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    mainehazmt reacted to sonnyguz920 in zello app linking   
    UPDATE:I called the FCC to ask this question and they said its NOT elegal. Only if you connect a phone to the repeater. zello is considered data that is a gray area and their are NO rules on that at this time. So until they come up with some kind if law on it it's perfectly legal to link Zello with GMRS repeaters says the FCC.
  2. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to jmoylan69 in Question about simplex repeaters which have messaging capability   
    ARGENT DATA SYSTEMS makes a simplex repeater for 89.00 and sells the cable for the baofeng for 7 bucks. cheers folks. and im sure the FCC did NOT cite no simplex on gmrs but most likely said not a snowballs chance in (*&%^(*& on the MURS band. 
    there is nothing that prohibits simplex in the 95a wording that i have found. in fact simplex is used only ONCE IN THE ENTIRE PART95A SECTION AND ITS HERE IN 95.29 (f) and does not represent anything exclusive or prohibitive. following the law of the "letter", it says : "FOR" not that "a GMRS station [MUST] be transmitted in duplex.  this paragraph is simply stating that for a GMRS station that will be simultaneously re-transmitting A transmittion of another, that licensee must select the frequency pairs and then points to where to find those pairs, i.e. 95.7(a)
    (a) For a base station, fixed station,
    mobile station, or repeater station (a
    GMRS station that simultaneously retransmits
    the transmission of another
    GMRS station on a different channel or
    channels), the licensee of the GMRS
    system must select the transmitting
    channels or channel pairs (see § 95.7(a)
    of this part) for the stations in the
    GMRS system from the following 462
    MHz channels:
    462.5500, 462.5750, 462.6000, 462.6250, 462.6500,
    462.6750, 462.7000 and 462.7250.
    ( For a mobile station, control station,
    or fixed station operated in the
    duplex mode, the following 467 MHz
    channels may be used only to transmit
    communications through a repeater
    station and for remotely controlling a
    repeater station. The licensee of the
    GMRS system must select the transmitting
    channels or channel pairs (see
    § 95.7(a) of this part) for the stations
    operated in the duplex mode, from the
    following 467 MHz channels:
    467.5500, 467.5750, 467.6000, 467.6250, 467.6500,
    467.6750, 467.7000 and 467.7250.
    as shown above in red, this is an "option" not a mandate. the only requirement is that you use the chanel pairs if you're to re-transmit simultaneously or you select the chanels to use form the list. i identify this chanels to mean a multiple of choice not that you need to use a pair only, otherwise the following phrase channel pairs is now redundant and not necessary. Also, you cant transmit on more than one channel at a time anyway.
    ©–(e) [Reserved]
    Here the wording is MAY use simplex for transmissions but they must be in voice, and NOT unidirectional. and cannot be any more than 5 watts on a simplex freq. there is ZERO language here that prohibits simplex repeaters.
    (f) Except for a GMRS system licensed
    to a non-individual, a mobile
    station or a small base station operating
    in the simplex mode may transmit
    on the following 462 MHz interstitial
    462.5625, 462.5875, 462.6125, 462,6375, 462.6625,
    462.6875 and 462.7125.
    These channels may be used only under
    the following conditions:
    (1) Only voice type emissions may be
    (2) The station does not transmit
    one-way pages; and
    (3) The station transmits with no
    more than 5 watts ERP
    AS FAR AS PAGING this is the definition.
    § 95.27 Paging receiver description.
    A paging receiver is a unit capable of
    receiving the radio signals from a base
    station for the bearer to hear a page
    (someone’s name or other identifier
    said in order to find, summon or notify
    him/her) spoken by the base station operator.
    so by this definition this should answer your question about a PAGE
  3. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from Durake in New to GMRS   
    I for the like of me couldn't see a 15 minute rag chew......
  4. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from jmoylan69 in The Don't Know, Don't Care Group (DKDCG)   
    Uhmmm maybe that would make a great call sign in DX...
  5. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from PRadio in New to GMRS   
    I for the like of me couldn't see a 15 minute rag chew......
  6. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from Logan5 in The Don't Know, Don't Care Group (DKDCG)   
    yep I can see it this is delta kilo delta one Charlie gulf northern Maines don't know don't care station cq cq...
  7. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from Logan5 in The Don't Know, Don't Care Group (DKDCG)   
    Uhmmm maybe that would make a great call sign in DX...
  8. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to PastorGary in Staff Addition, March 23, 2017   
    We are pleased to announce the addition of a new Moderator here at the Forum. Scott (Jabber717) has agreed to assist in Moderating at the MyGMRS forum. We have been registering many new members at the Forum each week and we felt that an additional Moderator was needed at this time.
    Thank you.
    Pastor Gary on behalf of -
    The MyGMRS Forum Staff
  9. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to WQYC236 in The Don't Know, Don't Care Group (DKDCG)   
    This is an update on the DKDCG guy I wrote about earlier. I was back in the same town on Saturday and sure enough he was still there "warbling" through all 22 FRS/GMRS frequencies! I was actually trying to have a LEGAL conversation with my grandson on his new GMRS hand held radios about three miles away and finally had to sign off because of this idiot.
    His standard operating procedure is to "warble" twice on each channel and then move to the next until someone responds to the noise. If someone answers, he always says the same thing "I didn't know this radio was working", and then proceeds to move through the frequencies again. This went on for the entire two hours that I was there. Never underestimate the power of stupid people with time on their hands.
    He did mention the apartment complex he lives in so we may be getting closer to a lawful solution to what is becoming a bigger problem.
  10. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to 6040 in zello app linking   
    After some unsuccsessfull attempts on an RF link, I have been giving some thought on this as well. There are a few repeaters in my area using Zello.  
    i think its a great idea if you can link local repeaters together to gain more coverage. Myself, I'm not into the phone app stuff, I'm into radio's, if i have to use my smart phone to make a contact, why dont i just call you on the cell.....just my thought
  11. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from Logan5 in Part 95 Repeaters   
    That would take away the fun of my Santa sleigh up in the air at Christmas time... Code? Wow I'm glad I don't live in an area that picky. Never had one at my house lol! Just 5 bucks for a permit to build And none needed for an antenna tower!
  12. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to WQYC236 in The Don't Know, Don't Care Group (DKDCG)   
    Ha! If I have another conversation with him I may tell him he made the big time on MYGMRS! 
  13. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to zap in Idea for building Part 95 compliant repeater   
    The problem with the Maxtrac, the PA actually backs down in power based on a timer in the logic board. The GM300 on the other hand used a thermistor to control power. 
  14. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to WQYC236 in The Don't Know, Don't Care Group (DKDCG)   
    Speaking of the unlicensed, I'd like to expand that term to the "Don't Know, Don't Care Group"  (DKDCG)! I spoke to one of these on Saturday while I was in a small town of about 30,000 people near me.
    I had the radio on scan when I heard that annoying warbling sound produced by somebody hitting the "Call Button" on a walkie talkie. If that wasn't annoying enough, the scanner was following him up through the channels, one, two, three, four, etc. After listening to him move through all the channels twice, I thought maybe someone was actually in trouble and trying to find help on any possible channel. I identified myself and asked if someone needed assistance. The response was "No, I'm just trying to see if this radio works". 
    To make a long story short we talked for maybe 3 or 4 minutes while I explained to him (obviously an adult male) about licensing and the power and channel restrictions. I encouraged him to stay on the FRS only channels if he wasn't going to get a license and to especially avoid the Repeater channels, explaining that he could be interfering with legitimate communications. He responded with short, unintelligent answers. I finally signed off and went back to scanning mode, only to hear him back on the repeater channels warbling through every frequency, just as if nothing happened!

    ​The famous turn of the century evangelist Billy Sunday once said, "Anybody can get born again, but stupid is forever"!
  15. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to SteveC7010 in What are the rules for setting up a GMRS repeater   
    The license question has already been answered for you several times. No need to keep posting the same question in different threads.
    For the rules: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2009-title47-vol5/pdf/CFR-2009-title47-vol5-part95.pdf
    Read back through some of the threads here. Part 95 has been extensively discussed on this forum. and those threads should answer most any question you might have about iterpreting the rules.
  16. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to coryb27 in NEW GMRS RADIO!!!   
    I checked and it is able to be programed to use DPL 263. in your DCS table select number 47 on your TX channel.
    I found this in appendix C of the manual along wiht instructions on how to program it.
    I think you are talking about my repeater in IL, if so feel free to jump on. No permission required I have it listed public and encourage its use.
    I wrote this up a while back  https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/592-rebuilding-the-chain-o-lakes-repeater-ingleside-il/
  17. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to rdunajewski in how can a GMRS repeater be built or bought with part 95 compliance?   
    I and others on here are of the opinion that any Part 90 gear that meets the technical requirements in Part 95 (which virtually all do today) is okay to use on GMRS when operated within the appropriate limits. I know you mentioned Part 95 specifically, and there is still a legal gray area on what I just said above. The issue is that there isn't a lot of equipment available that is certified for GMRS to the extent that the Part 95 rules are a major hinderance to the service.
    Following the letter of the law, then you should only use Part 95 equipment. However the rules exist to set minimum technical requirements and modern Part 90 radios are compliant and worthy substitutes (in many cases also exceed the specifications of Part 95).
    From an enforcement standpoint, it's really a non-issue. I've seen no reports of the FCC taking issue with a Part 90 radio, being operated correctly (i.e. within proper power limits), on GMRS. There is no way to tell aside from a station inspection that the radio is not Part 95 compliant.
    I'll stress once again that this is opinion, but it is a prevailing opinion in the community it seems.
  18. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to dgnielson in UV-82C VFO Problem   
    It is the same procedure. Make sure you hold the MENU button down until the radio beeps, about 2-3 seconds after the radio turns on.
  19. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to PastorGary in Using Repeaters for GMRS Calls - Greenville, SC   
    Accuracy of the data in the main repeater website is the responsibility of each system owner to maintain.  If anyone sees a listing that is out of date or otherwise inaccurate, please use the REPORT feature for that listing to mention your observations to Rich D.  Only Rich can deal with those listings.
    Thank you.
  20. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to PastorGary in CDM750 Lowband 29-36 60W 4Ch   
    I was licensed for operations on two of the Part 90 frequencies using AM - just above 'CB' and just below 31 MHZ for many years.  It was OK, but during the peak of the 11 year sunspot cycle, the frequencies were a bit noisy with other stations from all over the US "skipping" to my location.  That is the primary reason that most Public Safety agencies that were on low band in the 50's, 60's and early 70's, went to VHF.  I still have the commercial EF Johnson Messenger radios and even though they are tube type, they are still type certified and still operate as designed (into a dummy load for testing only).
    These days, with very few stations using low band - it might be a good place to go for Part 90 licensing if you want to be under the radar for some reason. My equipment was AM and worked better than some, because the AM system did not demodulate skip FM signals very well, so the interference to my system was minimal.  Mobiles with a 5/8 wave base loaded antenna would net roughly 20 to 30 miles mobile to mobile and 40 + miles mobile to a simplex base. Never needed a repeater with that type of local coverage.
  21. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to rfmedic in New guy in NYC   
    Myself and JohnE are the two big techies for the NYC area with wide coverage repeaters if you have any questions... Welcome to GMRS!
  22. Like
    mainehazmt reacted to cdesigns in R1225 Build   
    You can send me one of those R1225, I will test them   
  23. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from jwilkers in Ham Frequencies set to transmit but no license   
    the test bank questions and answers are on line most people one day of reading them then next day taking the practice tests will have you passing. You can pass it I did so anyone can!
  24. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from Logan5 in Ham Frequencies set to transmit but no license   
    the test bank questions and answers are on line most people one day of reading them then next day taking the practice tests will have you passing. You can pass it I did so anyone can!
  25. Like
    mainehazmt got a reaction from chiefeis in Ham Frequencies set to transmit but no license   
    the test bank questions and answers are on line most people one day of reading them then next day taking the practice tests will have you passing. You can pass it I did so anyone can!
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