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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. I'm wondering what a "dual power tube" is?
  2. Unfortunately, this cannot be answered until it is actually available.
  3. 307 is close to pi, does this count? https://hls.wyo.gov/307
  4. I scored a Baofeng GT-3WP for $25, normally $31. Is it a great radio? Nope lol, but I wanted one anyway.
  5. Well, I've added the "Wouxun KG-UV920P-A Dual Band Base/Mobile Two Way Radio" to my list for consideration. I have two Wouxun HTs and they are terrific. And, I was able to open up my KG-UV9D Mate to transmit on GMRS for emergencies. I think I read that the KG-UV920P-A mobile can be opened up as well.
  6. Indeed it is a budget radio, but perhaps my UV-17R Pro is a different model, as it will certainly transmit on GMRS. Edit: I can't remember if I used the UV-5R unlock trick on it or not. Perhaps I did.
  7. For my testing, I read the Technician and General instruction books I had several times, then quizzed myself dozens of times to ensure I passed. Some of us have trouble remembering formulas and voltages and frequency bands (oh my!). So when someone complains that folks are memorizing answers, yeah some of us are, and then referring to the source material later when questions arise and more detailed explanations are needed. Same way a lot of us got through college. I imagine.
  8. It looks kinda cool, too bad the programming cable isn't included? But the cable looks like it is reasonably priced so that's nice.
  9. Are they using call signs? I'm wondering if they are goofing around on FRS. Except GMRS is not an unlicensed spectrum. Not a bad idea though, I started my grandson off with FRS so he can start learning if he finds it interesting. We are very much goofing around on FRS with each other.
  10. I has considered the Icom, but after adding in the price of the mounting accessories (sold separately), it made less sense for me.
  11. I am considering replacing my current low-cost mobile radio with a new one. My preference is the Yaesu FTM-6000R with the MARS/CAP mod, but I am also considering the AnyTone AT-5888UV or the TYT TH-9800D Plus. Based on my research, the Yaesu seems to be the front runner, but if anyone else owns any of these radios, would you care to share your opinion? Even though I have my General license, I am only interested in VHF/UHF, and not really into any HF features. Thank you.
  12. I have never encountered any, what kind of problems?
  13. Truth be told, for the price of one of these overpriced units (~$190), you could buy a Retevis RA25 mobile radio, a decent but cheap antenna with mount and cable, and purchase your GMRS license, and still have a few dollars left over for Taco Bell.
  14. I didn't realize my KG-UV9D Mate was superhet, bonus!
  15. GMRS was dead near me so I got my amateur license. Now I have many, many more channels to hear silence on
  16. Heard this a few months ago: one guy: I gave my wife my credit card, but not sure why she wanted it other guy: sounds like idiocy is afoot!
  17. Ditto. I'll probably just walk out the front door so I can watch the military base two miles away get blown to hell, and wait for the shock wave.
  18. Even Amazon? I thought they shipped everywhere.
  19. Hypothetical question: If I run two separate radios in my car (2m and 70cm) with two separate antennas on the roof, would this setup be a problem i.e. overloading or desensing? The antennas would have to be less than four feet apart due to the roof size.
  20. Thanks all. I ended up with a Tram 1181 140mhz-170mhz + 430mhz-470mhz Dual Band Nmo Antenna. Pretty happy so far.
  21. I just realized that my HAM call sign could also be a Grindr call sign. Darn it.
  22. Congratulations on making a great first impression!
  23. I could, but I'm too busy letting my wife tell me how to drive!
  24. Nailed it. There is no universal travel tone. You could set 141.3 and drive past an antenna farm, but if none are set to 141.3, you won't reach anyone.
  25. I was referring to when @OffRoaderX dresses up because he wants to feel pretty.
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