least that leg shows no continuity shield to center. So the issue is the feed going up the antenna. I'm going to bet it's up top. We had quite a lot of wind and rain yesterday. I have to order more connectors. Because I destroyed two.... Those were the two 'extra'. Just take a deep breath. Most valuable things in life I learned just like this. The feed into is hard to see but it's a really big loop to have reserve if I needed to go higher. Once I get everything clicking I'll inject foam into the wall to capture the cable insulate it.
    1 point
  3. n4gix

    Kenwood TK-890

    Maybe time for me to list my 880 and 840 then...
    1 point
  4. Yesterday, Buy Two Way Radios website froze up for me , so I telephoned a small order in. After placing the order, I asked about the status of the 905G. The answer was: the tracking number showed expected delivery to them of 5/25. Although Customs sometimes takes a day or two to clear shipments.
    1 point
  5. rdunajewski


    Repeaters that haven't been updated in the last year are assumed to be "old" listings, so we hide them on the map to declutter the map of the repeaters that are probably not online anymore. It's a temporary fix, as we'll have a better way to report offline repeaters in the near future so we don't accidentally hide the old but still functional repeaters.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, that would have been helpful. Manually inputting everything sucked. Also, I'm unsure what some of the features do and they aren't in the instruction manual. I heard back from B2WRs on the CB freqs. They said the radio was original intended to "do CB" but couldn't get the FCC to approve it.
    1 point
  7. You're right. I think we're all in good hands here at MYGMRS.com
    1 point
  8. axorlov

    Kenwood TK-890

    Can't say anything about 890, but also noticed the scarcity of 880 and 8180 on ebay. Looks like police and fire across US all moved to P25 and the bug dump of old analog radios dried off.
    1 point
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