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  1. Well just don't exceed the number of fars allowed or you know who might come around and tell you - "NO SOUP FOR YOU!
    5 points
  2. Everyone knows Progresso cans are higher gain give you more fars.
    4 points
  3. Ok. So after digging around some on the roof area and playing around with options I went about 7 inches in front of shark fin. Gave me a few inches of space as buffer from moon roof when opened. I was originally opting for passenger side area between rail and fin to give me more space when I put basket on but I am getting better mileage with it off and use it not like I thought I would. (Kids are bigger and not into camping anymore) the only thing I will add is a piece of loom on the inside and zip tie it to the cross member to be sure to keep it out of the way. Thanks for all the feedback back. It has been about 20 years since I did this and the vehicles back then did not have all theses side air bags and safety features. kevin
    3 points
  4. You definitely have to check the resonance of different tin cans.
    3 points
  5. Man.... this thread has gone to the birds. Literally.
    3 points
  6. Fantastic! Glad to hear it!
    2 points
  7. This seems to have worked. I was able to hear my dad on the repeater. There was a ton of static because of how far away I am from it, but I could hear his voice! Thanks so much for your help, as well as everyone else's. I'll test this better when I'm in better range. But that's the first time I've heard anything other than a beep.
    2 points
  8. Simple was the intent, luckily it is converted now and I have dual band antennas if they ever need to use other bands in an emergency. I appreciate everyone's responses.
    2 points
  9. The channels function independently. The repeater channel has a 5MHz offset programmed in for the transmit frequency. So if both your display channels are set to the same receive frequency, the radio could receive on either one. If the repeater transmits an output tone, you can optionally set a receive tone to know when you're receiving from the repeater.
    2 points
  10. That’s right. Premium members have unlimited reactions. I don’t know what the reaction limit is for standard members. But as I recall it’s not midnight to midnight. Maybe it’s based on Zulu time? Anyway in the afternoon or evening I was able to add more reactions.
    2 points
  11. I believe there is a limit on how many daily reactions you get as a non premium member as far as I know. Premium members do not have the restriction and I often react to a lot of posts when I am reading around here. At least I somehow remember reading that.
    2 points
  12. Yes, I like how you can set up multiple zones with multiple transmitters and get the all the alerts on a single receiver. We went with the handhelds so we can be in the back yard and still know when someone shows up at the front door. Plus being able to use them for personal coms between us if we end up in different areas.
    2 points
  13. Update: I sent radio #2 back to them and they received it today. Within minutes of the tracking # saying it was delivered, I got a call from them saying they already tested it and it was working fine. They connected the radio to their computer and said it read the radio, no problem. Why did you send it in? I explained again all the testing I did with both radios, and two different software/cable packages, and neither would read or write to radio #2. Then he said well... I checked to see if it would read from the radio, but I did NOT check to see if I could write to it. Hold on a sec... Then he said hmmm... I got an error, hmmm... no communication.... port 3.... Being a late Friday afternoon he said he will check it again next week, and if it works he would likely send the same radio back to me and maybe with another cable. Having already told them I used two different brand new cables and software that works every single time with radio #1 but NOT radio #2. They still want to blame the cable(s) I'm using - after having a failure while using their own cable? WTF????? I can't say I'm impressed with their diagnostic skills thus far, but will have to wait until next week to see what call they make on it. But if they send me the same radio back with an internal open circuit (intermittent?) in the radio itself - lets just say I will not be pleased.
    2 points
  14. WRTC928

    Anysecu WP-9900

    I wanted a radio for my truck which I could put somewhere unobtrusive, meaning I needed all the controls in the handset. There aren't a lot of options and the 9900 is the least expensive of them. YouTube reviews were mostly positive, and online reviews were generally not complimentary. Not knowing what to make of that, I rolled the dice and ordered one for $109 on sale from Amazon. For reference, I was previously using a Baofeng f8hp with 10' of coax to a Nagoya NMO-HDG GMRS-tuned antenna. With that rig, I could communicate through the only repeater in my area from about 35 miles away over urban terrain on a good day. I could only get that distance from southeast of the repeater, otherwise it fell to about 15 miles. Upon arrival, the radio itself seemed solid enough with an (apparently) aluminum housing and the microphone/control head has a reasonably solid feel. It appears to be reasonably moisture-resistant with the data and external speaker jacks covered tightly by a door held in place by two tiny screws. Be careful not to lose them. You have to pay for the company's programming software, but fortunately it's Chirp-compatible. The first hiccup occurred with programming. The included cable doesn't work with Windows 11 drivers. Chirp directed me to a site to download legacy drivers which wasn't too much of a hassle and worked just fine. When I downloaded the radio to Chirp, I noticed that the frequencies corresponding to FRS 8-14 were blocked and you couldn't program them in at all. Not that it matters very much, but I like to be able to listen on those frequencies when I work some public events. However, when I cut and pasted the programming from my f8hp into Chirp and uploaded it, they appeared. I had "duplex off" on those frequencies and that transferred too. Note: Even if you have reprogrammed the radio in Chirp, when you download it again, it will show those frequencies blocked. I tested them with an FRS radio and I could hear just fine. Maybe it has something to do with FCC type certification? Regardless, the workaround was easy. The handset screen is reasonably visible, although it washes out quite a bit in bright light. Since it's inside the cab of the truck, that isn't much of a problem. It has the capability to monitor three frequencies at once (!) which I immediately disabled. I set it up with 3 channels I use frequently and can toggle through them using the button on the lower left. Of course, you can punch in any frequency or any channel you have programmed from the keypad, if you want. Interestingly, programming software only gives you the option to select high or low power, but from the handset you can choose low, medium, or high power. At present, I don't have any way to test power, but reviewers have noted that on GMRS frequencies, you will probably obtain somewhat less than the rated 20 watts. Setting volume is a bit of a pain if you follow the instruction manual, but some reviewers found that if you short-press the "power on/off" button which kills the squelch, you can then adjust volume using the "up and down" buttons on the handset, and indeed that worked for me. Some reviewers have reported that sound through the speaker/mic isn't very good, but in my experience, it's on par with most of the other speaker/mics out there. There is the capability to use an external speaker if you prefer. The mic wouldn't reach easily from under the seat to where I wanted it, so I got an aviation radio 8-pin extension cable, and it works just fine. At least one reviewer reported that in use, the radio got really hot, but I haven't had that experience. It gets warm to the touch, but certainly nothing excessive or concerning. As for performance, it seems a bit better than the f8hp but not leaps and bounds better. Of course, power comes in no better than third after terrain and antenna in terms of distance, but depending upon where I am, I get maybe 2-5 more miles over the same terrain and with the same antenna. I do seem to get slightly better clarity both transmitting and receiving, so that's something. Only slightly, but I'll take it. Overall, I'm satisfied. It's not dramatically better than what I was using, but it's a lot more elegant and convenient than a HT bumping around in the cab and the ability to toggle channels from the handset is definitely an improvement. It's not by any stretch of the imagination a high-end Ham or GMRS radio, but what do you expect for the price? If you understand what you're buying and don't expect it to be something it isn't, it might suit your needs.
    1 point
  15. Gotcha, so that means 'both' radios I have have to be set to same repeater channel to communicate with 'each' other (my radios) via the repeater?
    1 point
  16. tcp2525

    Antenna/coax gain loss.

    Very true! I used to make the harness back in the day, but I find power dividers more practical and easier to make. Here's one after being tested on the spectrum analyzer, still has the 50 ohm terminations on it. 432 MHz Power Divider totally sealed and water tight. Modified 3/4" Copper TEE on type "M" copper pipe. 11mm Brass Tubing
    1 point
  17. No, if you transmit on a simplex channel the repeater will not hear it.
    1 point
  18. No radio is fully reliable just like cell phones aren't. Just like anything it's technology and it works great until it doesn't.
    1 point
  19. I missed nothing. Wasn't talking about only forum stuff.
    1 point
  20. I think you missed the point. If a person’s posts bother you, then just put the person on your ignore list. That doesn’t stop them from posting and nobody needs to leave.
    1 point
  21. WRUE951

    Daily "Reaction" Limit?

    I dont think this forum has a quota.. After all, there are a small handful that basically live here, its there life.. So you shouldn't have any problems.... Post away
    1 point
  22. Sounds like he meant to get a simple GMRS radio but mistakenly bought a Ham model. Lucky it could be switched.
    1 point
  23. This is roughly the same setup I use to monitor my two garages that I can't see from my condo. Basically two MURS radios that transmit to a base unit in the house when the doors are open.
    1 point
  24. BoxCar

    Antenna placement question?

    I'd say it doesn't replace the shark fin as it only has the NMO mount and GPS antenna. Most shark fins have 3 or 4 antennas - AM, FM. Cellular, GPS and Sirius.
    1 point
  25. I suspect the author of that quote IS dead!
    1 point
  26. jtuberville

    TD-H3 not in GMRS mode

    Thank you all, for the input. I had mistakenly ordered them in HAM mode. I had been trying to reset using the PTT1 + * Button power on that LeoG posted. What I was missing was pushing the blue MENU button to confirm. I thought the Yes was above the 1 key.
    1 point
  27. I have a couple of Dakota Alert handhelds that are used in conjunction with one of their driveway motion sensors, but I have it set up over my front door to alert me to people on the walkway approaching my front porch/door. That way I'm alerted to delivery drivers dropping off packages but don't bother to knock on the door or ring the doorbell. I can't afford to leave packages sitting on my front porch unattended for very long due to the porch pirate trend. I happen to have a Walmart located at the end of my block and I've also thought about the possibilities that presents as well.
    1 point
  28. LeoG

    TD-H3 not in GMRS mode

    With the radio off press the top PTT button along with the Star button and turn the radio on. The screen will come up with 1 HAM 2 GMRS 3 NORMAL Press the 2 button for a few seconds and it should reboot into GMRS mode. In VFO mode (orange button (every 3rd press)) you can listen to any frequency the radio is capable of receiving. In GMRS mode you can RX/TX only GMRS channels.
    1 point
  29. Just some food for thought.... You might want to put an antenna that is closer to your transmitting freq up on the tower. An SWR of 1.6:1 thru 150 ft of line (you don't say what kind of cable or how old/good of shape its in) is a bit concerning. Depending on the loss of the cable (you can look it up), you will loose a part of your transmitted power going up the tower, and that lower power at the top will see the mismatch at your antenna (SWR), and a part of that reduced Tx power will be reflected back due to the mismatched impendences . That reflected power will also see the same amount of loss going back down the cable to the repeater. This causes the SWR to look better than it really is up there at the antenna due to loss's in the 300 ft round trip. I would suggest getting an antenna that is tuned for your transmit frequency and put it up there if you can get someone able to climb for you, so you can make best use of the power that does get up there. Also while they are doing that, a check to see that the cable is not damaged might prove helpful. A dummy load at the top and a SWR reading or TDR test while you have a climber could be informative. Depending on where the tower is located falling ice , hail, or lightning strikes on the tower could have done something nasty to your cable. Just some ideas for your consideration... I hope its helpful to you..
    1 point
  30. Another question.. when you ordered them.. .did you order it for GMRS or HAM... the radio is the same but comes preset to the mode you bought and comes with antenna that is compatible with the band you chose.
    1 point
  31. One of my favorite quotes: "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
    1 point
  32. I'm sure that birds dancing around on the wire will change the SWR. Now if a person dances on the wire you will probably need new wire.
    1 point
  33. As long as you have at least 6 inches of metal all the way around the antenna mount then you should be good to go. A 6 inch radius is the recommended minimum for a good ground plane. And even "no ground plane" antennas benefit from having a good ground plane.
    1 point
  34. Meaning The Birds Or GMRS Operators - LOL......
    1 point
  35. Depends on if they are sitting still or shuffling around.
    1 point
  36. I have no one on ignore. I'll listen to all opinions. or not.
    1 point
  37. Lscott

    Antenna/coax gain loss.

    https://wd8iel.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Duplexer-Cable-Length-Determination-Procedure.pdf https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/w6nbc-duplexer-book/ch9.html
    1 point
  38. WRYZ926

    Antenna sway

    Fence post can be used safely. You have to be smart about it and make sure each joint is mechanically attached using screws/bolts. And you also need to use proper wall anchors along with guying the mast. There are plenty of old VHF/UHF TV antennas that were installed using fence posts/top rails 30-40 years ago (if not longer) that are still standing. And VHF/UHF TV antennas are heavier and have a higher wind load than any vertical antenna. Again, proper installation is important. And not everyone can afford a tower nor is a satellite j-mount always tall enough. Be smart with your installation and your ill be just fine. PS: You can extend the height of satellite j-mounts using 1 5/8" fence posts and couplers. You will want to use guy ropes/wires when doing so. Here is my 6 band 6m - 20m cobweb antenna on a j-mount that was extended up with a 8 foot 1 /58" fence post. The coupler is properly attached to the j-mount and fence post along with everything being guyed. The cobweb has a lot more wind load than a vertical and it has withstood 50-60 mph winds just fine.
    1 point
  39. Not all "sad hams" are actually hams.
    1 point
  40. This is not the appropriate forum for the above posting. This is a GMRS forum and you should be posting this on a Amateur Radio Forum or Radio Reference.
    1 point
  41. Ummmm... yeah. I've definitely heard that one being used on air before. Those reports remind me of the days when Uncle Sugar wanted you to NARC on your neighbors during the 'pandemic' if they had visitors over.
    1 point
  42. Are you testing with the two handhelds in basically the same location? If so, since the repeater is passing the transmitted audio in realtime it's entirely possible that the audio is getting through, but the nearby signal from the transmitting radio is causing the other radio to desense (or "go deaf"), so it doesn't "hear" the audio coming back. Having done a little testing for/with desense, the behavior in practice is pretty much what you described ...receiving radio shows an incoming signal, but no audio. Unless there's some pretty severe barrier (like a hill/mountain) to the signal (or a pretty bad blind spot near the repeater), getting into the repeater from a couple miles away should be doable.
    1 point
  43. tcp2525

    Antenna/coax gain loss.

    Finally, someone that knows what he's talking about. Hardline is the only way to go. Stop wasting money on LMR-400 and buy the real deal, Heliax. You'll never find LMR-400 on any of my installations. Might as well use RG-8x and generate heat.
    1 point
  44. Have you enabled access to your location from your web-browser/computer?
    1 point
  45. I received a Quansheng UV-K5 (8) recently that worked on 2m, 70cm, MURS, and GMRS right out of the box. I tested it on MURS and it works. And the Baofeng GT-5R that I modified for the 1.25m band that also works on MURS. I really have no use for MURS since no one else uses that band except Walmart. I could have some fun sending Walmart workers on goose chases around the store.
    1 point
  46. WRDJ205

    Base station radio

    Here’s a pic of the painters pole and the base mount I use for it.
    1 point
  47. The RDM models seem to be the favorite at Walmart. When traveling do you use an external antenna? There is a dual band magnet mount specifiy for MURS and GMRS. https://dpdproductions.com/products/dual-band-gmrs-murs-mobile-antenna If you use a duplexer, some adapters and a couple of short jumper cables, you can have both a MURS and a GMRS radio connected to the above antenna at the same time. The duplexer will isolate the two radios so they won’t get damaged during transmission. https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/cma-cf-4160j
    1 point
  48. Willie

    Daily "Reaction" Limit?

    What is the number you are allowed to use on the forums per day? I seem to have exceeded my limit and need to start keeping count. (Too many great posts to discover.) I tried searching the rules and guidelines but haven't been able to find an answer. These emoji things down here in the lower right corner of each post. *****
    0 points
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