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Everything posted by AdmiralCochrane

  1. I'm considering the same radio for the same use. I think we had a QSO a month or so back
  2. Not to be a downer, but most SHTF ham use is fantasy. It just doesn't work like TV and movies.
  3. If the capacitors don't fail, the batteries will puff and leak. Timebombs headed for the trash each and every one
  4. When I first got my Tech, I made my first VHF contact with that exact set up. I think I was about 15 miles from the repeater. With a good, properly mounted antenna, you should be able to get 5 or 6 miles even in suburban-ish areas. I had trouble with the quality of the wire going to the back of the mic plug and the sma coax. Repaired and replaced multiple times. There are better ways to spend your money. Are you asking if the radio is certified for GMRS? No, its not Part 95 GMRS certified. Unless I am confused, there is no Part 97 certification. Hams can build whatever they want, only have to use them within their licensure.
  5. That would work if your duty cycle is very limited
  6. Not GMRS, but on ham uhf and vhf, I run Compander on on my Anytone 578 and always get compliments on my transmission quality
  7. The NanoVNA is not difficult to learn how to use. It may well be significantly above GMRS user's abilities just the same.
  8. I am 4 miles from a 1,000kw UHF TV station on a 1,000 ft tower - I guess I am safe
  9. Pretty sure you will hear both sides of the conversation on the repeater output. What you would hear differently on 467 is whether the input is near enough to you for simplex.
  10. Cool tool. I just mapped my favorite locations and the repeaters I use and a potential repeater that sits between me and my brother.
  11. nanovna tells you as much and a lot more for the same price
  12. Its often a matter of the computer com ports available and the particular com port the cable software driver is trying to use. Some software lets you select any port number, others only connect to a few or possibly only one particular com port. If that port is in use by some other software on your computer, you must move that connection to a different software access port to free it up for the driver to use
  13. I primarily use GMRS for family comms. If others in my household were interested in getting ham licensed, I probably would not have spent the $70 on the GMRS license. GMRS works for me only because my wife's place of work is only 2 miles from our house and practically under the nearest GMRS repeater; those 2 factors make it useful for us.
  14. AURSINC is the name brand to look for. The real v3.4 H model should be around $55. AURSINC makes them upto $140 or so
  15. A used name brand handheld scanner from eBay beats a BTECH HT anyday at the same price. (I have both)
  16. And unlike ham bands, under FCC regs, you are not allowed to build your own GMRS radio, nor alter existing radios to transmit on GMRS, nor modify GMRS radio transmitters. Outside of antenna and coax on mobile/base units, its pure plug and play. The info in the ARRL FCC Tech license book regarding UHF does apply to GMRS, the VHF and band info, not so much.
  17. Even a properly working cable may look for a comm port that is in use by other software on your computer. You may have to play musical chairs with comm ports to make one available to the cable driver.
  18. "The Interceptor" You weren't likely to outrun the 440/6 Pak in front of the 294 S axle. With all that intake roar you couldn't hear it from the driver's seat, but it spun the wheels when it shifted into high at 80 mph. Let's just say it could have run 'respectable' speed at Daytona in its time ...
  19. ... while using a properly programmed GMRS/FRS transceiver
  20. They are legal receivers on all frequencies As yet, its not illegal to own a transmitter of almost any type. If you have the cash you can buy a commercial TV transmitter, you just can't transmit on it without a license. These things may change as the government perceives the populace to be a threat.
  21. I'm confused. The antenna was tuned and was garbage?
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