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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. Ah, the McDonnell-Douglas NOTAR-ubicon. Pretty fancy engineering there.
  2. Ham Radio Crash Course! Except the chicks part...
  3. Instead of a $499 RINO, I will just tell my buddies to stay in the same vehicle as me
  4. I wonder if the frequency limits setting has anything to do with this?
  5. But that's how I vetted all of my blind dates hahaha
  6. Don't presume that because someone near you has a license, that they are active. I have GMRS and HAM General licenses, and I hardly ever turn my radios on
  7. It's easy to find when I lose it lol
  8. That is a pretty sweet call sign.
  9. I started with the Baofeng UV-9G, which is good for the price. Then I went to the Wouxun KG-935G Plus, and that changed everything. Now I am addicted to Wouxun (my HAM HT is a Wouxun KG-UV9D Mate). You have to decide if waterproof is a goal and/or signal clarity and/or features, etc. It is a quite a rabbit hole to go down.
  10. I am using a Tram 1181 140mhz-170mhz + 430mhz-470mhz Dual Band NMO Antenna that I am pleased with.
  11. Your repeater needs an intervention.
  12. Josh at Ham Radio Crash Course is releasing a video? I love that guy. Oh, awkward. You said GMRS.
  13. I have some radios without NOAA, but I just added the channels. Easy enough. I do like the weather alert feature on the radios that include it though.
  14. I have Windows 10 on this computer
  15. After install, I also see it in my menu list: it also shows in here: C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\chirpwx.exe
  16. When I went skydiving, the maneuver was "don't throw up"
  17. Sure, they must have been Midlands!
  18. Agree, but that was 100% on the engineer. He chose to respond.
  19. Could it have been FRS channel 10 instead? Hard to say, since both services limit 0.5 watts on that channel.
  20. There isn't one above Amateur Extra...?
  21. No, the cable is attached to the NMO mount itself. I got it on Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CRBV71V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  22. That's what I get for pulling an image from Midland lol
  23. I have that same antenna on an NMO magnetic mount on my car roof. I like it a lot. So does my garage overhang.
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