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    WRXB215 reacted to WRWE456 in GMRS Starting Up   
    Yes elevation above obstructions is your friend. If you and your contact can safely climb onto the roof of your houses with the radios as a test to see if that helps then you will know that it is possible and that a roof top or high window location for a remote antenna should work. Don't forget to hold the radios/antennas vertical for best performance.
  2. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in GMRS Starting Up   
    Nobody can answer that with any accuracy more than "maybe".. The only way to know is to try it.
    If you can't reach them, then next step before base setups would be by connecting both radios to mobile-antennas on a cookie-sheet and put them in a high-up window.. This will greatly extend the fars.
  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRHS218 in What I heard (another one)   
    My wife and I took a driving trip last week to Utah and Arizona. We spent most of our time in Southern Utah. Ahead of the voyage I looked up all of the listed repeaters in the areas we would be travelling. I requested access to three repeaters and received a response from one repeater owner (thanks WRVI568). I loaded everything onto my 935G+ and used it with a mag mount mobile antenna. I also loaded 2m repeaters into a VX-6R with a stock antenna. I eventually just used the stock antenna on the 935G+ as well. I scanned GMRS channels and repeaters most of the time.
    We drove through multiple National Parks where I heard the only GMRS traffic for the whole trip and that was on FRS. I was scanning on 2m and heard a short communication out in the middle of nowhere on simplex. I did test a couple of the repeaters to make sure I was getting out. We stayed out of the larger towns and mainly stuck to the scenic routes. We carried radios when we did some hiking but stayed together so we never used them. When we got back to Northern Arizona I scanned railroad frequencies with the 935G+. I'm a nerd and enjoyed hearing the EOT signals and occasional yard conversations.  In AZ we drove old Route 66 from Williams to Needles. Really enjoyed the Burma Shave signage. It was a great trip. 
    That is how I enjoy using radios when travelling.
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Hoppyjr in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    Well that’s a bit cryptic…..
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    It's just another excuse. If he gets called out and pushed for more details, he'll make up some lie to justify acting like a dickhead. 
  6. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRWE456 in Btech 50 Watt Radio Reception Issues with Tram 1181 Antenna (MNO Mount)   
    I see on RR forum you asked for a GMRS mobile radio recommendation. You should ask that here.
    For GMRS specific certified radios (which your B-Tech is not). Wouxun is the current leader. The KG-1000G+ and the KG-XS20G+ are the top radios as far as many are concerned. They are however very feature rich and are geared toward what you might call "power users"(or radio dorks) who want all those features. They are well built and perform very well. They are not rebranded or sold under other names (that I have ever seen) unlike most other China brands. Buy Two Way Radios is the place to get them. They are a sponsor of this site. They are the importers and work with Wouxun to design the radios for the American market.
    Midland is geared toward and popular with folks that just want a more basic radio that is very easy to use and simple to operate.
    All GMRS radios are made in China including Midland.
    Some will recommend buying a used commercial radio but there is a lot to learn to use them. Maybe after you become a more seasoned radio operator you could look into that option.
    Just my 2 cents.
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    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRWE456 in Btech 50 Watt Radio Reception Issues with Tram 1181 Antenna (MNO Mount)   
    Aint that the truth. I don't have very many radios but I've seen quite the interesting difference in the ones I have.
  8. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRYS709 in Anytone AT-779UV   
    As I recall that has to do with Menu 29: DSPCHANNEL being set to CH, instead of either FREQ or NAME.
    Push the FUN button to enter the Menu Mode and use the V/M button as UP and MAIN button as DOWN to go to Menu: 29.
    When you are at Menu: 29, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to go through the 3 different selections (CH, FREQ and NAME) and pick either FREQ or NAME as you desire and then Push the FUN button to exit out of Menu Mode.
    V/M should now toggle between VFO and Memory (Channel) modes now.
  9. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from Jaay in Keeping tones private   
    And change the tones from time to time.
  10. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Programing Baofeng GM-15 Pro   

    I just got the Baofeng GM-15 Pro software installed and started using it so I don't know a lot yet but so far, so good. I did notice that some of the TX frequencies on the DIY channels are not correct. I haven't tried to contact Baofeng about it yet.
    Just noticed the one I posted is wrong. 😆
  11. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in Programing Baofeng GM-15 Pro   

    I just got the Baofeng GM-15 Pro software installed and started using it so I don't know a lot yet but so far, so good. I did notice that some of the TX frequencies on the DIY channels are not correct. I haven't tried to contact Baofeng about it yet.
    Just noticed the one I posted is wrong. 😆
  12. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from hakalugi in Programing Baofeng GM-15 Pro   

    I just got the Baofeng GM-15 Pro software installed and started using it so I don't know a lot yet but so far, so good. I did notice that some of the TX frequencies on the DIY channels are not correct. I haven't tried to contact Baofeng about it yet.
    Just noticed the one I posted is wrong. 😆
  13. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to nokones in Keeping tones private   
    If you want to keep your family and friends only repeater private, don't list it on mygmrs.com. Also, I would split the tones and use CTCSS on the downlink/repeater output side and an Inverted DPL/DCS code on the uplink/repeater input side. 
  14. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Found this image online, thought it was interesting.   
    Clearly you are too young to have lived through the Franchise-Wars of the 1990's ...
  15. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to back4more70 in Found this image online, thought it was interesting.   
    "All restaurants are Taco Bell."
  16. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to nokones in Storing Radios - batteries?   
    Also, after a battery has been reconditioned and the resulting capacity is below 80%, I replace the battery and no longer use them. Batteries below 80% capacity just don't provide a long duty cycle between charge cycles.
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to nokones in Storing Radios - batteries?   
    Lithium batteries have a great self life over NiMH and NiCAD batteries. They will keep their charge capacity nearly at full charge for a long time where as NiCAD batteries have one of the worst self discharge rate with NiMH batteries a little better than NiCAD.
    Also, NiCAD batteries need to be exercised and conditioned regularly or they will eventually fail with a short service life. NiMH batteries have a little better service than NiCAD but no where near as a Lithium battery. I have a couple Lithium batteries that are approx. 10 years old and they still reconditioned above 90% capacity.
    Also, if you put NiCAD and/or NiMH batteries on the shelf or they have been sitting on the shelf before their initial use for long periods of time, you may need to "reform" the battery in order for them to relearn their use and charge duty cycles or they will perform with short use duty cycles between charge cycles.
    In otherwords, you need to take care if them and make them happy or they will just be pissed off and not perform as expected.
    I learned this from a class that Alexander Battery or was it Multiplier, I don't remember now it was one of them, hosted at an APCO National Convention back in the 90s. Following this practice I feel has given  me great longevity for the batteries whereas I have seen people not performing good maintenance were  constantly replacing batteries prematurely.
  18. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in Storing Radios - batteries?   
    Nickel and lithium based batteries should be stored at a 40% charge and not connected to anything. I personally also put tap over the connections, to prevent anything from touching the contacts and shorting or discharging the batteries further 
    All batteries will eventually discharge to zero if they are in a radio or a charge cradle that isn't on and in a charge state. This damages batteries and can cause the battery to never charge again. Some highend batteries with electronics in them will sleep after they have been out of a radio or charger for some time. Those will appear to be dead, but just need to be reactivated. 
    Storing batteries in the radio will not only discharge the battery, it could damage the radio. There are issues with corrosion, battery leaks and expansion. 
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Programming Baofeng UV-5G Plus Repeater Help   
    Most of the Baofeng radios have analog FM transmissions. Digital access codes can be used on analog radios. The type of modulation is different than digital DCS codes. 
    Simply go to the DCS menu, select it, and then select the code. 
  20. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from Raybestos in Programming Baofeng UV-5G Plus Repeater Help   
    They do use both digital and analog tones. So, yes, D026 will work on a Baofeng.
  21. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Baofeng GM15 Pro/ Raddioddity GM30 and why I love them despite annoyances   
    That’s what I tried to explain the other day. Xmit frequencies are fixed but it doesn’t matter because a person can still edit the receive frequencies. Just pick a channel with the correct xmit frequency and edit everything else. 
  22. Thanks
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in TIDRadio TD-H3 GMRS   
    In Ham mode, it only allows transmitting on ham frequencies.  On GMRS mode, you can only transmit on the pre-programed GMRS frequencies. In normal mode, you can transmit on every frequency from 136 MHz to 520 MHz.  That's pretty much it.
  23. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in Storing Radios - batteries?   
    I dont know that there is a "right" or "wrong" answer, but if storing anything for a long period (more than several months), I would, and always do, remove the batteries..  
    ..and, upon reflection, i think that is actually the "right" answer..
  24. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Keeping tones private   
    That only works to the extent you can keep the tones secret. The weakest link in any security method are the people. Sooner or later someone is going to tell a buddy what the odd tone is so they can talk. Then you’re done.
  25. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in POPULARITY OF GMRS   
    I didn’t say it was easy. That’s an absolute modifier. I was making a comparison. 
    I said it was easier than getting a license for ham radio. 
    Navigate FCC site + $35 = GMRS 
    Navigate FCC site + $35 + Test = Ham
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