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    generalpain reacted to SteveShannon in A strange thing happened on my way to a new repeater......   
    You can’t make Fords better by sabotaging GM. 
  2. Like
    generalpain reacted to SteveShannon in A strange thing happened on my way to a new repeater......   
    Just so I can learn, what are the operating habits that some hams have developed that are unwelcome?
  3. Thanks
    generalpain got a reaction from JoCoBrian in Need a GMRS CodePlug for my AT-578UV   
    There are actually 22 GMRS frequencies. How did you even pass the FCC GMRS exam?
  4. Like
    generalpain reacted to gortex2 in Petitioning to get a few VHF frequencies added to GMRS   
    So what did you come to GMRS for then ? I'm curious because I see more and more hams going to GMRS when they have it already in HAM. I think in some part that's what's messing up GMRS. Its almost become a "ham light" to me. I get more and more baffled daily on the wants and needs of GMRS users. Ive been a ham for years and use ham radio when i want linking or data or other things it provides, but when i want simple point to point stuff GMRS is what I use. 
    Yet the UV5R is not certified for any of this....so why state the reqs when you dont follow them ? 
  5. Like
    generalpain reacted to SteveShannon in GMRS Repeaters for Emergency Communications Use   
    Perhaps the terms of a grandfathered license allow multiple people to operate under a business’s license, but that’s no longer possible for new licenses. Nor is there an exception for community emergency volunteer groups. Unless it’s covered as part of a grandfathered license it’s just not allowed. 
  6. Haha
    generalpain got a reaction from rnavarro in Need a GMRS CodePlug for my AT-578UV   
    There are actually 22 GMRS frequencies. How did you even pass the FCC GMRS exam?
  7. Like
    generalpain reacted to neosmith20 in GMRS Enforcement   
    And how do you know they were using GMRS freq.s when FRS is literally the same freq... Many businesses just go out and buy a couple of bubble pack radios for their employees and off they go. What proof is there that GMRS was actually being used? Did you test the wattage coming out of their radios? Where they using a repeater freq.? Where they using radios with detachable antennas? If you can't prove they were using something beyond a bubble pack radio, then you have no case and was a complete waste of their time.

    "Although they are two separate radio services, the FRS and GMRS co-exist within 462-467MHz frequency range of the UHF band. Both services share the same 22 simplex channels and frequencies. These channel and frequency assignments are standard across the industry. This means that channel 1 on a Midland FRS or GMRS radio is the same as channel 1 on a Motorola Talkabout, or a Cobra MicroTALK, or a DeWALT, Uniden, or Wouxun KG-805F and 805G. Channel 2 is the same, channel 3 is the same, and so on. For this reason, someone with an FRS radio can converse directly with someone who has a GMRS radio and vice-versa."
  8. Like
    generalpain reacted to quarterwave in You just got your GMRS license, now you want your own repeater?   
    And while we are on the subject of Repeaters.... Why do people keep listing repeaters that do not exist? Is there some thrill? Aren't they sad or embarrassed when they have to explain it never existed? I don't get it. 
    I've had a private repeater for years, people asked to use it right up until this Spring, when I made it public with new PL's and a refreshed listing. Now...summer activity time...not a peep. People still ask, even request permission even though they don't need it per the listing. Not a peep. 
    If anyone is interested in a mint MTR2000, cabinet and Zetron panel.... she's probably going to be for sale soon. I'll throw in a supposedly good ASP805 & Clamps too (not mounted, currently stored in barn).
  9. Like
    generalpain reacted to SteveShannon in Bench Power vs Car Battery   
    You probably meant amperes or amps in the part of your quote I underlined and bolded.  For my 100 watt amateur radio transmitter I have a 30 amp 13.8vdc power supply.  At full power the current is around 23 amps I think.  For a 50 watt transmitter you probably need at least a 15-25 amp power supply just so you’re not running the power supply at full power output.  Watts out can never exceed watts in.
    A car’s electrical system puts out 13.8 volts when the car is running in order to charge the battery.  When the car is turned off the voltage of the battery drops down to somewhere around 12.7 or 12.8 volts DC.  I routinely charge several sealed lead acid batteries and they are all very close to 12.7 or 12.8 volts when I need to use them (charged and sitting around for a few weeks on a shelf).
    You may not get 100% of the power from your mobile radio when it’s strictly on battery, but you probably will never know the difference.  
    As far as wattage, it depends on the capacity of the battery, but nearly any of them will put out many amps of current.  8 amps at 12 volts is nearly 100 watts, . You only need that while transmitting. Receiving takes much less power.
  10. Like
    generalpain reacted to KAF6045 in You just got your GMRS license, now you want your own repeater?   
    It is also not Amateur-only. Emphasis mine:
    That's Part 95 A, which applies to all of: FRS, MURS, CB, GMRS, radio control, and a slew of other lesser known services
  11. Thanks
    generalpain reacted to OffRoaderX in Jail Break > Anytone 779   
    You don't.
  12. Like
    generalpain reacted to axorlov in Looked into GMRS but was disappointed   
    It is very simple: don't like nets, don't participate. For example, I do not like nets with check-ins, so I do not go there and do not check in.
  13. Like
    generalpain reacted to WRQV528 in Spars GMRS license - Can my GF use that license which is not being used?   
    Unfortunately, she will have to apply for her own license. There are two legalese passages— IANAL —that prevent your girlfriend from using your unused license.
    I agree, and I don't envy the task she has ahead. I recommend Notarubicon's guide for applying for a GMRS license; it's what I used to get mine. As for FRNs, after looking at the FCC's page about FRNs, it appears she will need her own, too, and the guide goes over that also.
    Onto the legalese. First, the legalese for GMRS actually has provisions for something close to what you want to do, but no cigar: a GMRS license may be used by "immediate family members" of the licensee. Part 95.1705(c)(2), the legalese in question, defines that term rather generously IMO, but it does not extend to boyfriends or girlfriends (weird, it extends to parents and stepparents, but only siblings and not stepsiblings):
    Second, while IANAL, I asked someone who is (obligatory disclaimer: they're not your lawyer) about what the "Conditions" section of my GMRS license means when I got my license. Incidentally, I believe part (or most) of her answer was along the lines of "you can't give it to someone else if you're bored with it and don't want it anymore." I'm guessing that that was conveyed by the following sentence from said section:
    Perhaps your conditions are different and more lenient... so YMMV? I don't know.
  14. Like
    generalpain reacted to MichaelLAX in New Member Here   
    You can actually enjoy GMRS for your purposes without having to throw shade at Hams...
  15. Like
    generalpain reacted to OffRoaderX in New to GRMS   
    Is there something specific about the radio or GMRS that you are lost about?  Maybe if you give us some details someone can help.
  16. Like
    generalpain reacted to wrci350 in Interacting with jammers and malicious operators... Big No-No   
    How are they operating illegally?  The FRS channels are the same as the GMRS channels with the exception of the repeater inputs.  The only difference is permitted power level.  So if they are using the channel that happens to be the output of your repeater I'm sure that's annoying, and I don't have an issue with you politely asking them to move to a different channel, but they aren't doing anything against the Part 95 rules.
    Or am I missing something?
  17. Like
    generalpain reacted to OffRoaderX in Motorola XTS5000   
    That clown has never licked or kissed a Baofeng on camera.. That clown is also responsible for introducing more people to GMRS and helping them get their license than anyone else on Youtube and has brought laughter and joy to thousands...  What have you done?
    Excellent point - sadly, "some people" do not seem to have the ability to grasp this concept as they appear to be totally incapable of thinking outside of their own existence - as proven already right here in this thread, and thousands of times in other posts on this forum.  
    ..all that said, I do love my XTS5000..
  18. Like
    generalpain reacted to OffRoaderX in Motorola talkabout T5950   
    The T5950 appears to be a (grandfathered) FRS radio, and you do not need a license to transmit on any channels with this radio.
  19. Thanks
    generalpain reacted to Lscott in Run GMRS HT on USB   
    As pointed out already USB is only 5 VDC. You can get a DC to DC converter however there is a second problem. Most USB adapters/plugs can only supply 1 amp max. A 5 watt radio will likely draw up to 2 amps at the battery terminals on transmit. The total power drain on the low voltage side of the DC to DC converter will be higher due to the lower input voltage, power in = power out + converter losses, which will exceed the rating for the USB outlet.
  20. Like
    generalpain reacted to OffRoaderX in Licensing   
    As predicted ...
    We dont need a letter from them because their previous & public record says it for them.
    Stop telling boogy-man stories - people are laughing at you.
  21. Like
    generalpain reacted to WROZ250 in I am interested in connecting my MTX400 to a 12V battery, as a backup power supply. Looking for pros, cons and tips...thank you.   
    You might want to check these guys out:

    Look at their pwrGate products
  22. Thanks
    generalpain reacted to OffRoaderX in New to GMRS/repeater question   
    If you're using a repeater on a GMRS Radio, the radios can't/arent talking to each other directly - so just call out on one radio via the repeater and if you've got it setup right you'll hear each other.  Just be sure to be at least a few yards away from each other because the radios can interfere with each other enough that you may not hear the repeater if the radios are close.
  23. Thanks
    generalpain got a reaction from IdahoJohn in Handheld vs Car mount   
    Not to discourage you, but most GMRS users get their licenses only to talk to specific family and friends, or for a specific activity (like off-roading).  Most aren't listening for, nor will they respond to, people they don't know. It isn't personal; that's just not what they got their radios for.
    You can try it, and you might make a few contacts.  I just want to set your expectations.
  24. Like
    generalpain got a reaction from gman1971 in Handheld vs Car mount   
    Not to discourage you, but most GMRS users get their licenses only to talk to specific family and friends, or for a specific activity (like off-roading).  Most aren't listening for, nor will they respond to, people they don't know. It isn't personal; that's just not what they got their radios for.
    You can try it, and you might make a few contacts.  I just want to set your expectations.
  25. Thanks
    generalpain reacted to WyoJoe in How many people really use the VHF radio MURS service?   
    MURS is license by rule like FRS and CB, but not GMRS. GMRS requires a user to obtain a license.
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