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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/25 in all areas

  1. For what it's worth, when I read violations like this, I don't paint all hams with the same brush, I blame only the violator, I know that others may not feel the same way, but personally, I blame only the bad apple, not the entire tree Just my .02 73
    4 points
  2. BoxCar

    Antenna Questions

    Base station antennas will have wind load information as it is critical in many installations. It may not be readily available on a retailer's site, but the manufacturer will list it in their brochures for the product. Yes, there is a difference between a mobile and base antenna. The radiation patterns will most likely vary with the base having a more defined pattern closer toward the horizon. The antenna length also comes into play as most mobiles are base loaded while base antennas tend to be center loaded.
    4 points
  3. I don’t believe it would be useful. In fact I think it would be a drain on emergency services and do more harm by creating a false sense of security. How would it work? Strictly a voluntary simplex/peer to peer effort or something officially established? How would it interface with public services: 911, police, fire? How would it be monitored? Remember, GMRS regulations have no government agency licensing. All licensees are individuals, so every person who might have to communicate with the GMRS radio would need their own license. For public service employees that would also mean an additional radio to be carried. Given finite tax dollars, which other emergency services would receive less so GMRS users would have their own emergency channel? That’s not to say that having GMRS might not be be helpful in an emergency as a last resort. I just think it’s foolish to rely on it when planning a risky endeavor, unless you create your own response system.
    3 points
  4. WRYZ926

    KG-935H power results.

    Yes the 935H can be unlocked. The same unlock method works for the Q10H and 935H. For those with the GMRS only versions, those cannot be unlocked, Yes I have tried. I can't answer about the batteries other than the 935H will use the same batteries as the 935G. I don't have a UV-9 series radio to test. The batteries and chargers are different between the 935G/H and the Q10G/H that they are not interchangeable.
    3 points
  5. I just received an email from RT Systems, They are working on making Mac compatible versions for the Wouxun radios. She stated that they are working on it and have to ready to go for testing. Unfortunately she did not say which radios. I'm glad that they are working on Mac versions of their software for the Wouxun radios.
    2 points
  6. Based on my testing and experience: NO
    2 points
  7. The activation code would be different for the two versions. You get a code for the version purchased.
    2 points
  8. There a too few channels available on GMRS/FRS radios to attempt setting one aside for emergency calling. Setting CB channel 9 aside worked, after a fashion, but too many people just see it as another channel to use. The major problem with GMRS/FRS are the privacy codes. Not all radios come with no codes set and not all users no how to set or clear codes. This wasn't an issue with CB as that service didn't have CTCSS available.
    2 points
  9. GMRS Emergency channel = Any channel that answers the call.
    2 points
  10. If you go through the trouble to make an account, they will "sell" you the software for $0. Buying radios is now supposed to go through a dealer.
    2 points
  11. That must mean I’m a random person
    2 points
  12. WRUU653

    KG-935H power results.

    I can confirm @WRYZ926’s info on unlocking and battery compatibility with the KG-935G, this is a different battery than the KG-UV9 batteries.
    2 points
  13. While there is no official national emergency channel for GMRS, some areas have announced that they monitor a particular GMRS channel. An example is the state of Wyoming. The state has this webpage instructing people to use channel 3 with privacy code 7. The state has the area code 307. https://hls.wyo.gov/307 So, before you travel, do some research to see if there’s a local effort to monitor a channel. But if you really need reliable emergency communications, consider one of the emergency satellite communications devices.
    2 points
  14. I wouldn’t. It can cause a breathing background sound.
    1 point
  15. Here is a good video about FCC enforcement. Granted the idiot deserves what he gets for interfering with firefighters trying to put out a forest fire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJZroDsXBrA
    1 point
  16. As I recall it’s tied to your email / account. You can download either.
    1 point
  17. Our rocket club all uses 7-6 (channel 7, tone 6) on our Garmin radios. We’re miles away from the nearest town. We basically bring our own support group. We mostly use the radios to guide people towards where we saw their rocket descend. If someone had a medical emergency (a fall or heat exhaustion) they could let us know, so in that sense it’s useful, but only because we have a group of people monitoring the shared channel. Our most likely emergency is a grass fire. For that we have used cell phones to summon help.
    1 point
  18. Whenever we are out off-roading I scan all channels - but because of the terrain/geography of the Southern California deserts, the range is usually limited to only a few miles. One time we were in the desert near Barstow and was able to talk with a group off-roading in Death Valley, about 85 miles away - but even in that case, we would not have been much help because they were TOO far...
    1 point
  19. Get your 200C up as high as possible and use the best coax you can afford... and look into repeaters nearby - depending on your local geography, 13 miles might be a no-go.
    1 point
  20. And a blanket statement like that is why every illiterate appliance operator is screaming about "muh rights". But his statement was not a blanket statement. An example of a blanket statement would be a statement that isists that government agencies are always right or always wrong. His statement simply admits to the possibility that government agencies sometimes get things wrong.
    1 point
  21. We all just wish we could be as smart as you.
    1 point
  22. It's a huge download, about 1GB. I have the wide-band and password work around patch for CPS 16 build 828 if you go that route.
    1 point
  23. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be useful.
    1 point
  24. WRUU653

    KG-935H power results.

    I received the new KG-935H yesterday and ran test on high power this morning with a fresh battery using my Surecom SW-102 and a *dummy load, here is what I got. I posted my KG-Q10H at ultra high setting results for comparison. I have not had a chance to take it out in the world as of yet. * I mention this because obviously MURS and GMRS are not type approved and MURS output is way high at these settings. This is only a test, if this had been an actual emergency you would have heard screaming KG-935H 2m - 8.8 watts 1.25m - 4.6 watts 70cm - 8.4 watts GMRS - 6.8 watts rept, 7.4 watts smpx MURS - 9.7 watts KG-Q10H 2m - 4.5 watts 1.25m - 2.9 watts 70cm - 6.5 watts 6m - 1.1 watts GMRS - 5.5 watts MURS - 4.6 watts
    1 point
  25. Do i have to be a dealer or will they help the average joe?
    1 point
  26. I got my XPR5550e from eBay. It was brand new still in the box and I paid $450. I am using the Motorola CPS 2 software.
    1 point
  27. There are no such channel designations on GMRS because GMRS wasn’t meant to be a radio band to get on and reach out to random people.
    1 point
  28. In the end your looking for a scanner feed. You are certainly able to set one up on your own. Takes a scanner, PC and internet. I have multiple scanner feed for SAR stuff but dont have any GMRS stuff on them.
    1 point
  29. myview.motorolasolutions.com is the only official location to get TRBO/XPR software.
    1 point
  30. Yeah I saw that but I'm leery of using it. I would love to hear if someone tries this but not me. I don't want to brick this radio. I have programmed my most used things directly and I am happy to wait for Mel to put out the Chirp software. He has been given a radio from Buy Two Way Radios and being that the radio is much like the KG-935G Plus I doubt it will be a large undertaking.
    1 point
  31. I personally would use the free Wouxun software from Buy Two Way Radios as long as you have a Windows computer or a way to run Windows programs on Linux or Mac. The reason I say this is the fact that there is always a chance that one could brick their radios by choosing the wrong one in CHIRP. I'm not saying that one will brick their radio by choosing the 935G in CHIRP. Just a word of caution,
    1 point
  32. My guess is you would never notice the difference.
    1 point
  33. And it likely wouldn't even get to that point. The FCC is rarely compelled to enforce unless something is causing an actual problem, even in cases where rules are slightly bent. And I don't see how this would cause an actual problem for anyone..
    1 point
  34. nokones


    Oops, the actual cable loss is really 2.14 dB. I'm not saying that I made a mistake a few days ago in measuring the loss, lets just say that I measured the loss a lot better today than the other day.
    1 point
  35. Had a few cocktails before posting? [emoji23]
    1 point
  36. They have people there who job it is is to make rules. When all the rules are made do you think they will resign? No, this is the govt. They'll just make up more rules to justify their position.
    1 point
  37. You are correct.. But just because a government agency says so, it does not necessarily make it "the right thing"..
    1 point
  38. A 10 watt repeater will be just fine for the OP's needs.He is only needing to cover about a 1 3/4 mile radius. The key for him will be getting his antenna up as high as he can get it on the highest point of his property, He doesn't need a 50 watt repeater for that. 50 watts is overkill for such a small coverage radius. Plus he can save a lot of money by getting a Midland or Retevis 10 watt repeater.
    1 point
  39. WRHS218

    KG-935H power results.

    I will be interested in a side by side comparison in TX and RX. The 935G+ is my favorite GMRS radio and my Q10H has taken over as my goto HAM HT. I purchased the Q10H one month before they came out with the 935H.
    1 point
  40. I remember reading about that shortly after it happened. Some articles include the fact that he’s a ham in the headline, but that had nothing to do with the fact that he was disrupting their communications on 151 MHz and attempting to redirect firefighting resources. I would have loved to see the interaction when the official drove over to his location and clarified things. I have absolutely no sympathy for this jerk. He’s the kind of guy that reflects poorly on all hams.
    1 point
  41. UncleYoda

    Antenna Test

    https://www.kb6nu.com/fake-nagoya-antenna/ Authentic Nagoya NA-771G Handheld GMRS Antenna (15.3 Inch)
    1 point
  42. AdmiralCochrane

    Antenna Test

    Some Nagoyas are counterfeits made in China. If you got a genuine Nagoya that isn't superior, that is unusual. Contacts made thru repeaters are often poor for comparisons because repeater antennas are often mounted much higher than is practical with HT or mobile units AND repeater receivers are dramatically better radios than HT's. A much better test is simplex HT to HT.
    1 point
  43. WSBQ451

    Hello from Medford, NY

    WSBQ451 here. Fairly close. Have you gained access to any repeaters?
    1 point
  44. Pretty much everyone I know personally... we all use the exact same methods.
    1 point
  45. I have no idea what I just watched. LOL
    1 point
  46. Remembering the days that you could call out to truckers on Channel 19 CB Radio and they answered. That was fun. Our trips from Maine to Boston
    1 point
  47. Compander = Compression & Expander. The idea of a Noise Blanker - at least as I understand how it was implemented in Low Band radios by Motorola - was a secondary receive circuit slightly off-set in frequency, and that would be used to compare desired signal vs. undesired noise (Figuring that most lower frequency "noise" would be wideband in nature, while the desired signal would be on-frequency). In Compandering, Audio is compressed upon transmit, and expanded upon receive. This allows for a potentially better "envelope" of audio response to be compressed into a given amount of bandwidth. However, it requires more manipulation of the audio components of human voice. You give up a bit of audio purity when using Compandering. Better or worse is often up to the ears of the people using the system (and in my experience, how often the people using the system are pressing the outer edges of coverage/range). There's already a ton written about this type of stuff out there on the internet, so the best way I could describe it is to say that if you're only concerned about quality of audio within your own fleet - give it a try & see how it works on your radios and in your system. If you like it, certainly use it for your system. However, most GMRS radio systems and user groups aren't running Compandering, so your radios would sound "odd" sending out compressed audio to another radio that wasn't set to receive (and expand) the compressed audio.
    1 point
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