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    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in GMRS 10-Codes   
    I would add you have a cell phone. It’s okay to use your cell phone. I mean seriously if you want a private conversation radio isn’t it. Sure there’s encrypted radios but that’s not GMRS. Op is looking for a solution where there is no problem. 
    I’m 10-98 ?
  2. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to pcradio in GMRS 10-Codes   
    You've come across archaic sections of the FCC rules. Imagine someone telling you that you can't say, "Meet you at the rendezvous, over." vs explicitly saying where and what you are doing. You have a brain. Its okay to use your brain. Its okay to think and reason. You are better, and always will be than ChatGPT and its endless database entries of biased entries.
  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in New Repeater Channels for GMRS in 2024   
    Not necessarily. The key is how it’s done and what digital mode.  

    While I like DMR I don’t think it’s a good candidate to use on GMRS. I believe there are a couple of better choices. As a few other posts have pointed out the principle issues are the existing base of analog radios and just where do you locate the digital channels where they would result in the least interference to analog operations.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in New Repeater Channels for GMRS in 2024   
    One other point. Just how many people check to see if they can reliably communicate using simplex? If they can then they should stay off the repeater, use simplex, and let those who REALLY need it the access. 
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to intermod in New Repeater Channels for GMRS in 2024   
    The eight current GMRS channels can handle eight simultaneous conversations today (in the same area).  The proposal below would allow for 32 simultaneous conversations without expanding the GMRS service.
    For those not familiar with DMR technology, each DMR repeater signal has two "timeslots" which allows for two independent talk channels.  Two DMR signals can fit within the same space as one analog FM signal today.  This is possible because a DMR signal only requires about 7.6 kHz of spectrum, while todays wideband analog signals need 20 kHz of spectrum.
    Thus, four conversations can be supported within each of the current GMRS channels. 
    The center frequency of each DMR repeater (and the radios it supports) would be programmed 5 kHz above or below the current center channel.   +/-12.5 kHz might also be used.   
    Below shows how this would work in reality. 

    The FCC would not need to allocate new radio spectrum.  They only have to allow more efficient use of what we already have.
    The other benefit of DMR is that two different repeater groups could invest in one DMR repeater, which splits the cost in two while each maintains their own "channel".   As a DMR repeater takes the same rack space as an analog repeater and only requires one antenna, the repeater site lease costs could be split between the two groups as well.
    It would take the FCC some time to accomplish this, so if they started now, they might be able to complete this rule change in 2024.
  6. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Microphone 8 Pin Connection wiring for Wouxun   
    I wouldn’t say that, you definitely added to the ball moving in the right direction, I couldn’t find anything on this at all. Your info with Steve’s eye for detail could be a win for OP?
  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Microphone 8 Pin Connection wiring for Wouxun   
    Pictures always help.  In this blown up shot of your previous image it appears that you have one white and one gray.  You also have one shield wire which has no insulation. 

  8. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRHS218 in Microphone 8 Pin Connection wiring for Wouxun   
    I took the screws out of the plug end and separated the assembly enough to see the wire colors and what I got was inconclusive because it looks like there are two whites. Those may have stripes but I just couldn't see. Anyway:
    1 - White
    2 - Red
    3 - Blue
    4 - Green
    5 - White *
    6 - Yellow
    7 - Couldn't see the insulation
    8 (Center pin) - Couldn't see the color
    * Could see white but couldn't tell if there was a stripe
  9. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in antenna matching   
    Jeesuz.. "Some people" could over-complicate a spoon in their desperate attempts to show everyone how smart they think they are.
    The answer, which unbelievably even after all those words was still not actually answered, is: NO
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to KAF6045 in antenna matching   
    Proper coax is length neutral (it is 50ohm at the transmitter, and it is 50ohm at the antenna) -- that CB suggestion is just masking a problem by adjusting the coax so that the /nodes/ in the standing wave don't appear at the point of measurement. The SWR is still mismatched.
    Heck -- even ignoring standing wave nodes, if you use a long enough coax and measure at the transmitter you will achieve a perfect SWR... You won't be reaching anyone, but you will have a perfect SWR. SWR is based on the power sent to the antenna, and the power reflected from that antenna. With a very long coax, you have power losses in the coax itself, all the power sent/reflected could be lost as resistive heating of the coax so there is no measurable reflected power, but also no power going out the antenna.
    The ideal is to measure SWR AT THE ANTENNA (or at least close enough that your body and measuring tools don't interfere with the feedpoint match). Of course, if the antenna has a permanently affixed cable you'd have to either learn to splice connectors into the cable or do the measurement from the end of the provided cable.
  11. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Dogs say the darndest things.   
    I guess, I mean he’s a dog so who knows why he says what he does ?
  12. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Base Station Versus Handheld with Aplifier   
    Upside to using the 935G is you can slap the rubber ducky back on it and quickly/easily take it and use it anywhere you want.
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to pwindsor in Base Station Versus Handheld with Aplifier   
    Please note I am a total newbie at this
    So I was looking at the Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS base station versus the Wouxun KG-935G Plus with an amplifier, is there any upside to using the base station versus a handheld with the amplifier? I cannot seem to find any good articles on pro's and con's. The amplifier has a 40watt output and the base station has a 50 watt output, but from what I have read the 10 watt difference does not make a whole lot of difference. 
    Thanks in advance for your assistance
  14. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to KAF6045 in Dogs say the darndest things.   
    Shouldn't that be w0of (zero-oh) {caveat -- W0OF is an actual assigned call}
  15. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to propwash in is the CCP Baofeng spying ??   
    I'll pull on this thread, if we're talking about Android.  All apps and services on an Android phone are not created equally. If you're writing apps as a non-Google employee, you're using the public Android SDK. Google employees write apps using both the public SDK as well as having access to private calls made to Google Play Services, which you could think of as a root-level service running in the background. If you turn off location services, non-Google apps won't see your location. Google Play Services will still have access to location services and other Google apps can request these data through Google Play Services. The way to avoid this is by using a Google-free version of AOSP or using GrapheneOS, which sandboxes Google Play Services and allows you to truly turn off location services to all apps and services running on your phone.
  16. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Dogs say the darndest things.   
    "This is K9DOG. Can I get a signal report?"
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in Dogs say the darndest things.   
    My dog does this if it’s a radio, phone, iPad…  and she is saying “put that down and pet me”!
    This happens multiple times a day every day.?
    for this photo though “this is w-o-o-f, do you have my food”? 
  18. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRTT440 in New base station with Kenwood TK-880-1 radio   
    Hello All. I finally put together a base station for the house. I'm using a Kenwood TK-880-1 purchased from ebay, a 30 amp power supply from ebay, about 30 feet of LMR-400 type cable and a Tram 1486 antenna tuned for the GMRS band.
    The power supply is a bit overkill as the max needed would be 8 amps for this radio. But I didn't want to have to replace it if I later upgrade to a higher power GMRS radio.
    Today I was able to make my first "radio test" to a repeater (WRPD520) about 21.5 miles away using the TK-880 on high power, about 19.5 watts, with 1.25 SWR. 
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to jsneezy in Base station with a remote handset   
    It sounds like he's looking for something that would function like a repeater, except be switchable from the handset that could be carried around wirelessly. There is an option to maybe do a wireless headset to the radio that might be sitting upstairs, but Bluetooth range is pretty limited. Maybe those Wi-Fi Zello radios that @OffRoaderX has reviewed lately would fit the bill better. With the exception that I don't think simplex would be an option with those, and would require using repeater on the Zello network.
  20. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to back4more70 in Retevis RA25 El Cheapo Mounting   
    Yep, they'll never take me alive! ?
  21. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Avoiding FRS channels   
    “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
    ― Maya Angelou
  22. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to back4more70 in A funny thing happened at my ham test today...   
    I have a GMRS license and I decided I wanted my amateur radio license as well.  So I studied for the Technician test for the last few weeks off and on, and I took the test this morning.  (Side note: I live in California, but currently visiting Wyoming, so I took my test in Wyoming.  The VE's were happy to have me.)  I passed the Technician test 100%.  Then the VE's asked if I wanted to try the General test, which I was completely unprepared for.  Turns out I am pretty good at guessing, I almost passed (I scored 25 out of the required 27 to pass).  My favorite part was when the VE was grading my general exam, he was shocked that I actually got as many correct as I did.  "Unbelievable" was his exact word.  Just thought I would share.  I guess my point is that for the folks that complain about the testing, it really isn't that hard.
  23. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in HAM Entry Level License Test   
    That’s specifically for GMRS radios that transmit digital data. GMRS radios that only do analog voice signals may have alternative eye pokers installed. ?
  24. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to WRTJ886 in Any Tips For Someone Thinking of Getting A H.A.M. License?   
    It's a trap!
  25. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Any Tips For Someone Thinking of Getting A H.A.M. License?   
    1. Find the study aids that work best for you. For me HamStudy worked the way I enjoyed learning. 
    2. Keep a sense of humor. There’s more that joins us than separates us. 
    3. If you’re social, consider visiting some nearby clubs to see if you enjoy them. 
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