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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. I purchased this from Powerwerx instead and kept the best of both worlds:
  2. Interesting: did you have any problems installing the proper driver for Windows 11? Mac? Do you use CHIRP and the manufacturer's CPS software?
  3. What style programming cable does the 778 use? Also USB to RJ-45?
  4. Do you have the 779/DB-20G as well? If so, can you contrast them for us? Why can you not settle on a CP?
  5. I have no experience with them, but many claim that the Anytone AT-778 and its Retevis clone are CHIRP compatible. I suspect given the serial protocol problems listed on the CHIRP thread, the DB20-G may never be CHIRP compatible. I keep a library of different CodePlugs for various uses; most famously a GMRS Part 95 compatible one for when it has been "opened"
  6. Yes, the UV-21 appears to be one of those new-fangled dual vfo screen HTs; none of which I have any experience with now, nor do I expect in the near future. I am pretty much maxed out on GMRS radios for my use case. It could be that Baofeng software for these radios will not run on Windows XP and may require Windows 10 or 11. Did the programming cable come with your purchase of the UV-21 or are you adapting one from another radio? I would suspect that this radio will get CHIRP support sooner than later and that will work directly on your M1 Mac.
  7. What's your radio? I was always a Mac Guy in a PC, then Windows World, so I got to know how to co-exist! When I had my iMac G5, I ran Windows with either SoftWindows or VirtualPC; can't remember which. It came preinstalled with Windows XP. I extracted that copy of Windows XP and with my Microsoft License, I have used that copy for about 20 years now in various installations of Boot Camp and Parallels to program those radios that only work in Windows.
  8. Except that you are BOTH in Utah! Seems to be MORE than just a coincidence! hahaha
  9. Having Windoze only radios that need programming and only having a Macintosh, I use the Parallels virtualization program to run Windoze concurrently with the MacOS. There are other virtualization options available, some free, but I have been a Parallels user since my first Intel Mac back in 2006 and familiarity does not breed contempt in my case!
  10. I was not taking "shots" at Utah residents, as your snarky reply implies. I was genuinely curious why the OP cared enough to write the FCC and indeed, THAT can still be a valid question!
  11. Why would a GMRS user in Utah care?
  12. Not sure what you are saying here, but in my experience the CPS code plugs created for my UV-13Pro, get corrupted when I open them up in my Pofung UV-15, which is a clone of the GM-15Pro.
  13. Yes, I also have the cable that uses the stable FTDI chip. I also have a USB to K-1 FTDI chip cable and I made the Miklor K-1 to RJ-45 adapter, so that both cables, the FTDI with adapter and the Radioddity USB CH340 cables work for me in Windows 11. Any working USB cable/radio in a Windows 11 storm!
  14. I assume you mean the DB25-G and I have no experience with that radio. Can that model be opened to the Ham bands? I do have the DB25-D, which is effectively the DB20-G plus DMR Good luck!
  15. Sorry it did not work out for you, but I understand the need to return it within the deadline. Let us know what you decide to use. Good luck!
  16. Interesting. My firmware is 2.34 and I am not aware of any public distribution of version 3.00. I wonder if this firmware requires an updated hardware version of the DB20-G, but I doubt it.
  17. With the power off, hold down the V/M key and turn the power on and let me know which version firmware is installed. Here is my earlier post solving the Windows 10 problem with the CH340 install software that now also works with Windows 11. I obtained the "Anytone 2023 USB driver.zip" software from a retailer who sells the DB20-G clone, the Anytone AT-779UV and it is linked at the bottom of my old post (it works with both my Radioddity DB20-G and my Anytone AT-779UV): Even though you have attempted to install the CH340 before, I suggest you uninstall the CH343 driver and use the linked software to install and try out the CH340 driver again. I think we are getting close...
  18. 9 out of 10 problems with Programming Software on Windows is the archaic system it uses to install drivers. On Windows 11, my Device Manager indicates that I have installed the CH340 driver and that one works. I see your previous post indicates you tried it previously, but... Somewhere on this forum, there is software to install the CH340 driver in Windows 11. I will look for it...
  19. What version of Windows are you currently running? When and from whom did you buy this radio? Have you tried running the Software NOT as an administrator? By “I made sure that the COM port was correct” does the Radioddity software recognize more than one COM port?
  20. The RJ-45 pin out for the DB20-G should be on Miklor but listed for its clone Anytone AT-779UV Let me know if you still cannot find it.
  21. Except that the DB20-G is an RJ-45 connector and not the K-1. is that a “Miklor” DIY cable? They do have a DIY K-1 to RJ-45 adapter which allows my FTDI K-1 cable to work on the DB20-G.
  22. 99 out of 100 problems on the Forum about the DB20-G are “user errors!”
  23. Let me look into my Magic 8-Ball: It say: “You have installed more than one serial driver, and have selected the wrong COM port in the Radioddity CPS software.”
  24. No mobile is allowed to transmit on Channels 8-14; HTs @ 0.5 watts only!
  25. My mistake, I guess, for reading your comment: "since I never had much luck with the manufacturer/model specific software from Radioddity for any of my radios" as you having problems with your Radioddity radio's Radioddity software. Since you have Baofengs, I understand your attraction to CHIRP as opposed to Baofeng's specific software.
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