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Posts posted by back4more70

  1. 1 hour ago, Sshannon said:

    He isn’t saying that in this particular post; what he posted is the requirement in 95.1761(c).  But he’s using it to support ann incorrect interpretation. We have to consider the paragraph in its entirety.  The buttons on the outside of your 935(g) don’t allow you to program your radio to a frequency capability not listed in 95.1763, so they’re not what this paragraph is talking about:

    You sure? Because:

    Drunk Octopus Wants to Fight (but I do not): 7 Quick Takes XXVI - Catholic  All Year

    🤣🤣🤣 I have been dying to use this image somewhere

  2. 6 minutes ago, foamhand said:

    all programming features need to be internal inside the case on the circuit board for only authorized techs to access.

    Just so I understand, are you saying that radios cannot have buttons outside the case to facilitate programming?  My Wouxun KG-935G+ would disagree.

  3. 1 hour ago, jas said:

    Thanks! Didn't know what that was so I looked it up. That doesn't sound right though.  The reason is that I was mobile and traversed around an 18-mile round trip, going closer and further away from the repeater. Both the RX and TX never wavered, which doesn't sound like picket fencing. If I understand the concept the signals would vary and they never did.

    Picket fencing is when signals are fluttering in and out.

  4. 41 minutes ago, GreggInFL said:

    Question (which may have been addressed in the previous pages, but I'm too lazy to check):  Must one take the tech exam first?  What if one wants to go straight to the general?  Is that a no-can-do, or a sure-why-not?

    Okay, three questions total.

    You take the technician exam first.  If you pass, they offer the general exam right then and there.  If you pass that, they offer the amateur extra exam right then and there.  In theory, you could pass the whole thing in one sitting.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tiercel said:

    At this point, I have two GMRS UV-9G HT that I am very happy with them in general, but for the price, they seem to be an exceptional value.  I also have two ham UV-5Rs HT's that I am sending back to put the money toward something I like better. 

    Bummer you didn't just start with two Baofeng GT-3WP HT, opened up for GMRS 😀

  6. 33 minutes ago, WRQU476 said:

    I wish the FCC required GMRS repeaters to all use a standard tone.

    A novel idea, but that would be the equivalent of having all GMRS repeaters use no tone, which would reduce the available repeater combinations to eight per locale.  In crowded areas this would be impractical.

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